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Show During the past three years J quite a number of books have j disappeared from the school library. It is believed that many of these have been borrowed and j forgotten. An effort will be made j this week to have these books re- j turned to the library. "The School Parent," a maga- -j zine published by the United Parents association of Now York j i City makes an appeal to par- ents' to protect their boyri and girls from needless interruption ' while they are studying at home. It says, "Half of the failures m the schools could be prevented if ! fathers and mothers would see that children studied their home jvork" We wonder if the appeal might not fittingly be made in Ogden." principal Merrill is taking charge of Mrs. Coolidge's classes during her enforced absence. Miss Hazel Mill has been added to the working force of the school this year, and will assist in the j office. , , One by one the sands are falling- one by one the woman teachers ' are getting their hair bobbed, They say it saves time, that they will be able to give more time to their work. Miss Nelson of the domestic art department is I the latest to succumb. Next? Constitution week wiL bein and end in high school with . the thought as expressed by Gladstone, "The most wondertul work j ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man." The beauty of it, too, is that it works. During the past 137 years the greatest, the best government on earth has been built upon that noble document. And no wonder, for was1 it not established to- Form a more perfect union, Establish justice, ! 3. Insure domestic tranquility, Provide for the common de- Promote the general welfare, Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our poster- " ity ? How the schools have contrib- uted and are now contributing to " the securing of these great pur- " poses was most admirably set 3 forth last year in a series of articles in the World's "Work by Hon. William McAndrew, superintendent of schools of Chicago. These articles will oe re-read and studied by the pupils during the week and are respectfully recommended to all patrons as worthy of consideration. The school acKnowledges its indebtedness to the Guaranty Mortgage company for a goodly number of neatly bound pamphlets of the "Constitution of the United States of America." These are j very convenient for study and ref- J erence. MANY VISITORS. , Miss Annette Goodwin, instructor in English, 1922-23-24, and Warren Leigh, instructor in commerce, 1921-22-23, Were visit- ors at school Monday. Wo were favored also Monday with visits from the following alumni: Harry Lyon, Phyllis Read, Elmer Burke, s Dorothy Corey, Virginia Green,, Fred Gentsch, Irving Hodge and t Helen Stevens. Miss Dorothy Long, 1322, left c Saturday to continue her studies j at the University of Chicago. Guy t Jordan left for the samu institu- tion some time ago, as did also t, j William Hutchings. Misa Veda Archibald remained at Chicago during the summer and will con- tinue her studies at the university during the coming year. v 1 Word comes from Monroe Wardleigh that he will enter the 1 College of Idaho at Caldwell in the very near future. NEW STAFF. The following students were I recommended by the English department to the scnool council to- I day: jl Editor Classicum. .Frieda Kreines Editor Year Book. Bill Taylor Manager Classicum Ward Armstrong Manager Year Book Jake Reynolds 4 Associate editors and other members of the staff will be selected by advisory board and council through jcompetitive examination in the near future. Class reporters will be elected by the various classes during the week. MUST STUDY. Students are being advised today that school means work and that non-preparation of assignments will not be tolerated. Parents are advised if students are not studying and preparing lessons at home every school night that something is ladically wrong and that an investigation is in order. The faculty voted unanimously Monday night that all commissioned officers in the R. O. T. C. should be selected from the regular students and not given in any case to graduate students. POST-GRADUATE WORK. It is worth mentioning in this connection that no arrangements have as yet been made for postgraduate work and that it is generally inadvisable for graduates to continue work at the high school. Time is saved and efficiency is secured by continuing school work in higher institutions, where provision is made for advanced work. It is not improbable that at J some future time junior college j work may be offered at the high i school, but 'it is not proided for at the present time. On the other hand it should be noted that the high school offers j three years beyond ths junior high, and that it is generally not advisable to attempt to graduate in less time. A full year for tenth, eleventh, twelfth years recom- ' mended. CURRENT EVENTS. Current events receive much attention as a regular part of school work throughout the history de- partment. All seniors are required to take history and civics, and in these classes especially-everyday problems are emphasized. The Literary Digest is being used as a guiding text in this work. FALSE ALARMS. "False Alarms" sometimes occur in the high school as well as in the city fire depatlment. On Monday, for instance, the bells rung in the midst of a class recitation, and students were in the hallways before one couid say "Jack Robinson." At faculty Monday night teachers decided to be prepared for false alarms, and to hold classes until they are reasonably sure that it is time for dismissal. Which reminds us that students' ears are very sensitive to the dismissal bell, but frequently dull, when it comes to hearing the "tardy bell." We wonder why? A sophomore meeting was scheduled today at 12:30 o'clock in room 216. Class advisors were to be selected and plans for the year's work made. The class officers say they are going to have the "peppiest" class in school. In each building of the city , schools is a secretary known as "building assistant." These are usually selected from the graduate students of the high school who may hold the position for one year only, so as to give op- portunity to as many as possible , to have remunerative employment before continuing their college j ( work. FOOTBALL DATES. Coach Kapple went down to Salt Lake Monday night u.ud drew up the .following schedule for Ogden High: Open datej, October 3 and 10; game with Logan probably will be arranged; Murray at Ogden, October 17; West at Ogden, October 2 5, Ogden at L. D. S. U., October 31; Ogden at Davis, November 7. TYPING AWARDS. Russell Davidson, a student in the typewriting department for only one year, won in the June test a silver medal and bar on the Underwood typewriter for writing 86 words a minute tor 15 minutes. A gold medal on t Remington for writing 74 words minute for 10 minutes. A gold pin and advanced ceitificate of - proficiency on the -Royal type- i Writer for writing 78 -Words a minute for 15 minutes. Russell r hopes to enter the world's- eham- (1 pionship contest in New York this i- fall. j p 3 The hig hschooi acknowledges with thanks the permission of 5 Commissioner Chris Flygare of ' public parks department of the i city to use Lester park for signal practice. Scrimmage practice is , held on Monroe park. The high school was favored Tuesday with a vi?it from Mrs. , Edith Jackson, mayoress of Todmorden, England, and member of the board of education. Mrs. Jackson was much interested in j the various departments, and the way the school is conducted. She expressed a little disappointment that the vocational departments are not better patronised, as all students in England are trained to work with their hands. Mrs. Jackson was accompanied by her American cousin, Mrs. L. A. Garrison. Mary Lu Vngnt trnd Ruth Dickson, alumni of the high school, will attend the University of California, southern branch, this year. Mrs. Gertrude Coolidge, vice principal, is reported as making speedy recovery at the Dee hospital and will be able to return to work within the next two weeks. The senior class ha,? arranged for a hike on Friday afternoon and evening. Miss Evelyn Dobbs will act as chaperone. SCHOOL HOURS Students and parents are advised today that the high school day begins at 8:30 o'clock and closes at 3 o'clock; that students should register for each period during this time, and are excused only on parents' request. The demand for office machine work exceeds the possibility of supply. More than 100 students are now taking this work. Mrs. Jackson was delighted beyond expression at the office machine work. It was absolutely new to her. Glen Quillilan made a pleasant visit at school Tuesday to say good-bye to teachers and friends preparatory to leaving for Ann Arbor, Mich., where he will continue his university studies. SOCIAL EVENTS The school council was to meet today at 12:25 o'clock to make arrangements for the first social functions of the year. It was decided at the meeting that the first party should bo given by the student body. Sept 17 - 24 NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS OCT. 2 Variety of Courses With High School Credit s Offered Night school class work will start October 2 at 7:30 p. m. at the Ogden Senior high school, F. T. Wiggins, principal, announced today. University extension class- work will also start October 2. Complete courses giving high school credits are offered in the following: Commercial: Office machines, posting machines, bookkeeping, typewriting, stenography, penmanship, business arithmetic, salesmanship, commercial law, economics, business English. Manual Arts: Auto mechanics, practical electricity, electric wiring, the steel square, woodwork, sheet metal drafting, machine drawing,' architectural drawing. Home Economics: Domestic science, dressmaking, millinery. Music and Art: Teache-j' methods in music, clay modeling, teahcers' methods in aft, color design and craft. Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry, business arithmetic. English: English literature, or short stories, practical English, oral expression. Physical Education (for women): Folk dancing, aesthetic dancing, games. Other subjects: History, Spanish, civics. 100 Questions Put To Public Th. Sept 18 - 24 Personal Score Sheet By W. H. McKeever Submitted One hundred questions prepared by Dr. William A. McKeever of Kansas and put before a group of teachers at a summer school in Utah recently are submitted to the public and students of the city schools by, Albert M. Merrill, high school principal, as a means of personal inventory. George Snow Gibbs. who has i been the official tester and psychologist of the city schools of Salt Lake for the past 12 years, -pronounces "the score card the fmost comprehensive, complete and j satisfactory he has ever seen, i Here are the 100 questions: PERSONAL SKETCH Name; street residence; phone connection; married oi; single; living at home or not; members j of immediate family; extent of ! education; place and kind of employment; economic condition; present status of health. RELATION TO PLAY What, if any, games enjoyed? Do you try to amuse yourself i Partial to any special class amusement? Interested in humor or nonsense? Any leisure time hobby? Any regular program for leisure Annoyed by the merrymaking of others? Lo you try to make your leisure educative? Do you enjoy playing with children? Give your idea of a regular annual vacation. TRAINING AS TO INDUSTRY Early training in work. Any specialty taken up. Do you enjoy physical exertion? Do mind and hand act together? Do you prefer to work alone? Do you re- i sent instructions from superiors? j Do you suffer from industrial fa- j tigue? Are you still learning from I your work? Do you regard work as educative, inspirational? Is common labor a means of social an racial progress? |