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Show "In the Hall" (Assembly). Pass in and out very quietly, there should be no scrambling for what may be thought desirable seats; no high-pitched conversation; no hilarious exchange of greetings. It is absolutely essential that the speaker on the platform should be the only one. No mat- j ter how dull he may seem tOj you, he is guest of the school, and deserves polite attention. S. Control any tendency to restless movements. _JLt is just as hard for other boys to sit still for an hour or so as it is for you. 4. When there i3 a lull in the proceedings, do not feel that you have the right to relax completely, to take part in a skipping dialogue. Remember that since you are one of the thousand or more in the audience, you must, like every one else, practice the most ! careful-even severe-self control. The Stellae club was giving a star matinee dance this afternoon in the gymnasium from 3 to 5 o'clock. ASSEMBLY At the assembly today the loi- lowing program was arranged: Saxophone solo, Sidney Badcon. Vocal solo, Franklyn Richards. Reading, Eleanor Newey. Yell contest, testing and judging of new yells. THEY SAW BOTH Colonel Dougherty and Lieutenant Cannon of Fort Douglas i visited the high school Wednesday. They expressed a desire to J see the 100 per cent target that j Laurence Skeen shot on Wednesday. Captain Dockler told them he had comething else very wonderful for them to see, so he took them to his home and showed them his wonderful baby girl. THE SPIRIT THAT WINS There is at least one girl in the high school that knows what' she wants and is going- to get it. She found herself registered In a class where there were 3 3 boys, but no girl but herself. Did she drop the class and run away? Not at all. She wanted that subject so she is just Staying "put." That's the spirit. WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND The teacher started up the aisle, with an expression somewhat akin to one that adorned Dempsey's face when he "pasted" Firpo. Why had I "bounced'1 that tin foil off my classmate's; ear? The only thing- to do nov was to put on a disguise, So 1 started studying "furiously." Bu! the grim reaper was still ap- proaching, as a hasty glancproved. Charles, the boy wh! i . was sitting with me, turned palt and tried to hide in his desk' But the footsteps were still near- ing. I expected violent hands to descend on my prson at any moment; "Here it comes," I thought as I heard the rustle of skirts, but: being all intact I looked up and- and she passed on. JULIAN LAUGERICA. "HAND TRAINS THE MIND" Hon. Jomes J. Davis, secretary of labor, tells this interesting story of his boyhood: "I started to school in Wales when I was four years old. By the time I was six I thought I knew more than my teacher. This shows about how bright I was. The teachers j had forbidden me to throw paper wads and spit-balls. I thought . I could go through the motion of throwing a spitball without letting it go. But it slipped and j I threw the wad right in the j teacher's eye. I told him that it, was an accident, that I had merely tried to play smart and had overreached myself. "Being smart is a worse fault," he said, "than throwing spitballs. I forgive you for throwing tne spitball, but I shall whip the smart aleckness out of you." GIVEN STRAPPING He gave me a good strapping and I went home in rebellion. I told my father. I wanted him to whip the teacher. Father said: "I know the teacher is a good man. I have known him for years, and he is honest, he is just, he is kind. If he whipped you, you deserved it. You can not sea it that way, so I am going to whip you myself." Tie thereupon gave me a good whipping, and strange to say, it convinced me that he and the teacher were right. They say that "the hand educates the mind," and I can here testify that father's hand set my mental processes straight. From that day I never have been lawless in school or out. The shame of my father's disapproval jolted me so that I decided ever after to try to merit his approval. THE PURPOSE OF THE HIGH SCHOOL English Aims. English is regarded and probably rightly as the most fundamental and basic of all instruction in American schools. It is our one chief tool. One's knowledge is useful in proportion as ne can express it. Language is the common universal mode of expression. One's use of his vernacular is the commonly accepted test of his education. If he can spea correctly and well, he is considered educated; if he cannot express himself with grammatical precission and exactness he is adjudged illiterate, uneducated. This was illustrated only last week when the president of thek United States broadcast an address and was most severely criticized by the press for the mispronounciation of two words. It is regarded as inexcusable for one who is so prominent to be so deficient. A prominent man in Ogden is criticized every time he opens his mouth simply. because he is aTj fountain of ungrammatical English. One of life's chief pleasures is the ability to express with satisfaction, efficiency and beauty, one's thoughts, feelings and emotions. So long as one lives, he may grow in power of expression. Youth, however, is the time when growth is most rapid and satisfactory and he who is wise will devote his early years to the development of this most marvelous power. FOR SIX YEARS This opportunity is furnished in the "high school. Daily study and recitations in English recommended for the full six years in high school. Five years' study is required. The main objects in ,ail these year3 is to learn to speak and write correctly. In addition to this one is trained to do these two things forcefully, logically, beautifully, and to appreciate these qualities as represented in the speech and writings of others. This requires a keen analytic mind that is capable of discovering the elements which make up these j qualities. No subject is better fitted to make one think and think : straight than English. English work in school concerns itself with the securing of a large vocabulary with ability to sepp all the words one may Use, with the Classification of all words according to their use, with the I kinds of sentences, with, the ele- S ments of sentence structure grammatically and rhetorically with the forms of discourse, the different j kinds of poetry, etc., all with a view of learning to speak and write with accuracy, precision and beauty, and, to appreciate the grandeur and the glory of ourj mother tongue. If the results that are attained in the teaching j of English are unsatisfactory, may it not be due largely to the fact I that we have not yet succeeded in converting the students to the values and pleasures to be obtained from intense and interested (study of the subject? Feb-6-1925 Ogden High School Notes All patrons of the high school are cordially - invited to the reception in their honor tomorrow (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock in the high school auditorium. Personal invitations were sent to each through the advisory group, but if any parents failed to get J them, kindly accept this as an invitation. PRIZE YELL At Thursday's assembly the following yell, submitted by Delbert Poole, won first prize-five dollars: 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 4, who for Who we going to yell for? O G D E N That's the way you spell nt This is" the way to yell it- OGDEN. The second prize was won by Forbes Campbell and the third one by Harry Thomson. These were three dollars and two dollars, respectively. A. C. TONIGHT Tonight at 8 o'clock O. H. S. meets the Utah Agricultural college Freshies on the local floor. It will be a very interesting game. THE CADET HOP ! Two weeks from tonight occurs one of Ogden High school's great annual functions-the cadet hop. This year the non-commissioned officers will give the drill exhibition. The boys have been practicing recently and will be pre- ; pared to give a fine account of j themselves. The band, too, will , be prepared to render the usual ; high class music. INFORMAL RECEPTION An informal reception will be given to the patrons of the Ogden High school tomorrow (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. A shoi program, consisting of music, recitation and dancing, will be given. This will be followed by a "get- acquainted" interval, a grand march, some dancing, refreshments, etc. The affair is arranged by the Faculty Women's club. The committee says', "We want a feeling of informal, gladsome hospitality to prevail. SCHOLARSHIP PRIZES Chemistry students are busy i putting the finishing touches on their essays required for credit in chemistry this year. The best of the essays written are to be entered in the national essay contest and we confidently expect to win some of the prize money. Besides district cash prizes there are six college scholarships offered and we are really hopeiul of winning in the grand prize division. At any rate the students seem to be taking the matter seriously. HAM AND At the invitation of Wayne Iverson the Ham And Radio club held their weekly meeting at Mr. Iverson's residence on North Washington avenue. Three new members were voted into the organization. Wayne has a wealth of material at his house to interest the "dyed-in-the-wool" ham,- including several receivers of different types and a "cheese box" transmitter, declared some time ago by the inspector to be a nuisance. A word about Mrs. Iverson's baking must also be-added at this point. D'Orr Cozzens demonstrated to the interest of the members a "tin-can" crystal set, a favorite child of his fertile brain. The boys voted the radio "lizzie" a great success. We promise great things for D'Orr. Really, the evening was a great success. We are very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Iverson for their real interest in our club. OF GREAT INTEREST. The following letter received at the High school Thursday is of great interest to Coach Kapple and the basketball team as well as all Ogden fans. Principal Ogden High School, Ogden, Utah. Dear Sir: "The Boosters' club of the University of Colorado announces its first annual Rocky Mountain Basketball tournament and convention to be held in Boulder during the week ending March 14, 1925. Eight or ten teams will be asked to attend this tournament and convention, four or five of which will be the championship teams of Wyoming, Utah, Montana and Idaho, and the rest will be Colorado teams bidding both for the state and conference title. "It is the purpose of the club at this convention to promote interest in high school athletics in a way which it is impossible to do at an ordinary intersectional basketball tournament. Well known coaches and authorities on athletics throughout the west will be procured to I give short talks on athletics and high school relationships in a series of short meetings which will be held for the benefit of the guests. "This new plan had its origin in the rather unsatisfactory way in which high school athletic tournaments are conducted throughout the country, due to the fact that little or no real benefit is obtained by anyone but the participants themselves, inasmuch as it is largely a matter of individual experience. Even this individual expe- ; rience may be lacking in cases where a team is eliminated in the early rounds of the tournament. This condition, we believe, can be largely remedied by the convention type of tournament, where every man will be able to carry something substantial back with him for the good of his school. "All meetings will be carefully scheduled so that the combined convention and tournament will not take any more time than the ordinary tournament takes, and to this end will be made very short and interesting. "Will you kindly let us know at once whether the plan meets with your approval, and whether, if successful, you would be willing to send a team to attend it. Railroad fare would be paid to and from Boulder and all expenses while here, for seven men and a coach. "Yours very truly, "JACK SALISBURY, "Chairman of 1025 Basketball Committee." THE PURPOSE OF THE HIGH SCHOOL. 4-The Study of English. , If one were to judge irom the English requirements in high schools, he w?uld be forced to conclude that the subject is of great importance, for three or four years of English are required for graduation from any course offered. What justifies its importance may be answered by reviewing very briefly the extent to which it reaches the needs of the students, and its many phases of possible value. The work divides itself into two distinct fields: Literature and composition. Broadly speaking, . the I aim of the first is to quicken t-he j imagination of the pupil, to open ; up to him the potential significance I and beauty of life in placing be- ! ! fore hirr books which provide en- j tertainment, instruction and in-j spiration for his hours of leisure, j The so-called classics serve as an i introduction to the thoughts of j those who have aittained some- j thing higher than we-for a brief j moment or two, both student and teacher are lifted above the common clay clod thoughts and routine into an atmosphere of appreciation and love of the beautiful. A knowledge of the greatest authors, their lives and works, and the reason for their importance in their age and ours is subsidiary in aim, but worthwhile in the aggregate estimate of results obtained. The second phase divides itself into two equally large fields: Oral! and written expression. The aim j of each is the same, namely, to give j to the pupil command in the art of i communication. In written work, i all expression demands correctness j in details, such as grammar-; spell- j ing, punctuation, sentence construction,' a fairly concise style, knowledge of paragraph construction, etc. Correct English is in a |