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Show 3-31-25 Ogden High School Notes Notice was given out today that j all seniors who expect to gradu- ! ate this year must be up with ; their work-no incompletes, no failures. "You must be able to spell every word you use," is one of the slogans of the English department . of the high school. The only ' trouble in the carrying out of the 1 slogan is that pupils frequently do not know when they are misspelling words. SCHOOL DEMON. But here again is where the Demon "Carelessness" must be eternally fought. Strangely enough, teachers must labor constantly with pupils who write down words carelessly-not stopping or taking the trouble to think how the word should be spelled. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Harry Thompson and Ralph Pugmire are arranging for a tennis tournament to be given under the auspices of the high school. Anyone interested in competing in this grand sport should see Harry or Ralph. FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS. Get your happiness out of your work or you'll never know what happiness is. THE JUNIOR PROM. Cards are out today announcing the annual junior prom to be given on the evening of April 10 at the Berthana. UTAH STATUTES - LEST WE FORGET. (4469) Sale, Etc., to Minors. Any person who shall sell, give, or furnish any cigar, cigaret, or tobacco in any form, or any opium or other narcotic in any form, to any person under 21 years of age in this state shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the use, sale, giving, or furnishing of any narcotic upon the prescription- of a physician. (Am'd '11, p. 68.) (4489x) Purchase or Possession of Liquor, Etc., by I Minors. Penalty. Any person under the age of 21 years who shall buy, accept, or have in his possession any intoxicating liquor, cigar, cigaret, or tobacco in any form, . or any opium or any other narcotic in any form, shall be deemed 1 guilty of a misdemeanor and upon ; conviction thereof shall be fined 1 in any sum not exceeding 100. ' (Am'd '11, p. 68; '13, p. 92.) THE ADVISORY SYSTEM. j The entire enrollment of the j high school is divided into 40 groups of approximately 25 students each and a teacher is assigned to each group as advisor. This teacher is supposed to assist the students in the arrangement of their courses, to look after their daily preparations, study habits, grades, attendance and to exercise over them the same care and interest that is exercised by an elementary teacher over her school. The advisory teacher also serves as instructor to the pupils of this group in at least one subject. This system has proved to be the most satisfactory method of can ducting high school work. Its success of course de- i pends upon the initiative, the in- ; terest, the wise judgment and 1 earnestness of the teachers en- t gaged. Due to the fact that we have at the high School an espe- f cially strong teaching corps, the - plan is working admirably. NEW DISPENSATION. G. Stanley Hall, America's fore- f most psychologist, who died last month, says in his autobiography: " "In my judgment we need a radi- " cally new dispensation for education, a new and higher pedagogy " and statesmanship that sees all e things from the educational point 3 of view, for this is the highest of 3 all standpoints. It is educational values that are supreme over all others. We have not even learned to utilize the movies, which have more cultural possibilities than anything since the invention of Gutenberg, while the wireless and broadcasting should be watched as containing germs of'great possibilities. J FINE DEFINITIONS. People who think straight can iways give us something new and interesting. Mr. Jordan, for instance has defined some of our virtues and vices in terms of forgetting and remembering that is really unique. He starts out by saying that "forgetting is one of the fine arts of living." He 'says that selfishness is fortgetting others in over-remembering self. Worry is the inability to forget the troubles that may never happen. Forgiveness Is the heart's forgetfulness of an injury. Ingratitude is th,e heart's forgetfulness of a favor. Habit is the memory of acts making repetition easier. Envy is forgetting one's own possessions in over-remembering those of others. Patience is forgetting petty troubles and love is the heart's sweeteest memories shrined in another. If you feel that you are near the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on like grim death. |