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Show Ogden High School Notes We have the best start in bas¬ketball this year that we have a 1 had for several years. The class a series is now practically over, and b it appears that we have a triple g tie, the sophomores, juniors and 3 faculty each having won two j games and lost one: 0 A new recruit was added to the , faculty Thursday night; he proved. ! to be a real star; his name, Captain L. E. Dockler, D. O. L. M. S. and T. Some day after the holiday rush is over the. students expect to give Captain Dockler an assembly period to explain the meaning of a few of his titles j and initials. At the games Thursday night the faculty beat the juniors by a 0 good score, and the sophs beat the a seniors. The president of the Stellae asks 11 that everybody note the spelling— not Stellar, not Stellas, but Stellae. f INTERNATIONAL DEBATE Attention of students, especially n all interested in debate, is called v to the fact that the University of London, England, will debate the s , University of Utah a week from t tomorrow night—Saturday, Dec. 13—in Assembly hall, Salt Lake Ramsay Macdonald, Jr., son of s the famous ex-premier of England, is a member of the London team. SHALL WE BE OUTLAWED? A special meeting of the U. A. A. board of control, accord- fj ing to an announcement in today's paper, is called for next week to ! determine whether East-West-Ogden-Provo shall be suspended from the association. The situ- 1 ation is interesting. ! THOUGHTS ON EDUCATION Every child has a right to a j reasonable education, sound health and a fair start in life. The census of 1920 showed over J 1,000,000 children from 10 to 16 years of age working in the f United States in factories, mills, ( canneries, agriculture, mines and k : other industries, j The idea still maintains in f ; some quarters that a child might ' i go to school, providing there is ; j no gainful occupation during a 1 few weeks of winter. ! Thirty-five states allow children to go to work without a common ' i school education, j Eleven states allow children ; under 16 years of age to work from nine to 11 hours a day. I The kingdom of character education,, is in the hearts, minds and muscles of children, not in gen¬eral precepts or abstract prin¬ciples. The soul of youth is in action, j Nearly every boy is a "self start- er." The muscles of boys and i girls tingle for action. "Doing a good turn every day, practicing the golden rule, giving and taking, respecting other people's rights, being kind and considerate of all, will eventually establish the habit of rendering fit responses in the very nerve centers of their being. ORPHEUM TICKETS At a special meeting of the faculty last night the following principles werl adopted for the handling of tickets for the school play next Wednesday night: K 1. Since all students with stu¬dent body tickets have paid the same amount for the tickets, they are entitled to equal chances for good seats. Therefore all tickets will entitle holders to down- o stairs seats. . b The holders of student body C tickets will draw Orpheum tickets d placed in sealed envelopes. For la the most part th,ere will be two tickets in each envelope, so that students will present student body tickets in pairs for the drawing. The hundred remaining jr seats will be reserved exclusively Q. for parents and patrons. c( All student body ticket holders will draw their seats at the school office on Monday. j. All other tickets will be sold u at the school office on Tuesday and at the Orpheum Wednesday. gj This plan may not be perfect, Q1 but it is at least an attempt to lc give every member of the student body a fair deal. . jr First come, first served, is an sc old custom, but that doesn't make : C( it fair and equitable, especially in tl a case of this sort where the w money has already been paid in. oi Usually when one buys a ticket u: to a theatre, he has the option w of buying or not if the seat of- 0 fered doesn't suit, but in this n case it is not so. tc jst HABIT STRONGER THAN INTELLECT The things we do over and over again become habitual. When an act has become a habit, it is very difficult" to change in spite of good intentions. For instance, in passing from second to third floor of the high school, students have the habit of entering the nearest at hand stair. For con¬venience in passing so there shall be no meeting on these narrow j stairs, teachers have repeatedly told students to "enter stairs next to wall," whether going up or down, but to little avail. Habit stronger than intention faces, seemingly, students to enter the nearest stairway,, and there is still the meeting and jostling. Wouldn't it be worth while, stu¬dents, to form the habit of "en- ! tering the stairway nearest the wall?" j , Zoology students were invited i and urged to hear Mr. Gorst, the j ! world's most famous birdman, j yesterday. Those who attended ! ' enjoyed a rare treat. Perhaps j ; no other man ' will ever be able; to mimic so perfectly all the j birds as does Mr. Gorst. A "Progressive" is a man who j .. has started and can't stop. A "Standpatter" is a man who has j, stopped and can't start. STANDARD-EXAMINER BEATS THEM ALL Roger William. Riis, in a recent j J survey of newspapers, finds that I most daily newspapers devote less than one per cent of their news , space to education. He com- ( plains about this situation, for ( "What," asks he, "can be more important than education? Educational news cannot be drama 'tized, it is true, but it can be important even when the dra¬matic elements are missing." Mr. Riis must have overlooked The Standard-Examiner, in his survey, . as an examination will reveal thefact that this (paper generally, , generously, devotes from three to five per cent of its space to ; school news ,and not infrequently gives even larger space than this. Mr. Riis compliments the Cleve¬land "Plain Dealer" in these words: "In the sadly neglected field of educational news the Plain Dealer is an example. Two Plain Dealer reporters devote most of their time to school news. , One reporter 'covers' the head¬quarters, and another hunts stories i in the schools. Few other metropolitan newspapers cover the ; school system so adequately, or ; bring it closer to the public." "PUTTING IT OVER" I "Say, Bill, I surely put it over j on one of my teachers today. Yah, I sluffed class yesterday and she accepted the excuse I wrote myself. Didn't even kn6w I did it, either." In every school we find the student who "puts it over" on teachers, on the janitor, on his fellow students and eventually on himself. "Putting it over" did not find its origin in modern youth. As far back as 49 B. C. we hear of Caesars fooling Pompey. And do not our own grandfathers re¬late how they put a plate in their breeches before meeting an irate father in the woodshed? However, there is a difference j in a youth of today "putting it over" and a youth of several 1 centuries ago. Our grandsires lit¬tle realized that inherent quali- I ties of such conduct, nor did they know the results to themselves until too late. But we, the youths of today, should profit by the example of our elders. The older generation looks up to us as being better educated and having higher ideals J than they. They have confidence in us! But every time we "put something over" a bit of that j confidence is lost, for they know j that every time we do "get by" with something we lose some of our ideals and self-respect. Event¬ually we shall wake up to find we have been "putting it over" on ourselves. Why not wake up now and realize that if we want to actually "get by" we've got to stop "putting it over." LESTA B. PURCELL. Dec 8 - 26 Ogden High School Notes Another very interesting assem¬bly was held on Friday. There was an abundance of good music, lots of pep in announcements, some fine contributions frcm We¬ber college, in advertisinv. their g-ame, and the speaker, Mrs. Al¬len, from Spokane, Wash., was a huge success. Having lived many years in Persia, and trav¬eled widely, Mrs. Allen has gath¬ered a vast storehouse of exper¬ience which she relates with such humor and zest as to captivate tier audience. C. P. Brewer, who is making i great hit in Ogden in his uni¬versity extension course in sales¬manship, will be one Speaker on Friday of this week. His sub¬ject will be "What,. Tomorrow?" md we guarantee that it will be nteresting and inspirational. SPONSORS' BANQUET. The sponsors' banquet at the Weber club was an outstanding avent of the year in the social calendar of the R. O. T. C. department. The officers and guests j are profuse in their expression of appreciation for this wonder¬ful treat. Student drawing for seats for : the school play is taking place today. Students are being ad¬vised that a section of choice seats is being reserved for the j parents; that these m ty be pur- j chased by the students tor their j parents at school tomorrow. Sale of seats for the general public will he on Wednesday at the Orpheum theatre. CANDY SALE The domestic science girls have j been very busy during the past j week in making fine c.mcbes to ! be sold at the school perform- j ance Wednesday evening. "PERFUNCTORY- PERFUNCTORILY" The above are two words that j every student should know. Otto H. Kahn, one of America's best known financiers, in a taik to jl young business men re-jem'y ad- j vised them that no task should i even be performed in a, "per- ; functory" manner. "However ! menial, however humble your task, 1 do it not perfunctorily," ssys he. j A volume might be written on the wisdom of that advice TABOO TARDINESS Teachers are still insisting that students shall not be tardy at class. Perhaps students feel that the subject is being stretched be¬yond its real importance. We doubt whether this can be done, j for in business- life no virtue is in greater demand than piinc- ' tuality. In a Salt Lake court, the other day a juror was tardy. lie was f severely reprimanded by the judge and fined for contempt of court, j "Young man," said th judge, " You can do what you please , i wipi your own time, but T. want . you to understand that" you can- , not steal the time of this court' V SUCCUMBING TO TEMPTATION. Thawing weather after a snowstorm. Noon hour. An open window with students standing by. j What red-blooded fellow can ; refrain from trying to shoot a j nice juicy snowball through said window at said students'.' Not any it seems; something within j speaks out loud and strong, "Do I it, do it, and do it now." And i yet every generation is learning ! a little more about the grand art of inhibition. j The teachers are now not used j as targets, though, we are told, ' that they were not immune a ; generation ago. A tjicbe-r was! j telling the other day of how,1 when he was a boy, his teacher j j was carrying in an armful of j ! wood at recess time one favor- j ! able day and his back as he en- j i tered the door seemed to say j "Hit me if you can." He tried, j ! but .missed the mark; he did j j pretty nearly as well, however, as I the ball struck the armful of I wood, fairly, squarely and ac- j cording to the law ot" physics, I rebounded in a thousand s.epar- ! ate units right in—well right where he wanted it to. THE PERENNIAL QUESTION. ! In one of the English classes i today the age-old question, "Re¬solved, that the girls should Avear a uniform dress," was debated. It seems that this subject cannot i : be downed, although the custom j i of school girls wearing uniform dress has not taken a very strong : hold of the public schools of the j country. ATHLETIC TROUBLES i The board of control of the j Utah Athletic association reached i no decision at a meeting Sunday night regarding the athletic con¬troversy in the Salt Lake division. A committee consisting of i H. R. Adams, E. F. Gardener, ' Jack Christensen were appointed ; to make an investigation today ! to see if it is not possible to ad- just differences. The board will meet again tonight. GRAND-DADDY NOW j Dad Beeson is the happiest ! man in Ogden today. He's j "Grand-Dad" now to a tine little ! boy in Los Angeles, born on Friday morning last to "Jessie" — (Mrs. Harold Freeman). HALT! j 'Tention ! ! ! Right—face!— aj, ease—place! The Seniors send forth a bold proclamation through the land, i telling of the most important ball j Of the season and inviting all J aspiring gallants, who would be j known, to attend. In a short time, each knight j : and his lady fair will be jour- i neying to the beautiful and fam¬ous hall of Berthana to enjoy the courtly Christmas festival, j The date which, is so honored is December 19, in the year of our Lord, 1924. CARPE DIEM Hi! Girls! Here is something jfpr you. i A new club has been organized at school for girls only, it is a 1 girls' sport club and is called |