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Show would not even know it was sweet and not knowing, we could not ap- , ini. it. So it is in life every it tor has its sweet and though you may not see it now, as you Krnw older you cannot help but see it-Vox! lu-ar, mean it, even school has Its bitter side. With an education-the kind you obtain in school-you are able to see ilif beautiful in art, literature, science and music, etc., things thai arc more beautiful than any dress or bat, because they are products of the soul. There is an education in clerking but experience is the bitter teacher-twice as hard to understand and co-operate with as any teacher in our public schools. Your lessons arc not taught you there In the clean and wholesome way you are accustomed to being taught, but through watching the mistakes of others along with your own, an education of this nature you can plainly see is inadequate. A good schooling not only enables you to see the beautiful in life but is also very practical, for having Intellectual training a person can "t;ickle the world" unafraid. He can secure most any kind of a position readily and get twice the pay of even an experienced clerk. As to that feeling of independence-it is refreshing but what wguld your feeling be if in later years you were to find your loved ones dependent on you for their dally bread and you were handicapped, because, on account off lack of education you could not! earn enough to supply their meager F want i'' if a lime of such depend- ency should ever come do not havejr to look back with regret because ' did jiot the word of one- .who wishes you well. Sincerely Mil! BaiL-sfr- n 3 - i HISTORY-IN 1975. .In the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred twenty-four, the pre-: vlously pepiess students of the Ogden high school, did rally around3 their student president, tlie Right? Honorable Talmadge Boyd, and inpeat crowds did the long suffer-" tag buy students' tickets, which for T many moons had been a thing for- ! gotten. So great were the swarms ! of enthusiastic youth that did ! Clamor around the door of the ' much beloved pedagogue, J. W. McMurrin (may he rest in peace), that before the end of the week, Sept. 22-27, each of the student kr tH had licen dusted and renovated .mil sold to the crowds of peppy youths. And in this year of our t.onl so mighty was the school plrlt, through the success of th; itUdent association, that the year'a activities did come down in history na the greatest ever experienced In the annals of the Senior high school of Ogden, Utah. GARFF WILSON. Mon Sept 29 Ogden High School Notes Mrs. Coolidge, vice principal, received a hearty welcome at school today after .in enforced absence of nearly three weeks to undergo an operation fpr appendicitis. After a spirited tryout at assembly on Friday, George Glen was fleeted yell master for the year. j George wasyell master at Central Junior last year and exhibits lota of pop and enthusiasm. Moreover he In an artist in this yell-leading GAME FRIDAY. O. H. S. meets Logan High at Lorln Farr park on Friday afternoon of this week in the first football league game. It promises to jba thriller. A football rally will j be held on Friday. The faculty indulged in another j I delightful canyon party on Friday j 1 last. The women members enter-, talned the new women teachers at j the Leonard Davidson home from 2 until 5 o'clock and at 6 o'clockj a dinner was served to all the fac- j ulty including the male teachers and their wives. Assistant Superintendent Ida Fltzsimmons was an honored guest of the occasion. Altogether it was one of the most d2- j lightful functions the teachers have ! ever held. Miss Grace Atkinson as chairman of the "eats" committee- did herself proud. She was most ably assisted by Misses Evelyn Dobbs, Emma Chesney, Francis Dillon, Dora Smith and Helen Cortez. We may say that all of these are "eligible" as promising "cooks." ; Mrs. Edith Kohler as chairman of j games and entertainment commit- i tee, was a big success. All the! teachers evidenced that they pan play and eat--quite as well as they can teach, which is saying a great j deal for our efficient faculty. I EAGER FOR LANGUAGES. Beginning French and Spanish j i classes are so large that the superintendent has been asked to fur- J i nish additional teaching help in j these subjects. " i A number of new students were j registered at school this morning, j - Teachers and students were J much pleased with the visit and , the inspirational talks of former students Dan Rowland and Harold Kay on Friday. ' R. O. T. C. SPONSORS. R. O. T. C. officers are very milch interested in the election of sponsors, which is to take place . very soon. There are now more than 450 boys enrolled in the R. O. T. C. and the officers report a fine spirit and morale among the boys. They predict the most successful year the unit has ever had. The wonderful enthusiasm developed last week in the selling of student body tickets will be augmented and continued this week. It is believed that the school will have at the game Friday the largest number of bonafide members of the association that the school has ever had. GROUP TESTS. The group test that was given to every student in the school on Friday proved the most interesting and profitable ever given. No doubt the questions answered (or tried) have been the subject of conversation in every home where a high school is found since Friday. In the first place, the test is "standard", for example, one that every high school student is qualified to take, about matters of most general concern. In the second place, it is a test j in which every student is given an absolutely fa.ir show, as every paper is graded on the answers given, and teachers' opinions, ideas predisposition, cannot possibly en-i ter. In other words, whether the j p'aper is graded by teacher A or i teacher Z, the result is absolutely the same. The securing: of such justice in school'grading is regard-j ed as one of the greatest educa-; tional achievements of modern times. In the third place, the test is in- i tensely interesting to students and is taken without worry, harrow- j ing or strain, and is highly edu- i cative, as it gives each student a: check on his own mental process-j es and gives him an opportunity to j know just where he is strong and! Wherein he needs encouraging. J Many students have asked that; similar tests be given frequently, so they might do as the colored i boy said: "Check up on themselves." j In making a report the other day, a student brought to the class j a quotation concerning the object: of education that is well worth repeating. It sat-id: "Above all let us dread ignorance and intolerance, crooked thinking, some prejudices, jumping at conclusions a?id hunting the feelings of others." J immense task. Which reminds us that teaching is not only a tremendously big job, but one that requires tact, skill, judgment and above all a lot of j good common sense. We heard the other day of a teacher who offere 10 to any student who would count a million. One student, no wiser than the teacher, accoffiplish- ed the task but at what a price! It cost, effort, strain, time. It took her two solid hours a day for four j months-250; hours of concentrated hours to accomplish a task that j I was absolutely valueless. Talk about wasted time! Teaching isn't j wasting time. ! Apropos this subject we add this ! short composition handed in by a j pupil on Friday. WASTED TIME. I Most people waste a vast amount of time. If Mary is going to a ! party, she spends half an hour in I wondering what dress to wear. This I time, to a girl, does not seem wasted, but to anyone else it is en- tirely unnecessary. More time, I 9 believe, is wasted in waiting for I street cars and for the use of the 1 telephone than Tor anything else. But this, alas, cannot be helped, I for who can summon a street car I at will, or pick up the telephone and find that no one is on the line, I or hear the inevitable "Line is I busy." The few minutes wasted at this and that would be a pleasant gift to some poor person, who his I time for nothing but work, with a little sleeping and eating attached 1 to it. Nothing is more valuable j than time, yet few people can spend it wisely. The man who has mas- tered this problem is indeed blessed. 1974 Sept 30 Tues Ogden High School Notes In education and in life, let us "above all dread ignorance and intolerance, sour prejudices, jumping at conclusions, and hurting the feelings of others." At faculty meeting Monday night a unanimous vote of thanks and appreciation was tendered Leonard Davidson for the use of his canyon home on Saturday afternoon and evening for the teachers' party. Mrs. Carl J. Dockler, wife of Captain Dockler, professor of military science and tactcs, has arrived in Ogden and is much pleased with the city. The Docklers are very comfortably located in the Whitmeyer apartments on Grant avenue. TO RECEPTION. All seniors and all alumni of the high school were tendered complimentary tickets Monday to the Weber college president's reception and ball at the Berthana Friday evening, October 3. Many thanks, President Tracy. The dean of girls asked all advisor teachers yesterday to submit names of senior girls who are eligible for positions as sponsors in the R. O. T. C. MUST PROVIDE LOCKS. In view of the fact that a number of lockers have been entered and books stolen recently, the faculty passed a ruling Monday evening that students be requested to furnish, good padlocks for lockers, and that no lockers if may be entered by anyone during j 1 school hours from 9:30 until 12 i m. and from 12:45 p. in. to 2:15 , p. m. 1 1 Class periods are now of 50 minutes duration in the morning, , and 45 minutes in the afternoon. . The noon period is from 12 o'clock until 12:45 o'clock. RADIO AT SCHOOL. i A committee has been appointed to consider the feasibility and avisability of establishing a radio f j receiving set at the high school. 9 Messrs., E. S. Smith, Ernest Wangsgard and George Bergstrom. 1 constitute the committee. It is 3 hoped also that a lively radio club will be organized socn. ! t DEBATE CONDUCTED. r The Ogden High school forum 1 held an open meeting Monday t! ! even to which all boys interested 1 in debating were invited. The t ' main business of the evening consisted of a debate, "Resolved, That the Child Labor Amendment Now Before Congress Should Be Passed." The affirmative was supported by Chester Hyland and Jake Reynolds and the negative 1 by Ward Armstrong and William Taylor. The decision was given 1 in favor of the affirmative. The 5 judges were Leonard Robbins, 1 " Ernest Wangsgard, E. S. Smith. ' The Forum is an organization ; ' devoted exclusively to practice in debating. The membership is limited to 12, and the society usually has a large waiting list. No one ; is admitted to membership with- f, ' out the signature of thrie teach-L ers and participation in a try-out ( debate. It is now entering its ! fourth year of work and expects to maintain a high degree of ac- tivity. The officers are, president, Jake Reynolds; secretary, Chester Hyland. Parents are advised that regular and prompt attendance at school is necessary for success and that students should not be excused except in case of sickness or for very serious cause. An electric range and two " ovens will be added to the equipment of the domestic science department soon. All student street car books were called in today preparatory to the establishing ol advanced rates tomorrow", October 1. i MILITARY DEPARTMENT. Ogden Senior High school, September 29, 1924. Special orders, No. 1. Effective this date, the following appointments and assignments are hereby announced in the Reserve Officers' Training corps, Ogden High school: Lieut. Col. Comdg. Regt. and First Battalion, Ross Sampson. Capt. and Regt. Adjt. Assigned to First Battalion, Jake Reynolds.. Regimental Sergeant Major, Stanley Hall. Color Sergeants, Clarence Clark, Sidney Badcon. Sergt. Major, Second Battalion, Glen Stock. Captain and Supply Officer, Glen Hill. Major, Commanding Second Battalion, Clyde Stone. Captain and Adjutant, Second Battalion, Glen Hart. Sergeant Major Second Battalion, Scott Kellogg. Assistants to P. M. S. & T., with rank of captain, Harry Elder, Lawrence Skeen. Company A: Captain, Paul Mccune; first lieutenant, Eugene Burroughs; second lieutenant, Lawrence Van Dyke; first sergeant, Clarence Manning. Company B: Captain, Landy Norris; first lieutenant, Herbert Verheek; second lieutenant, Dayrel Smith. Company C: Captain, Gordon Agee; first lieutenant, Rodney Drollinger; second lieutenant, Frank Mouritsen; first sergeant, Chester Hyland. Company D: Captain, Tallmadge Boyd; first lieutenant, William Thomas; second lieutenant, Dallas Hess; first sergeant, Jerome Whitton. Company E: Captain, George Clifton; regimental plans and j training officer; first lieutenant, '! Leon Chamberlain; second lieutenant, Clarence Clarke. Company F: Captain Lloyd Wold, first lieutenant, Richard Forbes; second lieutenant, Nick Lobello. Band: First lieutenant .Frank Francis, band leader; first lieutenant, Franklyn Richards, D. M.; 1 second lieutenant, Walter Ellingson, assistant band leader. j R Carl J. Dockler, Capt., Cav., D. O. L., P. M. S. & T. Approved: A. M. Merrill, principal, Ogden High school. |