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Show high school at 8 o'clock. Eight students will compete in the con¬test and we a-e advised that these young people "not only have inter¬esting matter in their addresses, but that they deliver their talks with force and beauty. The aud¬itorium should be packed with in¬terested auditors. AMERICA FIRST. Not merely in matters material, but in things of the spirit. Not merely in science, inventions,- mo¬tors and skyscrapers, but also in ideals, principles, character. Not merely in the calm assertion of rights, but in the glad assumption s of duties. Not flaunting her strength as a giant, but bending _ in helpfulness over a sick and j wounded world like a good Samar¬itan. Not in splendid isolation, but in Christlike co-operation. Not in pride, arrogance, and disdain of j other races and peoples, but in sympathy, love and understanding. Not, in treading again the old, worn, bloody pathway which ends j inevitably in chaos and disaster, : but in blazing a new' trail, along which, please God, other nations will follow, into the new Jerusa¬lem where wars shall be no more. Some day some nation must take that path—unless we are to lapse once again into utter barbarism —and that honor I covet for my beloved America. And so, in that spirit and with these hopes, I say with all my heart and soul, "America first." G. ASHTON OLDHAM. 3-18-25 Ogden High School Notes Yes, we celebrated Monday. We j did it too in grand old style.) There was something doing every , minute. The program was carried j out exactly as outlined from 7:30 o'clock Monday morning until 5 o'clock at night. OUR THANKS. We wish to express our thanks I to Mayor Kirkendall, President Harris and Secretary Richards of the chamber of commerce, Wade Johnson of the board of education, the Rev. Mr. Carver of Ro¬tary club,' Dr. Mills of Kiwanis, Superintendent Hopkins, Al Warden of The Standard-Examiner and Attorney DeVine, represent- ing professional and business : men, for their presence at as- sembly, their words of f ncotirage- ment and their fine loyal boost¬ing spirit. Come again, gentle-men. CITIZENS REJOICE WITH O. H. S. AT HOOP VICTORY ASSEMBLY Flock Of Telegrams Asking Invitation To Chicago Tournament Dispatched; Congratulations Pour Upon School 3-16-25 Students of the Ogden High school, city officials, representa¬tives of the Ogden chamber of commerce and professional men of Ogden gathered at the high school auditorium today to do honor to Ogden's brilliant basketball team, winners of the five-state tourna¬ment which closed at Boulder, Colo., last Saturday. Previously the entire student body of the school, heaWl by the R. O. T. C. units and the school band, paraded through the busi¬ness district at 9:30 a. m. Upon returning to the school the stu¬dents immediately went to the as¬sembly hall. One hundred fifty visitors were present. President Boyd Tallmadge of the student body, presided. - Dixon Kapple, coach of the vie- t torious Tigers, was the first speak- ed. He commended the boys for their fight, for their fiashy play¬ing, and gave them the credit for the victory. Then Captain Ellis, Bobbie Weir, Rulon Budge. Ray Price, Kenneth Vanderhoof, Herb¬ert Griffin, and Manager Ross Sampson madeshort talks. MAYOR SPEAKS. Mayor P. F. Kirkendall in a. short address gave the "keys of the city" to the students. He spoke highly of the work of the Ogden team and said that every effort would be made to see that the team got an invitation to the Chicago tourney. Principal A. M. Merrill reviewed the season in his talk and gave the bulk of the credit to Coach Dixon Kapple. W. Karl Hopkins, superintend¬ent of the Ogden City schools, welcomed the players home and said Ogdenites to a man were back of them in the Colorado contests. J. E. Carver, president of the Ogden Rotary club, in a stirring address told of the handicap which confronted the school in tne in¬adequate gymnasium. He said that under such conditions Ogden's team truly was a "wonder team.' James DeVine, speaking for the professional men of ths city, said the nation as well as the western i part of the country would be Exchange and Lions clubs and the Ogden chapter of the American Association of Engineers. Officials of the East and West High schools and the Salt Lake chamber of commerce also dis¬patched telegrams asking that the Tigers be granted an invitation. WIRES RECEIVED Congratulations poured in today from townspeople and from out- of-city boosters. East High school students wired as follows: "Hearty congratula¬tions for your school's splendid achievement at Boulder. We are pleased that Utah was so well and ably represented. You are to be commended." t lauding the local players m case I they get the Chicago rip. He closed by saying that Ogden or-ganizations would do all Jn their power to see that thiss trip is forthcoming. ASSURED ASSISTANCE. W. H. Harris, president of the Ogden chamber of commerce, congratulated the players and the school and offered financial as¬sistance from the chamber of commerce in case the school suc¬ceeds in getting the invitation to the Chicago event. Wade Johnson, Jesse S. Rich¬ards of the Ogden chamber of commerce and Al Warden of The Ogden Standard-Examiner also gave short speeches Selections were played by the Ogden High school band. Prior to closing the assembly Principal Merrill announced that, through the courtesy of Weir Casady the Alhambra theatre had In¬vited the entire student b'ody to be present this afternoon. A mat¬inee dance was to conclude the program at, the Berthana. This ,was tendered through the courtesy of Manager Joe Goss. Practice for members of the Tiger squad will be discontinued until Wednesday. Jt will, then continue until decision is made by the officials at Chicago. Members of the championship :team, Coach Dixon Kapple, Man¬ager Ross Sampson, Principal A. M. Merrill and W. Karl Hopkins, superintendent of schools, will be cue-sts of the Rotary Club We wish also to thank Mr. Casady of the Alhambra and Mr. Goss. of the Berthana for the fine, generous, wholesome enter¬tainment they gave us all in the afternoon. You helped us, gentle¬men, to make it a real celebra¬tion and we shall always remem¬ber you with kindness. WAS IT WORTH WHILE?. Almost everybody says that the holiday Monday was justifiable. Ifor the first time in Ogden's his¬tory we have developed a real, fine basketball team that has brought distinct honor to the school and it seems appropriate to celebrate. What was lot Mon¬day will be largely made up by the renewed determination and spirit with which students re¬turned to school today. This will be supplemented by a new spirit of loyalty and appreciation for their school and a new feeling of pride in it. COACH KAPPLE. j In our praise of the team we i must not forget our wonderful coach, Dixon Kapple, who is largely responsible for it. In the J three years Mr. Kapple has been j at the high school he has devel- ! oped a fine morale, a fine spirit, J a wholesome athletic outlook that I reflects great credit upon him- , i self as well as the school. His ! skill and judgment, his stability, j his integrity and wisdom are im¬pressed upon not only the boys he trains, but upon the entire school. Yes, we're very grateful for Coach Kapple. beautiful trophy. One of the most beautiful tro¬phies Ogden ever won is the silver basketball, regulation size and mounted on six-inch pedestal, awarded by University of Colorado at last week's_mcet. This ! will be displayed during rttTrWeeiC" in Lewis Jewelry company's win¬dow so that the townspeople may see it. OTHER AWARDS. In addition to the trophy each man on the team wras awarded a sweater, Ellis Wade and Clar¬ence Clark, as members of the "all-star" team selected by the coaches, were awarded gold watch j fobs, and Ellis Wade, high point j man (he made 67 points in five J gjjame as against 64 in six games i by next highest man) was award- i ed a beautiful silver loving cup. THE HAM AND CLUB. Mr. Smith reports this morning I tht he is almost ready to present the daddy of the radio Lizzies to the school. Through a great deal of work on the part of this ad¬visor we have completed the winning of said set and are now waiting patiently for evening to come to see whether our labor has been spent in vain or tnat we have attained the desired end. This set is an eight tube Super Heterodyne and is the result of a good many hours of skillful labor. However, if this set gives the results we expect from it, then we will be repaid and thor¬oughly satisfied with oar work. We are going to test the set out tonight; tomorrow you will know the verdict. —Jack Craven, Reporter. TO BUY A PICTURE. The art committee of the Girls' association: Lest Pureell. Evelyn Palmer, Maurine Peck, Joan War¬ner, Phyllis Proudfit, with Emma Buehler, president, and Mrs. Coolidge advisor, has been studying the pictures exhibited by Mrs. Alice Merrill Home, under the auspices of the Child Culture club, having in view the purchase of a picture for its collection. The selection has been made of j three, from which the committee i hopes to make a final cnoice. I These pictures are now exhibited in the art room and the com¬mittee hopes that the majority of the students will visit them often and register a choice. FOR BIG CONTEST Efforts to secure an invitation for O. H. S. to play in the Uni¬versity of Chicago national tourna¬ment were continued today. The university is inclined to favor Dixie High school, winner offtthe elate association tournament. Og¬den was champion of the rival group, the "Big Three." Wires were dispatched to C. O. Crisler, manager of the Chicago tournament, by the Ogden cham¬ber of commerce, the Ogden Rotary club, the Kiwanis club, the i Those chosen are: Crystal Air by Harwood; Cottonwoods, by Midgely, and a group ef watercolors representing Teasdale, . Midgely, Everys and Fletcher. NEW INSTRUMENTS Though "toe efforts of Captain Dockler and the kindness of the board of education, the R O T C -Come into Possession rLl k Ji J,Wms new instruments: One b flat bass horn, one baritone horn one tenor horn and one alto horn. ' a J?hwm td?m?ns are appreciated much P 1 band Vry' very ' ast w3elc a challenge' Pn by, PrinciPaI Merrill and Coach Kapple to the Utah Ath¬letic association to plav the win-!,' ners of the tournament of the U. A. A. The athletic board re- ' fused to let the team plav After due consideration Monday thee high school decided that it would show its sportsmanship by i offering to play an exhibition game with Dixie, to turn over the entire proceeds to help Dixie pay her expenses to the tournament. Thi game would be flayed either in Salt Lake or Ogden. charge of Wsh school Classicalia announce definitely that there will be no sale of S ts ;ti the door on Saturday nght. Those who wish 0 go to- Classicana must buy their tickets ' this week at high school. j 3-19-25 Ogden High School Notes The Classicalia, the" great annual high school carnival, draws near. Preparations are well under way and the event will at least equal i if not surpass any former under- taking. The date is Saturday, j March 21, Who is to be queen of the Classicalia? No use asking, for no one knows. The ballots hav=; not ! been counted. Be assured, how- ; ever, it will be a sweet, beautiful, wonderful high school girl. Anyone wishihg to attend the Classicalia is advised that he must secure his ticket at the high school this week. No tickets will be sold at the door, and no one will be admitted without a ticket. i The queen procession Saturday night will be novel, wonderful, beautiful. Do not miss it. It comes early on the evening's pro¬gram. DINNER. The Ogden Chamber of Com¬merce, in appreciation of the fine work of the basketball boys at Boulder last week, and the splen- j did season's record is inviting the entire squad, the athletic commit¬tee, coach, principal and superin- ! tendent to dinner at Weber club to¬night. The favor is much appre- ciated and our thanks are hereby expressed. GUESTS OF ROTARY. The basketball squad and school officials were guests of Rotary to¬day at luncheon. The boys are very much delighted with the won¬derful receptions and honors shown ' them by Ogden organizations and people HAM-AND CLUB An event of great interest is the Radio Lizzie contest being con- j ducted by Mr. Smith and Mr. Wangsgard for the members of the j club. Below is a set of rules for j said contest: Must be a crystal set—no tubes. Must be equipped with turn¬ing device. Must not represent a value of more than that of the first prize. Must operate successfully where contest is judged. 5. Ingenuity and neatness of construction important. |