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Show j at the option of thf teacher be j excused from examination, but ! are not excused from class room J during the period. 45. Pupils are to show proper respect and courtesy to each and ! every teacher at all times. j Pupils must be prompt; and regular in attendance, if they expect to succeed; work must be kept up to date; tardiness in! meeting assignments will not be j tolerated i If students wish student j activities to "go over" they must do their part-"buy a student body ticket and participate." I Pupils must not drop a i class without the approval of teacher, parent and principal. j Advisory teachers are held responsible for the students meeting the physical education and drill requirements of the school, and all other regulations so far as possible. L.D.S. Urged to Purchase City School Wed. Sept 10 Hopkins Outlines Plan For Getting New High Here Ogden needs a bigger school building program, W. Karl Hopkins, superintendent of the Ogden city schools, told the Ogden Rotary club at the luncheon today. Increased attendance, he said, means that Ogden must construct a new senior high school in order to keep pace with her sister cities. He said that a proposal to sell the present Central Junior High school building to the L. D. S. church schools to be used by Weber college was being considered. In case this deal is closed the present Ogden senior school would be turned into a junior high school and a new structure would be erected on the east bench to cost about 500,000. This structure would be so constructed as to permit additional sections to be made as the increased attendance required. Superintendent Hopkins said that something must be done .in the immediate future, to solve this problem and that action on the I proposed sale of Central Junior is I expected. j He compared the attendance at! I many of the schools with the j marks established last year and said that in every instance except i the Grant increases were noted. Burr Nickle, explorer and motion picture producer of "The Land of Whispering Hope," gave an interesting talk on his travels. All classes met in regular j ! sessions Tuesday-and school j seemed to be running as smooth- ! ly as if it had been in session two weeks, instead of a day. The cafeteria, under the direction of Mrs. Sprague is serving excellent luncheons at a nominal price. Sergeants Mayer and Halloway have issued over two hundred uniforms during the past two days. Every effort is being made to have" the boys in readiness for the National Defense day parade Friday evening. Teachers were somewhat disturbed today by the annual request to fill out the "teachers' registration card," giving history of training, teaching experience, age, etc. Some of the teachers feel that they need not be reminded that another year has been added to their ages. One teacher reported, "I am over 21." PLACES FOR GIRLS. A number of requests have come from good homes In Ogden asking for girls to live in their homes doing a little work mornings and nights or staving with the children during the evening for their board and room. The demand far exceeds the supply. We believe that Weber county girls who have to travel a long way home at night end back again in the morning would do well to consider some of these Ogden homes. It isn't a bad idea for a girl as well as a boy to assume some responsibilities and to help pay expenses. We have graduated some girls who during their entire high school courses have made their homes with Ogden families much to their own advantage as well as the accommodation of the family with whom they have lived. Registration was practically completed last Friday and Saturday, so that real work has begun without delay or confusion this week. We strongly urge that any students who contemplate entering high school during the year enter as soon as possible, as any delay now means a serious handicap. However bright a student may be he cannot hope to do satisfactory work if he ente- school two, three or four weeks late. Many high school subjects are absolutely new to students and those who enter late are tremendously handicapped by missing the introductory work in the new subjects. MIXING SUBJECTS. Extremes are natural and are everywhere in evidence. Some parents insist that their children shall take academic suojects only so that they shall be "prepared for college," - while other say, "we have no use for your academic subjects, we want our boys and girls to take practical wok." In our opinion, both of these viewpoints are extreme. We believe that it is a good policy to mix academio with so-called practical training. We advocate for every girl at least a year each of cooking and sewing during her high school course, and that every boy get carpentry, or auto mechanics or electrical construction or training of that sort. c The enrollment in typewriting is exceedingly heavy. Most everyone seems to feel that ability to use a typewriter is very much worth while. Twelve classes have been organized in typewriting, and practically every section is full. The same seems true with office machine work. About 125 students are being trained on office machines. NEW TEACHERS. ; Thirteen is a lucky number. There are 13 new teachers in the faculty this year and it is hoped that these well trained teachers, coming from far and near, will bring'new ideas, big ideals, and inspiration to the teaching: corps. We introduce these new teachers to the student body and to the patrons of the school. Beginning nearest hme we shall mention first the teachers who have been transferred from the Junior high schools. CLAUDE COREY. Claude Corey, in his transfer . from Central Junior to Senior High, is but staging a "come back," as he was a member of the high school faculty in 1917- 18, when he resigned to help wallop Germany. He served in the . air service of the war department. After the war ended he worked for Ogden city in the engineering department for some time, and, i during the past two years has t taught mathematics and science in . Central Junior. Mr. Gerry, is Ogden man, born and raised here. t A graduate of the Ogden High and the University of Utah and j hopes to make his "alma mater" I a bigger and better school. MISS REVA BECK. . - Miss Reva Beck has also ren- j dered fine service at Central Junior in the oral expression department and will continue the j _ same line of work in the high school. That she will succeed l , is evidenced by the fax?t that near- j . ly 100 students registered in her! . i department on Friday and Saturday. Miss Beck is a graduate , j of the University of California and ! , had two years of successful teach- . ing experience before corning to Ogden. MISS GRACE STONE. Miss Grace Stone is an Ogden j girl who has made good in her , native city, having taught sue- i cessfully in the state industrial school and North Junior High. I Miss Stone will have charg"e of , j the girlsphysical education department of the high school. MISS HELEN GARRISON. Miss Helen Garrison, who will ; teach biology in the high school, . received her training in the public schools of Iowa, Massachusetts " and Nebraska, and the following : . colleges: College of Idaho, Caldwell, Idaho; Reed's college, Oregon, and Des Moines University, Iowa, receiving her baccalaureate degree in the last named institution. Miss Garrison had teaching . experience in Idaho, and taughc science last year in Central Junior. REED GAMMELL. Reed Gammell, who succeeds Lester Hinchliff in the music department, received his training , ' in the well known music department of Brigham Young university ' . at Provo, at the University of . California and at the Chicago Musical college. Mr. Gammell taught I i j in Utah, Wyoming and Mexico be- ; fore coming to Central Junior a j ! year ago. Friends of Mr. Gammell say that he will be a real ! successor to Mr. Hinohclii'f, which I is "nuff said." LEONARD A. ROBINS. , Leonard A. Robins, who will f I teach English at the high school, is a graduate of the University of i Utah and has had seven years' of , j successful experience-five in Davis county and two at Central Junior. MISS EDMUNDS. Miss Charlotte Edmunds cornea to high school after having done post graduate work in the University of California, and having had : five years' teaching experience-- two of which serving as head ol English department in small high schools. EDWIN S. SMITH. Edwin S. Smith, who is to teach chemistry at our school, left a principalship at Grace, Idaho, after -nine years of efficient service. Mr. Smith has taught his favorite subject during all these years and "has supplemented his teaching experience by three summers of post graduate study. MARGARET CORLESS. ! Margaret Corless; who is to j teach in the domestic art department, needs no introduction to the J Ogden people, as she was a pro- I feasional dressmaker in Ogden for ! ten years, before the Brigham City people induced her to take charge of the sewing department of, the Box Elder High school, where she has established an enviable reputation during- the past six years. Miss Corless received her splendid training in England.' MISS MARIAN SIMME. Miss Marian Simme is another Iowa trained girl, having graduated firom Sioux City High school, and the University of Iowa. Miss Simme has had six years experience in teaching, the last five of which were at Central High school, Duluth, Minn. Miss gimme has supplemented her training and teaching experience with travel in Europe and comes to the high school to instruct in the English department. EDITH MERRILL. Edith Merrill, who comes to teach French and Spanish at the high school, comes direct from Paris, having spent more than a year there, most of the time at Sarbonne College, the remainder of the time in European travel. Miss Merrill majored in Spanish and French from junior high, through high school and college, with one year of post graduate work. After college she spent several months in a small isolated Spanish community in southern Colorado and then four months in Mexico City. Her teaching ex- i periene was gained in the Stewart school at Salt Lake City, in the Spanish department of the ; University of Utah, in high schools ! at Price, Utah, and Burley, Idaho. DAVID O. PETERSON. David O. Peterson comes to u from the well known school town ! up in Ogden valley-Huntsville- from which come several well known educators, Henry Peterson, Joseph Peterson, Mosiah Hall, Lottie Hall, the Wangsgard family -including Dave, Ernest, Louis, Louise, etc., and others, which s at least a partial guarantee that he will give . efficient service in the history department of our (school. KEITH WAHLQUIST, The best recommendation that f Keith Wahiquist brings to us is the fact that he succeeds hie" brother John in the commercial and social science department j. Keith is older than John, has tl e reputation of being just as successful as student, teacher an principal, as John; and therefore we believe he will make good, here. it is indeed believed t haf all of these teachers will make good, as they have done elsewhere, and that they will help to make Ogden High even a better school than it has been in the past, Sept 11 24 The following thought was given ' to one of the advisory groups j yesterday. It is worthy of the consideration of every pupil starting out on the year's work: In the race for Success your strongest competitor will be Time -your keenest adversary Ilesita- tion-your bitterest enemy, "Wait j until tomorrow' Just bear that in mind in handling your lessons. Make every minute count, and remember, you can't "put it over" by "putting it off." Students were very much shocked this morning to learn that Mrs. Coolidge, vice principal, was stricken with acute appendicitis and was operated on at i o'clock. That the operation, however, was successful and that Mrs. Coolidge will be able to resume her work in about three weeks was welcome news. The morning periods have been shortened 15 minutes and the afternoon 10 minutes this week to give students some relief in the beginning of the new term and especially during the warm weather. DRILL POPULAR. The popularity and worth-while- ness of R. O. T. C. work is evidenced in the very general demand that tenth grade students in the Junior High and their parents are making upon the superintendent and board of education that arrangements be made for giving it in the Junior schools. A young man, about 25 years of age, who is working down town, made application to Sergt. Mayer on Tuesday to be permitted to take R. O. T. C. work. He explained that he likes the work and thinks that the exercies it gives is thebest that can be obtained. |