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Show Your personality, the part that makes one more than a mere being, is ego. We are only w orth ninety- eight cents on the market if we i possess nothing else except our I body. It is the ego, the person- i ality, of a person that counts. Ego ! is the influence great men such as Shakespeare, Mendelssohn, Glad- I stone, Tennyson and Lincoln have I left upon the world. Their bodies I were mere matter that everyone i has, but the brain power, the ego, the personality, is that which we remember. AN INSPIRATION. The talk was an inspiration. It gave us food for thought, food which will last longer than yester¬day and today but that will ac¬company us into the future. A mo¬tive in life is what molds our lives to what we will become. What will we be doing ten years from now? To be relied upon is one great thing but a greater one is to know in your own heart that you are true to the position other people think you have. Be prepared for what¬ever may come. Have ability, re¬liability, and ego. You are you. You are responsible for your own life. oct 13-25 ogden high School notes But once I pass this way : And then . . . and then The silent door swings on its ' I hinges, " I Opens, closes . . . and no more pass this way. So, while I may With all my might I will essay ' Sweet comfort and delight To all I meet upon the Pilgrim w&y. ' THE MAX IN THE WOODSHOP ; _ SAYS A job is working for wages at ' anything tha? happens to turn up. A position is working for a ' salary at something you turned up after you hgxl prepared for it. An opportunity is a chance to do ' the biggest thing for . which you are prepared. Success is making good on that chance. —Brown of San Diego. STUDENT BODY DANCE. On Friday next the student body gives "get-acquainted" dance at Berthana. In order to express appreciation of the splen¬did way students have responded to the student body fee this year it has been decided to make this party free to all student p. -it wae- not intended to have fee cover j expense of dances, but this party is intended to express apprecia¬tion. Bring student body booK and tear off three in presence of doorkeeper. Friends of students may attend at 50 cents per head. MORE PEP. During advisory periods this week students will learn songs _ l and yells and will have a raiiy j Friday morning to sing, yell, and . j develop more pep for games. ' i Reed Gammell of the faculty and i the athletic committee, David ' Wangsgard, D. O. Peterson and ' Claude Coray, have been asked ( to co-operate in selecting yells i and songs. The assembly will be ! : at 9:30 o'clock. I Some yells are regarded as be- ' ing in "poor taste" and students ar asked to eliminate them. We desire good sportsmanship and j we cannt have it with uncomipli- I mentary yells. SATURDAY'S GAME. SATURDAY'S GAMES. I On Saturday next Ogden has! another big game. This time with I Provo at Ogden, Lorin Farr park Provo has already walloped Jordan and Murray this season, but i we take it for granted that they will not beat Ogden. However, ' they will give us a mighty gooci : game, and we should have another i good crowd out to witness it. I W&MKmm.iVr-wmm m I vention is also to be held at the j close of next week—Thursday evening, Friday and Saturday. If j anyone thinks the teacher does ! not earn his money, he has another guess coming. STARS AND PEP. i We've hitched our wagon to , the stars. i Perfection is our goal. ! Again the Stellae, the peppiest and most original club in school, has stepped to the fore with a bang and started the season off with a rip-snorter of a program, i To get away from the increasing- I amount of 'social activity which our faculty is deploring in the j high school clubs, President Garff Wilson introduced the I speaker of the evening, Mr. Stilwell, who, being wonderfully j versed in planets, meteors and , other heavenly objects, with ! charts of the solar system for his ! guides, put over one of the best speeches to which the Stellae has i ever listened. As a conclusion to his splendid talk, Mr. Stilwell ; gave the members of the Stellae a, few quesetions which will great- : ly enlarge our understading of the ; heavens an which few people could answer unless attending a star-gazing class or belonging to the star club of the school, the Stellae. - Club business was then trans¬acted. Miss Bowman, one of .the promising members of the fac¬ulty, was elected an advisor, as a partner to Mr. Beeson, and to fill the place left vacant by Mr. Smith who so ably guided us last year. In a short and snappy election, Bill Stratford was chosen as re¬porter for the year book and quarterly. Meeting was adjourned and refreshments were enjoyed. Upward and onward, Stellae. We're with vou. —Bill Stratford. THE GIRLS AGAIN! The girls once more show their genius and leadership by making a very big success of the refresh¬ment booth at the game Satur¬day-. The hot dogs and the pop came in just right when the con¬test raged the hottest; they were the very thing to replace the used up energy from strenuous yelling, and it helped the spirit along. Special credit must be given to the girls who helped in the booth and unselfishly invaded the grand-stand to give the spectators a bit of "good cheer." These girls were at the scene of action from noon j until 6:30 o'clock. Mr. Hirt and : Sergeant Holloway come in for their share in the success of the feature; they were very generous with their services. We appreci¬ate it, too. The money cleared from selling the refreshments will be used for the Mothers' Tea, a bigger and better success. Hats off to the Girls' association, everyone. They know how to put anything over in good style and maxe a "win¬ner" of it. —Fern Davis. A REACTION. I assume, that it would not be good taste to make the first re¬action radical. However, the first thing that enters my mind, in which I have an opinion, is. the- necessity of a new high school building. In a recent conversation, I dis¬covered that the old building "looks all right from the outside." This means that we must let the —uLc lil Oiateflk see the inside!. Dock them up in it tor 'nine months to breathe foul air, anci be jostled along the halls, or to sit in a stuffy room and try to think of work while looking at the discolored walls. Would they rebel? I am glad this is my last year in an institution of this sort. But what of the coming classes? j If we, the Seniors of Ogden High school, do not start enough propa-ganda concerning a new building, we can realize what their plight will be. In one corner of this bastiie there stands a new trophy case, filled with the best loving cups in the land. Is it not a disgrace to the individuals who helped earn those cups to hang them up in i such a building? —Rowland M. Hansen. WHAT SPRING AND AUTUMN TELL ME. There is one distinct difference between autumn sounds and ; spring sounds. Qne is the crack- : ling of dry leaves, or of dried 5 and broken weeds, tumbled and j blown about by the wind. The j leaves on the trees rush against : each other. When you walk over i the leaves on the ground, they are crushed underfoot with a sharp, quick rustle. The wind takes on a whistling, howling sound. Dead branches kntfck against window panes. At night the wind blows irregularly, it begins with a bare¬ly perceptible rustle and increases to a shrilly, whistling breeze, then subsides into silence again. There is not very hiuch rain, but the air gradually becomes colder. There is more silence-—a general quieting down of people and na¬ture. Cries can be heard more plainly. They ring through th. air with a sharp, metallic noise, and all the world stops to listen. There is a general atmosphere of waiting for something, of getting ready for winter. Ih the spring tones are soft¬ened. Leaves touch each other with only a little thump. They are padded with green skin—new skin which is soundlessly soft. The lawns are clear from leaves. They cling tightly to the trees, and every sound is softened. There are no dry sticks to beat against the panes. The wind blows steadier and not so violently. Rain is more often heard, and the drip, drip of the eaves becomes once iriore fa¬miliar. People begin to awaken. Traffic becomes thicker. Birds i come back from warmer climates I to perch upon our sills and sing, j All is in a whir. If someone shouts, j no one notices. His cries are drowned by a myriad of others, j But everything of nature is padded :—quiet, subdued. Yet there is a feeling of waiting, waiting for something to come, summer. —Blanche Corey, WORK PILING UP. "There is no rest for t.h wicked," they say. Teachers liius be "wicked," for they seem t get no rest, either. We are Jus getting nicely started and aloni comes the announcement tha, next week; ends the first 4em and grades must all be haojterl to advisors at the close of the week. Our state teachers' con Ogden High School Notes A grindstone that had not grit in it—how long -would it take to sharpen an axe? And affairs that had not grit in them—how long would they take to make a man? —H. W. Beecher. SUPERINTENDENT VISITS. Superintendent Hopkins visited quite a number of classes at high school Tuesday. He found the students and teachers thinking, working, enjoying themselves and went away sorry that he is super-intendent instead of teacher. "I'd rather be in close every-day con¬tact with this fine bunch Of boys and girls than doing anything e:se in the world," said he. NEW YELLS. Today the students spent a little time during the advisory period in learning some new yells and songs. On Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock a pep rally will be held to learn "co-operative marketing." This common every-day phrase, which we hear so often nowadays means in this instance, "how to advertise and sell O. H. S., spirit, enthusiasm and pep." At Friday's assembly the seniors are to s:t in the east end of the hall, the juniors in the west, and the i sophomores to choose between the right wing and the left. A con¬test will be between the two sec¬tions. Former Student Body president Tallmadge Boyd will probably be present to touch off the fireworks. THE PROVO GAME. The game with Provo on Sat¬urday will mark the "change of fortunes" athletically for Ogden High. We have been "drubbed" twice this year and that is enough. We still have four games to play, j Provo, Davis, Box Elder and L. D. S., so the students and team have j definitely decided that the hoo¬doo who has been hovering about us the past two weeks must be banished and we must regain our position near the top. No sir-ee, no more defeats for Ogden High this year on the football field. To expedite matters at Satur¬day's game all high school stu¬dents are asked to enter the park field at the east gate, allow¬ing patrons, friends and Provo guests the right of way at the west gate. COUNCIL REPORT. October 13, 1925. The meeting was called to or¬der by the president. Minutes of the former meeting were read and approved. Reports from standing and spe¬cial committees indicated that all arrangements have been made for a successful student body dance, next Friday night. All students holding student body tickets will be admitted free of charge. Other persons may attend, if accom¬panied by student body ticket holders, at a charge of 50 cents. Refreshments will be served free of charge. A cordial invitation is extended to all parents and patrons. It was agreed that the adver¬tising committee announce the dance at the next assembly. George Glen proposed that the R. O. T. C. have control of the concessions at the next football game, or Armistice day, If the American legion agrees, in the view of being the first to ask the sanction of the council. It was decided that the R. O. T. C. would have first choice of the two dates, in reward for their services to the- Girls' association during the last game. Jay Glen asked for support from the council in the fostering of school spirit in future games. It was decided that through the -purchase of megaphones, arm¬bands and yell books, spirit would be aroused. President Ure asked that every¬one wear some sort of school colors at the next football game. He also asked that everybody rooting for Ogden group them¬selves in one part of the grand¬stand, preferably near the east. end. I A publicity committee was ap¬pointed consisting of Jay Glen, chairman; Paul Chez and Blaine McMurrin, who, in turn would have full power to appoint any¬one necessary for their success. Meeting adjourned. Herbert Verheek, Secy. BUSYBODIES. The Historical Busybodies held their regular meeting, Monday, October 12, in room 202. The officers of this new history club are: James Ure, president; Dor¬othy Higginbotham, vice presi-, dent, and Helen Grace, secretary. The members of the program committee for this week were: Howard Pingree, chairman; Ger¬ard Sampson and Floyd Upp. The class critic for the day was Firth Garrison. The following current event program was given: "The Farmers' Poet," Norma Freeman; "The Mosul Clash of Turkey and Britain," Martha Mortensen; "A Poet At 12," Edna White; "The French War Debt Question," Winnifred Mans; "Sweden's Successful Prohibition,'' Norman Bingham; "Does a Loud Noise Improve the Hearing of the Deaf?" Dorothy Adams. The class discussion on immi¬gration was led by Wallace Ran¬dolph. -r-Inez Taylor. |