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Show CAN WE BEAT WEBER NEXT TIME? YEA BO! The TIGER WE CAN STILL WIN THE DIVISION!! VOLUME III. OGDEN, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, JAN 17,1923 NUMBER 7 TIGERS LOSE FIRST LEAGUE GAME Weberites Edge In Three Extra Points Weber, showing a little burst of speed in the final minutes of the cage game last Friday night man¬aged to nose out the five fighting Tigers by three points. The game was won in the same manner as Ogden won last year, that is in the last few minutes of the play, and by three points. The . five man defense that Coach Kapple has so effectively taught "Smitty," "Rudy," "Bill," Ben and Bob proved a tremendous hazard for the Weberites. The Tiger crew fought like TIGERS and played exceptional ball,, winning the admiration of the fans, The entire team played unbeatable ball during the first three quarters, ! outplaying the Weber five, both in team work and speed. Lyons made a name for himself in the sport circles with his work on the floor that evenning. Cox played his usual strong game. Martin played the Weberites off their feet with his fast capers. Blackham kept the ball rolling with His brilliant knowledge of the game. ''Smitty," the old reliable, the boy who invented team work, played real basketball, tosing the ball into the Tigers' paws so thick and fast that the Weberites thought there was more than one ball in motion. Although the withdrawal of Martin in the third period hampered the Tigers scoring and diminished their confidence, Peterson took up Bob's part of the game great, scoring two points for the Tigers. Whittier took Cox's place in great style, showing his fighting character from the min¬ute he started until the end of the game. The game was so close that the fans were not sure who was in the lead most of the time. Weber was handed enough chances at free throws to run up a score that would be hard to beat—but, they didn't go through the hoop. Lyons scored the first points of the game by dropping a long one through the basket from the center of the floor. This was the second one for "Rudy," but the officials wouldn't allow the first one to be credited. Budge, of Weber tallied a free throw and a long shot in the last few seconds of the game, making the final points and giving Weber a 25 to 22 victory. WEBER HIGH G T F P Couch, If 4 0 0 8 Budge, rf , 3 16 7 13 Anderson, c._ 2 0 0 4 Halliday, rf 0 0 0 0 Hickman, rg ..0 0 0 0 Price, lg 0 0 0 0 Totals 9 16 7 25 -O-H-S— OGDEN HIGH G T F P Smith, rf j.....—3 9 4 10 Martin, If ------ --0 0 0 0 Peterson, If 1 0 0 2 Lyons, c..„ 5 0 0 10 Ox. rg 0 0 0 0 Whittier, rg 0 0 0 0 Blackham, lg 0 0 0 0 Totals' 9 9 4 22 Referee—Simmons Umpire—Richardson s 1 BOX ELDER CAGERS DEFEAT DAVIS CREW IN CLOSE BATTLE 25 to 26 Davis and Box Elder played their first league game for the 1923 sea¬son last Friday evening.,. Through a dashing comeback in the final min¬utes of play the Box Elder "Hoop Slingers" romped home with a vic¬tory over the Davisites. Although the difference in score was only one, the Box Elderites played for it. Over twenty-five fouls were called on the local players, which'undoubt¬edly helped the Brigham cagers to' win. Each team tallied seven field goals. » Eliason proved to be the star for Brigham and Underwood for Davis. Who they played: Robbins If........ Eliason Underwood rf Facer Randal c.....: ........BOothe Hawdy, ...lg...... Burt Lindford 1 rg Holton Davis replaced Webster for Robbins, Page for Hawdy. Box Elder replaced Reeves for Boothe. Referee, May; Umpire, Maughin. —O-H-S— GIRLS' ASSOCIATION STAGE ASSEMBLY Doughnuts Featured Who was responsible for the last assembly? The members of the Girls' Association plead guilty. It had been only a few days since the girls organized that they attempt¬ed an assembly. Miss Charolett Ferry, the girls' leader, was in charge of the affair. After an announcement had been made by Miss Louise Zeller about the girls' party, the following program was given: A solo by Miss Blanche Walberg, accompanied by Miss Katherine Fish¬er. "Smilin' Thru." A reading by Miss Bonita Scow¬croft, "Tribute to Eugene Field." A talk on Konecay Concert, by Mr. Manning. A reading selection from Pickwick Papers by Miss Virginia Green. The main feature and climax of the affair was the auctioning of the "sinkers" (they sure would sink). Miss Scowcroft, Miss Zeller and Miss Myrene Rich handled the job like veterans, especially when it came to getting the money. A pan of doughnuts and a long poll were ushered onto the stage and the panic began. Our hungry student body president "kissed" the first doughnut and followed this up by getting the next helping. After Marcus had lived through the first couple of doughnuts the rest of the boys became brave and "rangled" for the -famous delicacy. The girls claimed to have honestly cleared three dollars and a half. What they intend to do with so much money is unknown. —O-H-S— In other words, students, you've got to boost your school or you'll never get anywhere in the athletic world or in any other line for that matter. Mrs. Newcomb: "Have you done your outside reading yet? Louise Zeller: "No, it's too cold." OH WHAT A PEP RALLY Another pep rally that served its purpose was held last Friday. Every¬body went away with a spirit that would do justice to any university in the country. The main attraction of the affair was the presence of a goat. Whose??? Webers!! We got Weber's goat if we didn't get anything else. Milton Kreines furnished the fun by obtaining the goat from a neighbor, with the Understanding that no. one should feed it any of Weber's "tin cans." -The students who were loyal enough to brave the cold winter air, and go outside to attend a pep rally, deserve credit. But on the other hand, those who were too uncon-cerned, too lazy and too disloyal, to go outside to practice a few yells deserve MENTION (dishonorable). A few more pep rallies like the last one and we will be able to yell as the student body of the Ogden High School should be able to. —O-H-S— BIOLOGY CLASSES VISIT PACKING PLANT On Thursday of last week, Mr. Smith and his , Biology classes were the guests of the Ogden Packing Company on a tour of inspection through the plant. The students were taken through the building; by a competent guide who explained thoroughly the process of slaughter¬ing and preparing animals for market. One thing worthy of notice was the perfect sanitary condition that prevail throughout the entire building. The girls were exceptional¬ly brave and none of them collapsed when the class was ushered into the "killing room." Some three hundred hogs were killed and the class was fortunate enough to witness this process followed by the various after methods. The animals were pushed along on a continuous chain past some fifteen men, each having a various operation to perform as the animal passes. Government in¬spectors are stationed throughout the departments to protect the people from diseased meat. At the time we saw about ten hogs cast aside be¬cause the inspectors found them tubercular. Thus is Ogden protected and has one of the finest packing plants in the west. —O-H-S— SPONSORS TAKE UP SHOOTING The feminine sex has at last in¬vaded the rifle range! The sponsors have taken up guns. The rifle range in now a hubbub of excitement. Sergeant Halloway has been one man in a thousand to have patience enough to put up with us. Never has he refused to load our .guns,_ en¬courage us, or promise us the things won't "back fire." Casting jokes aside, the girls are in earnest and so far some good scores have been made. Watch the sponsors have an A-l rifle squad, but if you value your life, keep away from the' rifle range when they are shooting! --A Sponsor. -O-H-S— Mrs. Coolidge: (in history) "Here are some Louis XIV coins." At Wolfer: "That's nothing. I have some Adams chewing gum." ASSEMBLY SPONSORED BY COMMERCIAL CLUB Leon Keller, representative of the Commercial Club, ran the pre-Christmas assembly almost as well as the regular skipper. As we entered, carols sung by the Glee Club, partially subdued the up¬roar that inevitably attends our en¬trance into assembly. The Girls' Glee Club quartette sang several carols as an opening number. The Reverend Hyslop, whom we have heard often, but not this year, gave a "sugar-coated sermon" on the meaning of Christmas. The Holy Day has been" reviewed from almost every conceivable angle, but the Rev¬erend gave us a new and vital light on the subject. As a fitting end of his speech the glee club sang "O Little Town of Bethlehem." j Mr. Overton Zinn, the famous Og¬den High- pig-skin chaser, was well started on an interesting comparison between modern Christmases and those of his boyhood, when Mr. El¬more Smith, noted moleskin per¬former, rudely interrupted. It seems that Mr. Zinn said something about there not being a Santa Claus and it nearly broke Mr. Smith's young- heart. He vented his disillusionment in audible tears. Mr. Merrill called him down, right before everybody and invited him to do better than Mr. Zinn was doing. Mr. Smith, al¬though bashful, struggled bravely to prove that there was a Santa Claus, when a letter from old St. Nick proved his point. When our faith in I the Father Noel was affirmed, Mr. Smith took his seat, triumphant. Mr. Merrill wished us a Merry Christmas and a good holiday and we wished them back. And there was that. —O-H-S— "C" COMPANY WINS GUIDEON "C" Co. won the guideon for the month of December by an average of 98.8, Co. B came next with a close average of 98.7, while Co. C followed with a percentage of 98.6. The cadets have taken special pains this last month to improve their companies and the rivalry between them has been keen. —O-H-S— OGDEN DIVISION LEAGUE GAMES January 12 Ogden vs. Weber Bear River vs. Boxelder 19 Boxelder vs. Ogden Weber vs. Davis 26 Weber vs. Boxelder Davis vs. Bear River 30 Bear River vs. Ogden Boxelder vs. Davis February 2 Ogden vs. Davis Bear River vs. Weber 9 Weber vs. Ogden Boxelder vs Bear River 13 Ogden vs. Boxelder Davis vs. Weber 16 Boxelder vs. Weber Bear River vs. Davis 23 Ogden vs. Bear River Davis vs. Boxelder March 2 Davis vs. Ogden Weber Vs. Bear River —O-H-S— Chemistry Students Beware! A jolly young chemistry tough, While mixing a compound or stuff Dropped a match in the vial, And after a while, They found two front teeth and a cuff. SENIORS! SEE "MILT" KREINES ABOUT YOUR PICTURES |