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Show Ability to perform unspecial-; ized activities about the house,! garage, garden, motor car, etc. Ability as consumer to' judge the qualities and values of j the products of others. Ability, disposition and habit of "observation" and "reading" of! things in the world of productive industry as enjoyable and fruitful leisure occupations. A general idea of the world of productive industry, of tools, machines, raw materials and processes involved. Ability to think in terms of reality. A better ability to choose one's vocation, A disposition and habit of being up and doing, independent, active and positive; not dependent and passive. A disposition and habit of holding one's work to reasonably high standards of performance; of always doing one's best. Brings a dislike of things careless, i'aiilty, incomplete, etc. Ability to appreciate the training and skill required of the craftsman or mechanic and the value of his contributions to society. Ability to appreciate the value of organization. Ability to offer better judgment and sympathetic understanding of the problems of both labor and capital; and the realization of the necessity for greater co-operation between these two indispensable public agencies. O.H.S Defies Utah Rivals Feb - 16 - 1925 Invited to Boulder Meet; Principal Merrill Gives Statement That the Ogden high school j basketball team will claim the e j state title is the word .given out I today by Principal A. M. Merrill. The school today received tt-iarf Invitation to attend tlia tour- : y nament at Boulder, Colo., . umJer ' d the auspices of the University 6 : of Colorado and will probably j s ; accept. " - Principal Merrill also answered I " I an article which said the school I 3 i officials regretted their action in j r! dropping out of the state associa- j , j tion. He also invited the oest team ; ! in the state outside of the "Big Three" to meet Ogden High school in case they Coir. Ogden j did not deserve the state chain- j pionship. Mr. Merrill .said: - j j "Apropos this morning's article - ' i in the Salt Lake Tribune inti- , : mating that there is a possibility j of a mistake having been made c( I in withdrawing from the state league-and the 'action being 'hasty' and, all that soit of thing, ! I wish to say this: The action, , ; was not in the least has y; it was. calmly .considered for more than I two years. It was two vears ago last fall that Ogden was de- j Prived of a very good chance to ! ' get the state championship in ; football, by as unjust and as un- j ' I fair ruling as has ever been ren- j ' dered by any coterie of men. We j had no confidence in the group j ' who rendered that decision-and j as they a.re still in power-we j ; had no reason to believe that they ; would ever give us a square deal. RECALLS ULTIMATUM. The ultimatum of this group, also last fall, that after East and West had been dropped from the league, that they snoa id be hounded and persecuted, by not being privileged to play with any other school in the state and that any school that should dare to ' play with them should be automatically dropped-was a challenge that we did not feci we could ignore. ; "We accepted the challenge, we abide by the consequences and have no regrets. We have had a splendid season in basketball. We have developed a wonderful team. We are clumipions of Salt Lake and Ogden and we challenge the best team in the state. If the challenge is not accepted, the title is forfeited and we are state champions. That's our feeling. A championship in ! Utah, with Ogden and Salt Lake left out, certainly would be an I empty dipnoi-. We shah bo, quite- : as content with our present hon- r j ors, as any team can hope to be jfe ; with what honors the so-called I; state, association can hope to con- .H Iter with okden and Salt Lake ;H ! left out." 2-17-25 Ogden High School Notes There is a play It's on its way And do not fear 'Twill be here bye and bye It coming near. "In Old Louisiana," February 24. _ LESS TARDINESS. In actual figures the tardiness at classes has been reduced about 50 per cent during the past three weeks. . Those who are tardy are tardy on small margins only, so thstf, the general condition is very much improved. GIRLS' MEETING. The girls have a special meeting on Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock at Central Junior. Miss Stewart of Salt Lake and Miss Becker of New York will talk to the girls. Every girl of the school is urged to be present and to be prompt so that the program shall not be delayed. S. A. R. CONTEST. Miss Beck announces that on Friday afternoon, March 6, the preliminary S. A. R. contest will be held at the Ogden High school. Those not eliminated at this contest will meet in the finals on the evening of Wednesday, May 11. This latter contest wili be held at Central Junior if the auditorium can be obtained. THE GAME WITH EAST. The game with East will not be played on Friday evening on account of the West Hop as well as our own being he'Id on that date. It will be held either on Thursday night or Saturday night. SCHOOL PUBLICITY. The presence of this daily column is evidence that we believe in publicity. We want the people ! to know both what we are doing and what we are trying to do We cannot tell it all-The Standard- Examiner cannot afford the space -but we can at least tell a part. On this subject of publicity we j quote from Professor Reynolds of j Columbia university: "Running a ! school without publicity i silke winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing ; but nobody else does." j SERGEANT'S BIRTHDAY. Master Sergeant John W. Mayer came to Ogden High school three years ago today-conse- j quently this is his birthday. Sergeant Mayer came at the request of his old friend Col. C. J. Laurence, to do the office work of the R. O. T. C. unit here, and has proven to be a most valuable asset to the school. We may confess the records were in bad shape, and that it was r.o easy matter to straighten them out. But the task was accomplished and we dare say no unit in the whole country has its records in better shape than ours. Better than this, Sergeant Mayer is genial, affable, courte- ous, accommodating and a great j booster for the unit and the 1 school. He likes the school, he likes Ogden, he likes everybody, ; and everybody likes him, so we : extend to him our felicitations j today and express the hope that he may spend many more happy, useful days at the Ogden High school. THE SAVING SENSE OF HUMOR. At his lecture, the other evening Dr. George Snoddy illustrated the effect of fear, worry, exhaustion, etc., upon the brain cells. He illustrates also the salutary effect j of laughter, work and enjoyment upon the same cells. It was a lesson that parents and teachers can well afford to remember. To offset the dangers lurking about j home and school of cheerlessness, j boredom and ennui, every par- j j ent and teacher should see to it that a little wholesome humor is ' ' added to every hour's activity. ! It means alertness, health, vigor, and insures longevity. THE RESPONSE OF YOUTH. Mr. Cooke said the other day j that he delights in high school audiences. He says they are the j most responsive.- Why ? Because they are alive, alert, keen, ap- " preciative--strangers to worry, strain and care and have the ; saying sense of humor. They can scent a joke a mile away, and ; can' see a situation as high and gay, where, older people are likely to see it only as drab and gray. Who wouldn't be a boy again? who wouldn't be a girl again? j Why do we not all drink at the fountain of perpetual youth? THE CAUSE OF SERVICE. "A French soldier lay dying on the battlefield, when a comrade kneeling by him asked what last word he wished carried to; his wife and children, and the j dying man said with his last j breath, 'Tell them that I gave J my body to the earth, I gave my heart to France, and I gave' rrf i soul to God.' L And so I say to you in the spirit of the, French soldier, that this, my body, I will give at last to the iron earth, in whose deep mines i and smoking metal shops my muscles took their form. This ' heart of mine, that beats for lib- erty and equality I give-- and give to its last beat-to the 4cause of equal education for our young. And my soul at last, I shall gender back unto my Maker, knowing that I have served His cause as He has given me to see it."-- James J. Davis. GONE. To be sure, the train that bore her away from me went quite the same as all trains are wont to go. j And yet-it seemed so different. For the first time, the passing of a train had a direct bearing on my life. The slow chugg- a-chugg- a-chugg seemed fast. It carried back her brave little smile, the , picture of. her quivering lips J framing a farewell (she said it j wouldn't mean good-bye, and ! ; somehow, she was always right.) The quickening chuggs quickened my memory. Little quarre;s that I had thought dim - and buried . became sobs of regret. The happy days were called back with a feeling of sorrow for the first time, for that which had been could not be again. Something within me revolted and cried, "She's mine-my pal. You can't take her! Come back!" But the cluggs brought back the answer, "I'll ta-ake her, I'll ta-a-ake her, I'll ta-a-ake her." As they quickened, the served only +o carry back a sadder message. "She's go- -a-ing, she go-a-ing, she's go-a- ing," and with a faint quick "gone, gone, gone, gone," it vanished over the top of the world, and as a tiny speck, went down on the other side. She was gone. Such is life. One thing must go, but never without leaving the hope of another's coming to supplant the old.-Dorothy Cragun. 2-18-25 Ogden High School Notes EAST GAME. It ha3 been definitely decided, that the East-Ogden game will be ; played tomorrow (Thursday) night, g at 7:30 o'clock, Deseret gymnasium. CLEANUP DRIVE. Teachers and students are conducting a drive this week to keep . the building and grounds free from J litter. It is a civic problem de- j serving of attention. ' At a general classicalia commit- ; tee meeting Tuesday night the booth committee made an extend- ed report of the .mature of the concessions for this year's event! and oth§r features that are to put the carnival over bigger than ever. I BETTER COSTUMES. The subject of varied, and unique j j costuming will receive more at- I tention this year than heretofore, j The committee having it in charge I is working out plans whereby it hopes to make this feature an f outstanding one. j fj ! j A group of domestic science i i girls were conducted through the j j packing plant this morning through ; the courtesy of James Brennan. j j Every feature of the process was explained to the girls. Sergeant John Wr. Mayer was of- J; fered a very fine position with the ! medical unit in San Francisco last J § week. He turned it down with j "Ogden's good enough for me." j I That's the way to talk, Sergeant, j USING ONE'S HEAD. A want ad for an office boy j brought many applicants. One lit- j tie fellow gave the young lady ' at the information desk a scribbled note for immediate delivery to the boss. When the latter received 1 the note he read, "I'm the (last kid in the line. Don't do any- j I thing until you see me." He got j ' the job. He used his head. I THE CADET HOP. j ' Pr-grams are out for the hop i jj to be given at the Berthana Fri- 11 day evening,, of this week. The 11 officers in charge feel that it will j I surpass any former events. Par-! I ents of the boys are invited to be ' present to witness the drill. No j admission charges .for parents. i The Osrden-East game will not be played tonight after all. Vor a came from East late Wednesday afternoon that the game would be played on Saturday evening at h o'clock in the Deseret gym. c hope this postponement will give opportunity - for a big crowd or, Ogden rooters to see the game. It ; will be a hummer. The Classicalia Queen committee is recommending that, candidates for queen be named by petition; that each candidate have at least 2 5 signers, and that no petitioner cign more than one petition. V. o presume that this recommendation will be adopted by the general committee and the plan followed. ASSEMBLY FRIDAY The weekly assembly will be j held at 2: If o'clock on Friday. A great deal of interest attaches to litis assembly as the Classicalia booths will be auctioned. Pres. Tallmadge Boyd has been selected nuctioneer.BB a |