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Show sense a prerequisite. In oral expression, debate is but one phase oj activity, and the practice of collecting and organizing material to bo presented logically is but one way of making accurate and thinking students. The organization of English clubs with the knowledge of parliamentary law as a basis for- the organization suggests another ! phase of English work. The'ability to present with dignity and effeW, tiveness any oral topic is a part of the student's work. It is the aim j to place into the student's hands, the tools for thought and expres- j sion to be used by them in public ; and private life-to give to them the best possible command of the .English language. 2-9-25 Ogden High School Notes On Friday night of this week Ogden clashes again with West at the Weber gymnasium. This Ogden's most important game of the year. The Stellae matinee on Friday afternoon last was a great social j sucess. , j an important function j' The teachers' reception to the J patrons on Saturday evening was a huge success. More than 300 patrons accepted the invitation to be present and they seemed to enjoy very much the program and the opportunity of meeting the teachers. The hall was very tastily decorated and the committee in charge of the affair is entitled to a great deal of credit for the successful manner in which the party was carried out. The following program was given: Orchestra selection. Address of welcome, Principal A. M. Merrill. Vocal solo, Milford Piggott. Spanish dance, Ruth Fisher. Reading, Jean Warner. Violin duo, Alene Rutledge, Eleanor Kidder, Cecil McDonald, accompanist, Ether Taylor. Dance, Mary Rich. Chorus, Girls' Glee club. After the program teachers and parents were introduced and passed the remainder of the evening in social conversation and dancing. Light refreshments were served. not excused An effort is being made at the high school to make a certain group of students take their work more seriously. Too many desire i to shorten the school day by being excused before 3 o'clock in the afternoon. A goodly portion of these are backward in their work and need to give their studies more attention. Letters are being sent out today urging parents not to have students excused from any part of the school day except for very unusual reasons. holiday follies. Schools suffer from too many holidays. If school is a serious, worthwhile business, and it is meeting five days a week only for nine months a year, the fewer interruptions it has, -the mort it might accomplish. That Abraham Lincoln happened to be born one hundred and sixteen years ago come Thursday, seems no justifiable reason for stopping school j work throughout the land, turning hundreds of thousands of children out upon the streets for a day, and taking from the teachers the advantages of continuity of work as well as the opportunity of inculcating some wholesome lessons in patriotism that might be drawn from the life of the marvelous man. . dr. seidner to talk Wednesday morning of this week Dr. M. J. Seidner will address the boys of the high school in assembly hall at 8:30 o'clock. All boys are urged be present. Fathers are also invited to attend this I meeting. BERGSTROM HONORED. Instructor George Bergstrom has received a very pressing invitation I to act as general director of Kern Council (California) Boy Scouts again this summer. Mr. Bergstrom directed the work two years ago. TEST FOR RADIO DANCE Through the courtesy of Peery estate and Geo. E. Browning the Radio club conducted a test Saturday to determine the possibilities ' of a radio dance. Four loud speakers were installed in the gymnasium and a program broadcast by the Sunset orchestra over KFUR, picked up by i a six-tube Gilfillan Neutrodyne furnished by the Browning Radio store. The volume was sufficient to entirely fill the gymnasium. People passing down the street claimed to hear the music more than a block away. It looks as if the radio dance is feasible. Watch for further particulars. It is confidently expected that the radio club will be instrumental in adding to the school a powerful, up-to-date receiving set in the near future. "LIZZIE RADIO" The "radio Lizzie" craze has gained considerable impetus among the members of our club since Peery came on the air. A eontest is now the direct outgrowth of this craze. Each member of the club will pay 25 cents into a "Lizzie" fund which will be given as prize money to the member inventing the smallest operating "Radio Lizzie." This set must pick up the Ogden station WFUR at the high school building on an indoor aer- PURPOSE OF HIGH SCHOOL. 5-Study of Mathematics. The standard mathematics requirement for entrance to colleges of accepted standing in the United States is one year of algebra and one year of plane geometry. In line with this requirement the Ogden High school and most other high schools demand as a condition for graduation in any course that might otherwise meet the college entrance requirement, the presentation of credit for these two 1 years of mathematics. e There is no regulation requiring the presentation of credit in speci- = fied subjects for graduation that is so often the subject of attack, stu- dents attempt to avoid it and par- I ents rail at it. All kinds of ar- jj guments are presented, varying s from the plea that the particular child is not able to learn algebra to a general indictmerit'of the sys- tem that requires it, but the ruling stands and the strictest of its enforcement increases. , j The case for the defense runs a something like this: We are living 3 in a new age, a different age, and - this age is new and different mam- i ly because of the progress that 2 has been made in science, pure s and applied, and in industry. This , progress in science and in indus- i try is based squarely on mathematics, it is in effect nothing but np- plied mathematics. Therefore no - person can claim even the most a rudimentary education without a ; certain knowledge of the ways of science and to get that knowledge he must have sortie knowledge of mathematics. It is the place of 1 the high school to meet that need, t PROLONGING PERIOD. A high school education is noli longer, if it ever was, an end in itself. There was time, certainly when the boy with a high school , training was the exception, now he ) is the commonplace. More and more the tendency is to prolong the period- of preparation in the school for the work of manhood, and this, of course, implies that a greater and greater superstruc- 3 ture is being built upon the found- 1 ation of the high school training. It also implies a strengthening of 5 the foundation and the measure of the high school's success should be the strength of the foundations it builds. We may leave the specialization to the college or the trade school but we must see that the ' high school lays the foundation for either. A knowledge of English is a part of that foundation, so is ' a knowledge of mathematics. To most of the men who will take an active part in the advancement of our civilization, mathematics will be an active tool-an essential tool, and every day tool. They will need their knowledge in the professions in business, in industry. More and more we express the facts of our lives in graphs, I more acid more we embody our hope in a formula. While this tendency exists we may come to need more mathematics but we shall certainly riot need less. 2-10-25 Ogden High School Notes Boys, don't forget to be at the' meeting tomorrow morning at 8:30 o'clock in the assembly hall. Dr. Seidner will give you one of the , best talks you have ever heard. j Men, women and children, be at; the game in the Weber gymnasium ! Friday evening. It will be one of the most thrilling games ever, played in Ogden. WEST IS COMING. Coach Homer Christensen of the ' West Side school announced yesterday that he would bring a big i crowd of roosters for the game i j Friday night. NEW STUNTS. The basketball team boys have i played so hard that their suits are ' in shreds. ' Coach Kapple is purchasing new suits for them. The game Friday evening , is to be a decisive one. If we beat West : again we are the champions of the "Big Three League." We shall then claim title to the state championship, as Ogden and Salt Lake schools represent a big proportion of the high school students of the state. ; The Classicum will be out on Friday. This number promises to be of unusual interest. CLASSICALIA MARCH 21. The Classicalia is scheduled for March 21. The following committees have been appointed for the event: I TEACHER COMMITTEES Decorating: LeConte Stewart, n chairman; Etta Nelson, e- Costumes-Gertrude Coolidge.1 chairman; Edith Merrill, Etta Nelson. ! Queen-Evelyn Dobbs, chairman; Grace Stone, Helen Garrison. §j Advertising - Claude Coray, j chairman; Keith Wahlquist, E. S. Smith. I Concessions and Booths-Elmer Noall, chairman; Dillon Frances, I ! Barney Kristofferson. ' ! Tickets and Programs-A. M. Merrill, chairman; Ernest Wangsgard. i I STUDENT COMMITTEES i 3 Decorating-Forbes Campbell, _ j chairman; Marjory Allen, Helen Jenkins, Harold Jones, Marian Mattson, Ross Sampson, Ruth Fisher, Stanley Hall, Martha Wright. ' Queen-Jake Reynolds, Marian Ure, Bill Taylor. Advertising - Harper Culley; chairman-: Tom Boyd. Arland Hansink, Erica Berne, Vinnette Lee, J ! Bill Gunnell, Jake Reynolds, i Concessions and Booths-Max Morrison, chairman; Gerard Sampson, Lorene Wattis, Howard Pingree, Beatrice Bletcher, Sid Badcon, Frank Mouritzen, Blanch Nelson, May Jack, Jean Warner, " I Emma Bueler. Tickets and Programs-Dan Kennedy, chairman; Helen Storey, -j Ella Parker. THE CHILD AMENDMENT. , The Outlook for February 4 savs: „ i "Sacrificing children in defense of f j the tribe survived in even the j higher stages of barbarism. Hor- rible as it was there was. some ex- , cuse for it in the prevailing ignor- b-j ance and superstition and in the i i motive of supposed self-preserva- ' ; f idft. There can be no excuse. 5 I however, for sacrificing children to ! secure some supposed economic j benefit. Child labor in factories land elsewhere has been an. in- ! excusable blot upon what we call j civilization. There can be no dis- ! ; pule upon that. This could hardly be more aptly § I phrased. . The whole question 1 : shifts, however, to this: Shall the 1 i national government assume the. 8 - ' power of controling and directing child labor or should this power p , inhere to the several states--it is BP a "states rights" question again. j ¥ we may be wrong. We may be dead "wrong, but it is our firm conviction that every i child is entitled to all the educational advantages during his years, 'of immatuirty that it is possible j ; for him to have, and that it is the 1 ! parents' bound duty to see that he ! gets them, irrespective of whether i he be an economic gain or loss tj i the parent. The parent, in fact, ! should assume that it costs and j costs dearly to properly raise childrenand that if he is not pre- jpared and capable of assuming I that cost, he is not fit to as- j sume the obligations of parenthood. Even in this state we have j , had altogether too much exploita-; tion of children in industry. j man in the making. ! In his Outlines of History, Wells i I makes this potent statement: j "Hitherto man has been living in j I a slum, amidst quarrels, revenges, 1 ! vanities, shames and taints, hot j desires and urgent appetites. He has scarcely tasted sweet air yet and the great freedoms of the world that science has enlarged for him." j purpose of high school. I Objectives, in the teaching of ; languages: I The languages taught in the 'junior and senior high schools are ' as a rule, Latin. French, Spanish 'land sometimes German. The first three are taught in the Ogden schools. Four years of Latin are M offered and two or three years of j French and Spanish. As the first 'I year of any language is spent on the simple fundamentals, two years are required as a minimum. closely related. 5 The three languages mentioned i are very closely related. The modern languages, French and Spanish, have been developed from the Latin and one who wishes to become familiar with the great lit- j eratures of the world, to be able1 to read important scientific books, must know at least one of these languages. language values. i There are three general value.of modern language study, i.e., practical, cultural, international. A foreign language proficiency is profitable commercially to trie 1 traveler, also to one engaged in foreign commerce. In the proles-; i sions some acquaintance with two or more modern foreign languages is necessary; it is one of the requirements of doctors' degrees. Whether the languages are of any practical value after the degree is, taken depends on the interest and the language ability of the individual professional man. But they are sure to have further value for him and all others who may study them. That is the cultural value. Modern languages afford lin- i guistic training-they illuminate the native language. They are a necessity in the study of foreign music and arts. They open up I new fields of literature. Foreign language affords acquaintance with a different literature. expressing the same fundamental human nature in a different way. helps to understand foreigners. A conception of foreign arts and thought leads to av understanding of foreign peoples; and this ; understanding brings sympathy, friendliness, international love, and international love-peace. The values of the study of Latin are usually considered under three main heads; namely, practical, I disciplinary and cultural. muscular part of english. Someone has called Latin "the muscular part of English, the largest element in the meat and tissue j which clothes the Saxon skeleton 1 of our language." Through its study, we gain an understanding of actual Latin words, phrases and abbreviations found in books and newspapers; we increase our ability to spell English words of Latin i derivation; we increase our ability to understand the exact meaning of English words derived directly or indirectly from the Latin. i Translation increases the active vocabulary of a pupil and the con-: stant search for words conveying the exact shade of meaning in-j : creases fairlity in the use of English. Latin increases the ability j to learn the technical and semi- j technical terms employed, in the 'professions of medicine, law, etc.1 |