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Show Students who get discouraged or who feel they are having bad luck should hear Corey Hanks at tne tabernacle Wednesday night. In fact students who do not get discouraged should also hear Mr. Hanks-just for the inspiration of a most conspicuous illustration of what grit and pluck will do. HIGH SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES. At least once a week, the students have an assemply period. At these assemblies announcements are made, music is rendered, and addresses are given. Speakers frequently feel that students ars young, frivolous, and must be fed up on mush, gush and humor. That this is not really true has been abundantly manifested this year, for speakers have come with grave problems which have been treated , seriously, and they have received! in return kindly consideration, respectful attention and hearty response. The latest manifestation of this was on Friday last when Dr. E. P. Mills talked very earnestly for SO minutes on the subject of the "Rising Tide of Color" and was followed with deepest interest by the students. We are sure that every student was made to appreciate more deeply than ever before, the value of Teutonic inheritance, and the necessity of all-both old and young-realizing the importance of preserving the heritage bequeathed to us, not because we are better, not because we rpust be narrow and intolerant, but simply; because it seems to have fallen to our lot to carry forth the torch of liberty and enlightenment, and because we must not prove recreant to our trust. CAN THE STUDENT AFFORD TO FAIL? Today begins the sixth week. Friday marks its close. This makes the first term of the semester. Teachers will make reports to par- j ents next week of the first term's work. How many students will be reported as failures? Alas, too j many. Most of these will have ; failed simply because they did not try. This will disturo parent it j 1 grieves teachers. Those who are j most concerned will probably care the least-the more pity-because j it means so much to them and they j do not realize it. The much desired situation would be-everyone passed with a satisfactory grade-everyone has i spent the necessary time, put forth the requisite effort. Would to Heaven that the schools had some device, some scheme, whereby every student should be induced to make a success of his school work. Will not some rise to suggest such a scheme? In these days of overcrowded schools the problem of student failures becomes increasingly more important, because funds, equip ment, teaching force do not admil of "repeaters." A repeater double: difficulties because he doubles en rollment; he must receive the same instruction, use the same machine occupy the same classroom space that he had once before and consequently becomes a drug on the school administration. FAILURES EXPENSIVE. The cost of repeaters in all large school systems is very great. Superintendent Webster of Minneapolis says these cost alone last yeai in the elementary schools 300,- 285; in the junior schools, 41,- 085; and in the senior high schools, 194,745; a total of 545,115. 1 his apparently means that one of every fourteen is a repeater in Minneapolis and is probably not a iaiger ratio than in other cities. Possibly no school problem is receiving more attention than this one today, and manifestly it is one that deserves careful consideration. It must be borne in mind, too: ! that the monetary cost and loss is I not -the most important- The big j thing is that the students them- ! selves lose so much in time, in character, in citizenship values, j Truly, there should be no repeaters. School aims to spell success, not for a few but for all. Teachers are not giving tests this week altogether to find out what the students know. Rather, they aim to discover how well they have taught. The first term ends Friday. Re- ports will be sent to parents early next week advising them of the sort of work students are doing. A final check was made Monday on a small group of students who persist in avoiding drill and physi- j cal education requirements. INSIST ON ESSENTIALS Students have been repeatedly advised this year that no student will hereafter be graduated from the Ogden High school unless all requirements are met. Although the elective system is followed somewhat in the high school, there are certain fundamental courses of instruction that all students must take-not by way of punishment nor arbitrarily, but because the enlightened opinion of the country has decided that they are absolutely essential for success in life. WILL WRITE ESSAYS The superintendent and school principa't of Ogden decided at last week's meeting that the sub- ject of "Home Lighting" is of such importance that the junior and senior high schools, at least, should take advantage of the brief course offered by the , National Electric company and enter also a contest in essay writing upon i this subject. The Primer of Instruction and the details of the course were out- j lined this morning in all advisory I periods and students will immediately begin work. The contest , ends October 31. i PRIZES OFFERED Incidentally there are some very valuable prizes offered to students who contribute the best plans and essays on the subject. International prizes: , First prize-15,000 electrical home to be erected from model . plans on lot furnished by winner. Second prizes (1 to boy, 1 to girl)-1200 scholarship in American or Canadian college. Third prize (1 to boy, 1 to girl) -600 scholarship in American or Canadian college? Fourth prizes (1 to boy, 1 to girl-(Same as third prizes, j Fifth prizes (1 to boy, 1 to ! girl)-300 scholarship in American or Canadian college. Sixth prizes (1 to boy, l to girl) I -(Same as fifth prizes..) ! In addition to these are district prizes, including Utah, southern Idaho, Evanstone, Wyoming: Boys. Girls. First prize .. 100 100 Second prize 50 50 Third prize 25 25 Fourth prize 15 15 . 11 Prizes of 10 each. 110 110 300 300 And local prizes for Ogden City: Boys. Girls. First prize 25 25 Second prize 15 Third prize .. „..!... 10 10 Fourth prize '.. 5 5 55 55 THIRD CONTEST This great contest is the third of its kind to be offered by (jjreat industries to propogate information about the industries. First we had the Firestone prizes on good roads. Then prizes offered by the American Chemical society on "Chemistry and Its i Relation to Modern Life,' 'and ; now the National Electrical prizes on "Home Lighting." None of these prizes are offered with the mercenary motive of promoting sales but in a philanthropic spirit of promoting intelligent information about these great factors in modern life. It is announced that the National Electric company is expending nearly a million dollars in conducting this contest. It might be interesting to know who has the most efficient, artis--- tically lighted home in Ogden. This information will probably be made public before this contest is over. A FEW CAUTIONS From a little booklet on "The Proper Use of Light in the Home" the following cautions are repeated: Don't judge the amount of light in a room by the brightness of the bare, unshaded bulbs. That i is the indication of glare. Don't expose your eyes to, !un- shaded lights. That may cause eye strain. ! Don't fcead while facing k bright light or a sunny window. Have the light come from beside you or over your shoulder. Don's use bright lights against a dark background. ; Don't try to read in a dim , light that tires your eyes. Don't let your lighting equipment get dirty. Clean it regularly. Dust and dirt may cause you to lose as much as one-half or , more of the light you are paying for . Don't be. indifferent to the preservation of your eyesight. WHY STUDY LATIN? The convincing reason why Latin must remain in the curriculum is the fact that it is imbedded in the English language. No American student who has avoided Latin can hope to have a full command or understanding of his native tongue.-New York Herald-Tribune. Mr. B. E. Buson will speak before the mathematics section of the U. E. A. at convention next week on the subject, "Why Study Mathematics?" The competitive contest for places on the Classicum and Year Book staffs was begun Monday. Considerable interest was shown in the contest. We should be as careful of the books we read as of the company we keep. The dead often have more power than the living.- Tyron Edwards. Mrs. Coolidge's fourth and fifth j period history and civics classes devoted their Current Events period Monday to a study of the student body constitution and student activities. One student remarked: "It seems more like school now." In Monday's notes it appeared that Reed Eames is 16 years old. This is an error. Reed was 15 years and six days old at the time of the examination. O.H.S. GREAT GAME OCT. 23 Oct 14-24 Battle With West High Will Decide State Title Chances A football treat that promises to restore the old time rivalry between Ogden High schpol and West High school of Salt Lake will take place at Lorin Farr park October 23. It has been five years since these teams met on the gridiron. Contests between these two machines in days of old always attracted large crowds. The Panthers and Tigers have two of the best teams in the Salt Lake division. The team that wins the game on the Ogden lot is sure to be in the running for the state title. Ogden High ha? one of the best teams in the history of the school and one which is prepared to battle the West High aggregation to the final whistle.. Critics in all parts of the state are almost unanimous'in declaring the winner of the coming contest will grab state honors. It will be a big day for interscholastic football. Students of the two schools will attend in a body, while members of the luncheon clubs of Ogden and other organizations are also planning to witness the contest. Ogden High asks the support of every grid fan to win. It is the intention of the student body of the high school to stimulate interest for this game and a number of novel features-; are being planned by President Tallmadge Boyd. President Boyd says: "Football as it is played today in the scholastic institutions of the country is truly a credit to America. It makes for finer citizens, is a boost for clean sport, and a pleasure for the fan to witness. Let's all attend this forthcoming battle and lend our aid to Ogden m winning her first state title since 1916." Oct 15 - 24 Ogden High School Notes Today the enumeration of Ogden's school children begins. 'Principal Wiggins and his staff will be very busy during the next four weeks, as they are very anxious to get an absolutely accurate and correct enumeration of all children in Ogden. The city draws so much per capita for every child of school age -between the ages of 6 and 18. A preliminary canvass has already revealed the fact that there are too many students in the high school who are over 18 years of age. The school district gets no appropriation for such-another example of the high cost of repeating as explained in Tuesday's notes. The law contemplates that the child shall have finished his high school education at the ago of 18. And they would too if they were given due consideration and attention during the 12 preceding years. CHEMISTRY CLUB. Chemistry classes at school are making preliminary plans for the establishment of a chemistry club -a very good idea-for the clubs in O. H. S. are great fatcors in the school's educational program. The school council has given the senior class the privilege of giving the Christmas dance this year- December 19. The assembly was announced Tuesday as the "first extra." Students do not seem to object to having an extra or two to the regular program. At the meeting of the Diaet Monday, the second debate of the year was given. The question was "Resolved, that capital punishment should be abolished." The debaters-Edna Stevens and Marion Horton, affirmative, and Ella Dean and Virginia Vance, negative- presented their issues in an interesting manner. The judges decided in the affirmative. Ross Sampson and Tallmadge Boyd, athletic manager and' student body president, respectively, are very busy perfecting plans for Ogden's great games with Murray Friday, and West Side a week from Thursday. TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. J. E. Beeson, not Buson, will speak before the mathmeatics section of the U. E. A. Miss Etta Nelson will address the home economics section at the same convention. |