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Show To cxi'-til. every meeting In .1 parliamentary practice, land thj meetings are conducted NMth. a dignity that would do WKjit to any assembly. As the Hgupk;fflenbers are usually active fm lh' various organizations of Sm aetiool, the value of this ltllnlnR run hardly be ovcr-esti- Collier's Program 8. Project Work. MoJeru in,hi has to co-operate or-dip The day when man could llv alone, or even when one small group or tribe could sub- atst by Itself, is past. Part of education today is the acquisition of this fact. Children who work together on different parts of a ln&Ie whole get more than merely a new Interest and incentive In their work; they are developing Into citizens. A class that builda boat, or puts on a play, 5jr forms a debating .iuCiOty, be- roniPH mure closely Knit; the (youngsters are better off individ- ially and collectively for such Iwork. Few schools today cotild use only project work efficiently, but levery school should use some project work. Theory can be 16§rned in classes; project work appllw the new knowledge in practice. Nov 14 - 24 Ogden High School Notes Next week is Education week. Visit the school is the slogan of T he eoK. The high school is a little ahead Of schedule. We are having "Patents' day" today. That need not deter any parent from coming next It is highly desirable that every !atron of the school shall visit pome day next week. We shall be "at home" every day next week to Coach Kapple and members of : the siuad are up at Brigham City this afternoon to witness the semi- j final between L. D. S. and Box Elder teams. ASSEMBLY PROGRAM. "Phe assembly is given urfder the auspices of i lie Girls' association today. The program is as fol- I Orchestra, "Pale Moon" ...Logan Welcome Address-Emma Buehler" Violin solo, "Song of Love," from "Blossom Time"-Cecille MacDonald, accompanied by Helen Tollofson leading, "The First Settler's Story"-Rosalie Gill ; Vocal solo, "Mother of Pearl" Maurine Peck ' Reading, "The Coming Out qf Maggie"-Genieve Moyes Girls' Association, Marjorie Allen Orchestra, Pizzicato Polka .. Strauss TEA 1 Violin solo, "Humoresque"-Cecile MacDonald, accompanied by H. Tollofson , Russian Dance, Margaret Shaw ; Piano solo, Wilma Rubenstein D ance. "Polka"-Marian Ure violin solo, Cecile MacDonald SCHOOL ORCHESTRA. The High School orchestra hasj ' been working very hard since the j beginning of this year It had the pleasure of playing at the banquet! 'given for the football players ot j i Colorado, at the Weber club. After ! ? Which the orchestra joined in the 1 Sl'nder the splendid instruction of Mr. Gammell, the orchestra has! mMnpleted several fine selections, i tttwo or three of the?e selections !: frill be played in the recital to be - gflven in the near future. Bfhe orchestra is looking forward SHgth great anxiety to the school fcOpcn; for which it will furnish all Hltie music. Lorna Jones Secretary PABSON GIFTS. Through nn arrangement with Instructor- Wahlquist the hi&h school has received invaluable se'v- : ice from the Babson Institute including the monthly Business Chat neatly framed, Babson 'Reports in, heavy binder and the Barometer letters. This service is very much appreciated. A HAPPY BOY. One of the happiest boys in high school this week is probably the young man in the R. O. T. C. band who is possesso" of a brand new Euphonia silver plated baritone horn, worth near 200. He says: , "Dad bought it for me, but I'm J going to pay him back." The national essay contest on the subject of "Home Lighting" closes today. It is est-'mated that over 800 essays have been written by O. H. S. pupils. It is safe to say also that all of these have gained some practical, worthwhile information of the subject of lighting. W. W. Browning Printing company was the low bidder on the j printing of the quarterly and will j likely be given the contract today. ! The art department of the school ! is prepared this year to do the etching work of the Classicum and the Year Book. AN INDOMITABLE SPIRIT. A letter came to th3 high school recently from the dean of girls in one of our large universities concerning a girl graduate from the Ogden high school who is working-her way through college. The letter reads: "At present she is earning money to pay her living expenses by working four and one- half hours a day in our library; Saturday afternoons in the dispensary of one of our large hospitals; Saturday nights, Sunday afternoonand Sunday nights in a drug store, j This is an extremely difficult program and I fear she will not be; able to stand the physical strain "Even so, she has maintained a j grade of scholarship well above the j average. She is very plucky and I has satisfied those of us who have j learned to know her, that she ia able and has an indomitable j spirit." j Many boys make their own way I through college but it is not very j common for girls, as remunerative ! work is scarce and wages are low. Any girl who can and will make j her way is entitled to unstinted commendation, SOCIAL CALENDAR I Tentative school social calendar ! for the year: j Nov. 14-Mother's Tea. Nov. 26-Thanksgiving party. Juniors. Dec. 5-Sponsors' and Officers' Banquet, i Dec. 12-Girls' Party. Dec. 19-Christmas Dance at Berthana. Seniors. : Jan. 16-Girls' Leap Year Dance at Berthana. Girls' Association. I Jan. 9-Matinee, i Feb. 6-Matinee Dance, i Feb. 20-Cadet Hop. I March 6-Matinee, j March 2-Classicalia. i April 10-Matinee, j April 24-Junior Prom, I May 8-Matinee, j May 27-Senior Party. The following poem just printed j in the "Notre Dame Scholastic" is from the pen of an O., H. S. student,1 John O'Neill, class of '24- NOTRE DAME. Mellow old domes and spire= Colored with sacred traditions and j dim-writ achievements ! Pencil a towering splendor, j Dark in the evening glow. A wind that seems but a whisper Stirs the slumb'rous shadow-flood with a gossamers finger of leaves And cools the ardor of the conquering green j That marches up in stealth to kiss j;, the grey old stones. ! And ere the whisper passes it j thrills into a song That rises from a myriad marching hearts. COLLIER'S PROGRAM. 9. Physical Training. Ninety per cent of our school children today are physically deficient. Even in city schools, where there are in many cases adequate gymnasiums, - an lttmr of supervised exercise a week is usually considered sufficient. But it's not. There should j be systematic training in the essentials of health. Tnere should be supervised play. There should be dental inspection and instruction in care of the teeth and mouth. When-, I ever possible there should be spe- j cial classes to remedy particular 1 i defects like round shoulders or 1 fallen arches. There should be practical instruction in nutrition for every child in school . Nov - 18 - 24 Ogden High School Notes Education Week, November 17- 2 3. Tuesday, Patriotic Day. "If there are places where the tide of patriotism should run hign- er and stronger than in any others, they are in the schools cf the United States," Albeit B. Cummins. i All high school gi'rls are to meet tomorrow morning (Wednesday) at j Central Junior at 8:30 o'clock to participate in a girls' program. Mrs. Edward Bichsel will give a short talk. During education week, every parent is supposed ci visit the school and get acquainted with the teachers. "Visit the school today" is the" slogan for the week. Col- i lier's asks parents, "Are You Play- i ing Hooky?" BIG CONTRIBUTION. The New Republic, issue Nov. 12, is a double issue, one part of which is given wholly to "Education" and especially "The Ele- mentray School." It contains com- j prehensive articles from the big- j gest school men of the country in- j eluding "Kilpatrick of Columbus (Broome of Philadelphia, Charters of Pittsburg; Washburn of Illinois; Shayer of Columbia and more than j a half dozen others, all of whom j have contributed greatly to mod- I ern educational views and are re- ' garded as authorities, j Any one wishing to know the aims, plans, workings of the schools of today wrould do well to secure this issue of the Republic for it is authoritive and is a genuine contribution to education. KEEPING STEP WITH THE PROCESSION. Collier's Magazine outlines ' this j week a plan'for parents as follows: Visit the school; watch the classes at work; discover both its theory and its practice. Invite the teachers to your house for dinner now and then, j and spend an evening listening to them talk-not about your children, .but about the work of c, teacher. Join a parent-teachers' association and go to the meetings. j 4. Whenever the children want to talk about their school work, lot them; instead of laying down the law, listen and ask questions; don't bother about marks and dates and exact learning by rote, but find out why they like one subject better than another, work for one teacher and loaf for another. Get well acquainted with the children other than your own; talk with them when they're talkative, not as a superior but on the basis of equality; you'll pick up a surprising lot of wisdom. Read about educational matters, not too much, but enough so that you'll know wh,at.'s going on in other places. NO MORE GAMES? It seems unlikely that there shall be any more football games this season, for the teams are now out of the running for the state cham- i pionship. The enthusiasm has vanished and all eyes are being turned upon the U. of U.-A. C. game on Thanksgiving. IN LIGHTER MOOD. A book agent called on a patron the other day and said: "Mr. Smith, now that your children are going to school, you ought to buy them an encyclopedia." "Encyclopedia? Be durned if I do! Let 'em walk like I did." retorted Mr. Smith. A teacher called at one of the, banks the other day and said sweetly to the cashier: "I should like to open an account at this bank, if you please." "We shall be glad to accommodate you, Madam. What amount do you wish to deposit?" "Oh, I mean a charge account such as I have at the stores." Teacher: "John, this is the third time you've looked on Henry's paper." Student: "Yes, sir; he doesn't write very plainly." Found: A fine poem entitled, "When a Feller's Itchin' Ter Be Spanked." Owner can have it (the poem) by calling at the office. GRADE COMPARISONS. At Mother's meeting the other day teachers were frequently greeted with, "My girl is working very hard; she sits up late and studies," and occasionally with, "My boy doesn't study as much as he should. What shall I do?" This situation aroused the interest of teachers so a good part of Saturday was1 spent counting and listing grades for the first term. The report was rendered at faculty meeting today and was as follows: Girls, 495 reported. Grades as follows: A's, 384; B's, 1067- C's 635; D's, 113. F's, 5. Incomplete, 125. Total, 2329. Boys, 404 reported. Grades: A'3 199; B's, 579; C's, 505; D's, 150; F's, 13. Incomplete, 125. Total 1571. It appears from the above that the girls cariy a little heavier program than the boys, and that as a rule they secure higher grades. It appears also that the average mark is not C, but above C, probably B. city-county union urged 11-16-24 (sunday) Educator Would Erase Boundary Line to Secure Benefits That the division between Ogden city and Weber county is a needless one that should be removed in the interest of economy in government, is the belief of A. M. Merrill, principal of the Ogden High school, who said Saturday: "I noted in the paper last evening that Mayor Kirkendall has said that Weber county must hereafter provide for her own fire protection. "In the paper two or three evenings previous to this, I noted that ! there are some controversies regarding the proper persons for board of education members in Weber county. "We are all well aware that twice recently the people of Weber county have vetoed the voting of bonds to build a county high school. "All of these things point, in my mind, to one indisputable fact: j There is not- and never can be any strict well defined boundary line between Ogden city and Weber county. Weber county is a natural political unit, and Ogden is its center. The interests of the people of Ogden and Weber county are common-almost identical. "In the interest of economy, ser- I viceableness, efficiency, we should ; be united into one political unit, with a single governing body, 'in- stead of duplicate sets of officials I and officers in all departments of i social service. "The incoming legislature should be asked to so change the law that any district such as Weber county might be permitted to organize and administer local government as a single unit. "This would enable Weber county to provide ample, efficient fire f protection at a minimum cost. ; "It would provide more adequate |