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Show High School Schedule Out Will register pupils tomorrow and Saturday Thurs. Sept 4-24 Registration for Ogden High! school takes place tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday. The following only are received at senior high school: Tenth (b), eleventh and twelfth grades. All beginning tenth grade students will be accommodated at the four junior high schools, Centrol, Lewis, Washington and i Mound Fort. Tenth (b) will register Friday morning, September 5, from 8 to 12 o'clock. Juniors, Friday afternoon, 1 to 5 o'clock. Seniors, Saturday morning, September 6, 8 to 12 o'clock. All students who expect to at- I tend high school must register on j the days and hours designated so that the work may begin prompt ly on Monday, September 8. Late comers retard class work and j cause endless confusion, i A fee of one dollar will be re- i I quired of any applicant for regis- I tration after September 6. HOW TO REGISTER j The following registration plan : will be followed: Students will I call at the office and fill out card, giving name, age, classification, etc. They will then be given a ( program of class recitation, ana ; a provisional registration sheet. Each student will fill out this ! i sheet. He will then secure the signature of each class teacher : under whom work is to be taken. (Teachers will be found in their : j respective classrooms.) When completed the sheet will ; i be handed to your second hour ! I teacher (advisory teacher). (Make and keep a copy of pro- gram for. your own reference). 11 Do not register for more than :! four and one-half units. ! j On the registration sheet stu- 1 j dents will find an outline of ! courses, required subjects for dif- ! ferent courses, elective subjects; j etc. It is recommended also that so j far as possible students should j elect two or three units of vo-j I cational work during their high I school course. I Students Who are reasonably certain that they are going to col- j lege should be sure to meet the entrance requirements of the college they expect to enter. Moet colleges require at least three units of English, two units of history, two units of mathematics, two units of science and two units of language. . EDITORIAL QUOTED Apropos the opening of schools an editorial in Colliers' of - September 6 i declared worthy of j careful consideratio a ci e. esy ! ent. It, reads as fololws: ! "With your children once rrior on the threshold of school, all the , way from primary to high school j grades, we again make our an- ! nual suggestion, plea, request, de- ! mand-call it what you will. And ; I that is: "Check yourself up with regard j to what yah are really doing-or j going to do-to co-operate in your j children's schooling, i "Do you know just what they ar§ going to study? "Do you know their teachers 'other than by name, if that? "How many of those teachers j ; have you ever met, and talked with about your children? "How do you know the teachers would consider this a bore or imposition if you've never tried? "How many teachers have you encouraged to talk with you, in ! i case they find your child diffi- ' ! cult "If you find fault with the school methods in your ccmmuni- ' i ty what have you ever done to ; improve them? What are you ; going to do? "In short, as regards the educa- j ! : ion of your children, are you a ! faultfinder, a drifter, or a co- , i operator?" j SATURDAY EVENING, S Sept 6 - 24 Instruction for L. D. S. Students At Ogden High Desired Dr. John A. Widtsoe and Super- intendent Adam S. Bennion of the i L. D. S. schools were visitors at the school Friday afternoon. They were much impressed by the throng of students seeking registration. They were interested in devising some plan whereby L. D. S. students might arrange for re- ! Ugious and moral instruction along ! with their secular studies. Thev expressed themselves also aa desirous of arranging some j plan whereby the Weber gymnasium might be utilised by all the young people of the city. I I The new registration plan wherein each teacher registers ! pupils in his own classes works admirably. An equitable distribu- - tion is made and no teacher is overworked. It is estimated that 80 per cent of the entire enroll- - ment for the year are now registered so that teachers and pwjwAe- will enter vigorously Lafco regular work without confusion or delay at the opening of school next week. Considerable interest has already been iriani.tested in stuant body activities and quite a number or student body tickets have been sold. A delay in the shipment of R. O. T. C. material has occasioned a little delay in the issuing of suits and equipment. Sergeant Mayer reports, however, that uniforms will be given out on Monday and that regular work will begin at once. j1 "The 50 things that teachers j' should know and do," as pub- ! lished in Friday's Standard-Examiner was given to the public that j patrons as well as teachers and t students might know something of 5 the "ways and means" of con- j ducting high school work. WORK COMMENDED. At the last principals' meeting last spring and at the first meet- ' Ing of the new year this week . Superintendent W. K. Hopkins , commended highly the work that . has been done by several Parent- , Teachers' organizations that have . been in operation during the past and urged 'that every school in the , city establish such an organiza- tion. The teachers of the school h;,'e expressed' th'f- ." as read.: to co-operate with an , patrcof the school in such an j organization. , . MANY IMPROVEMENTS ieacneia returning to much pleased tm lied aira" completed by tne bo,j,ra of education during the summer. Among these may be mentioned: The rebuilding, enlarging and strengthening of the bieachers in the assembly hall; the painting, repairing of the chemistry laboratory; the enlarging and rekalso- mining of the art room; the installation of large and beautiful electric light fixtures on the first and second floors and in the office; the creation of a splendid class recitation room out of a part of the cafeteria; the division of the book-keeping room into two nice' comfortable class rooms; cutting down the old-fashioned book-keeping desks into very convenient, comfortable, nice looking tables; the installation of new tables and cupboards in the domestic art rooms. All these improvements are very much appreciated and will contribute to more effectivo and satisfactory wori throughout the school. The popularity and efficiency of typewriting in the school has resulted in the securing of extra machines by the board of education and the employment of an additional teacher in this department. Messrs. Brussaird, Burchell, Kinsey of the janitorial force, and Engineer Armstrong are receiving congratulations for the clean, sanitary condition into which they have put the building during the past few weeks. HANGING PICTURES. Le Conte Stewart is very busy today in hanging the school's art pictures of the school in the new "white way," the main (second) hallway of the building. These add very much to the beauty and "home-like" feeling of the school. ENROLLMENT AT SCHOOLS INCREASES Approximately 8600 students were enrolled in the Ogden city schools Monday and Tuesday. According to an announcement mads today by Superintendent W. Karl Hopkins this is an increase of approximately 100 over the enrollment as announced Tuesday, which included morning registrations of that day only. Additional students are expected to enroll during the remainder of the week, Mr. Hopkins added. FIFTY O. H. S. RULES ISSUED Merrill Compiles Things Teachers Must Know and Do Fifty things for teachers of the Ogden senior high school to know and do were given out as follows by Principal A. M. Merrill today: -STUDENTS. Get acquainted with all students as soon as possible. See good in all of them. Be a friend to each one. Know all possible about every student in your 9:30 (advisory) group, and make up your mind to be of real service to each. Eliminate absolutely ironic or sarcastic remarks to pupils; under no circumstances attempt any form of corporal punishment; never talk about jyur pupils or say unkind things about them. Treat them as you should like to be treated. Mix with students in all social affairs and enjoy their company. Encourage self-government on part of the individual student and of the student body. -TEACHERS. Conserve your energies; take best possible care of your health so that you shall always be at your best. Limit social engagements to week-ends as you expect students o do. You cannot give satisfac- -tory service otherwise. Your school hours are from 8:30 to 3:30 with 45 minutes intermission at noon; be on the job. Faculty meetings are held every Monday from 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Reserve this hour. Be cheerful. Do some correspondence study or systematic work apart from your regular work. You .will either grow or go stale. Support the school administration and co-workers. Do not say anything about a co-worker that you would not gladly say to her. Taboo gossip. Attend all assemblies, unless detailed elsewhere by principal. Look ahead to the spring "Exhibition and Parents Day." j Have somethinggoud. III.-THE SCHOOL. 15. Endeavor by ail possible means to raise the standard of the school and do all you can to make it efficient and praiseworthy. Engage actively in some class or school organization apart from your regular class work. , Attend faithfully to committee as- j signments. Make recommendations to faculty and administrative officers that you think will improve any department of the school. Wherever you are, help to give people with whora you come in contact a better, clearer understanding of aims and ideals of the Ogden High school. Hand to the Principal frequently little "write-ups" that are enlightening and interesting to patrons, for publication in O. H. S. notes. IV.-YOUR WORK. -Regard your work as the ! most important job in the world. - Delight in it or acknowledge you C have missed your calling. 5 20. Plan daily; preserve a complete plan for each course. 21. Remember always you are teaching boys and girls, not sub- , jects. , 22. Study ways and means of ; securing widest possible participation of students In both pirep- j aration and recitation, i. e.p social- ? ize. Be neat and painstaking s , and require same of students. I Recognize that you are a , part of the entire school and that - your duties are not limited to 8 class recitations. Arrange to be free between classes and supervise- passing of students in hall,way, near your room. 2 6. Make your class room as neat and attractive as possible. See that your room is in perfect order when leaving-windows closed, blinds drawn, desk clear, etc. Make reasonable assignments and see that they are kept. V.-RECORDS. 9. Regard a neat, accurate, complete record aa of paramount importance. 0. Call the roll at the beginning of every class; requiring written excuses for absences, and listing on absent report sheet the names of pupils absent. At, the beginning of fourth and seventh periods put absent reports on nail or receptacle outside of door. Record grades frequently. At the end of each term (six weeks) have final grades and absences of all students recorded. 3 3, Report, on semester cards, i all students (advisory group excepted) to advisors. Put these f cards in advisors' box on Monday i of each new term, j 34. On first Wednesday of each ! ' new term send complete reports ofadvisory group to parents, and i see thai they are returned, p'rop- f erly signed by parents on or be- 1 fore Friday. 35. Send report of advisory group to office nut later than 1 Wednesday of each new term. -.3 6. The day following assem- : b!y make record of advisory j group . attendance at same. a) For absence on regular i i class roll. 1 VI.--RULES, REGULATIONS. 37. Pupils leave and enter all rooms quietly and maintain decorum in hallways. 38. In passing through hallways, keep to right, and moving 39. In passing from second to third floor enter stair next to wall; the same rule regarding the passing from third floor to second. 40. Whistling in school build- 1 ing is always out of order, except perhaps as a part of yell in rally I assembly. I 41. Pupils must be prompt 1 and regular in attendance, if they expect to succeed; work must be I kept up to date; tardiness in meeting assignments will not' be 1 tolerated. I 42. Classes are not to be dis- f missed except at ringing of bell or other signal. : 43. Fire rule regulations are ! to be posted in some conspicuous j j place in each room. 1 ; 44. No pupil may take more I than 4 12 units of work, unless all 1 grades the previous semester are I G or above. a 45. Pupils doing E work ma |