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Show scores by radio The little difficulty of not be- Inable to get returns on the national game has been adequately mot bv the students of the electrical department. Yesterday they Hot up a radio and got returns broadcast from Salt Lake- a part of the regular work;- don t you know! home lighting The Ogden High school has accepted tho Invitation of the National Electrical company to con- I slder with them the problem of I efficient and artistic home light-! In,'- -the company to furnish the Information and instruction, and the high school the students to absorb, demonstrate and put into effect the information received. This is an electric age and it is passing strange that the subject of home lighting has, in the past, received so little attention in schools as well as in homes. The statement is made and is probably true that the subject of adequate, effective, economical lighting has received practically no consideration whatever in 97 per cent of the homes. The usual rule is to drop a cord in the center of tho room and let it go at that. Teachers and students - are grateful for the opportunity of getting some first-hand information on this important subject. A representative of the electrical company will meet with the teachers next Monday afternoon I to supply literature and explain j details of the plan. LIBRARY INSTRUCTION j Wednesday and today Miss Dora Smith, librarian, has received the various classes at the public library and has given instruction In the proper use of a library. Another example of teaching the "minimum essentials" of an im- port ant subject. The state board of education in Minnesota has recently ruled that "Library training should not be considered for separate high school credit, but should be made a part of the English course. "One mission of the schools is to popularize library training and make it possible for students in tho grades, the high schools, normal schools to feel at home in the library and to use its tools familiarly."-Ida Mendenhall. FIRE LOSSES Ogden, like the rest of America, has had her big fire losses. The two inost recent ones are the one on Washington avenue where the Egyptian theatre now stands and the other the Union Pacific station So far this year we have bad no disastrous fire. If we are but careful, we need not have any. Fifty-three years ago today, October 9, all Chicago burned. Everyone knows about that fire; its flames are in history. The blaze was attributed to a widow's kicking cow, but no one is just sure whose carelessness was responsible for that conflagration. But the Chicago blaze wasn't a wisp compared with property 1 burned in America last year. And j virtually nobody talks about last j year's fire losses because we have j gotten used to disasters-and be- ! sides, we do not like statistics, except those that touch our own pocketbooks. Fire losses: Fifteen thousand lives a year; five hundred million dollars; carelessness, the great American habit; truly American, for listen: Our loss per capita was five times more than in France; seven times more than in England; eight times more than in Germany; 20 times more than in Holland. v Truly, we take the prize for indifference and carelessness. A usauredly, we are all with Mayor Kirkendall and Chief Graves In their effort to break this very bad habit In Ogden. Fri Oct 10 24 Ogden High School Notes 1 The high school play will be presented in the Orpheum theatre Wednesday evening, December 10. The play has not been definitely decided upon as yet, but it vill probably be "Clarence." The senior girls are planning to give their party to the boys (for losing student body membership contest) on Saturday evening, October 18. They promise the boys the best time ever. FINE WORK DONE Each day a cadet is appointed to act as orderly for the day. This orderly patrols hallways, goes on errands, introduces visitors, collects absentee slips and makes himself generally useful. ; The following students have rendered loyal service this week: Robert Barr, Earl Rushmer, Jack Craven, Frank Rose and Edgar Calder. Parents are advised that the high school djiy is from 8:30 until 3 o'clock and that any student who expects to do good work should be here during that time. As a general rule those who ask for special consessions and periods off are those who need the work most , Students of high school, especially girls, have been invited to subscribe for "The Woman Citizen,' 'the only national, independent magazine, owned, published and edited by women. Its aim, of course, is to set forth clearly the place of women in the modern world and to encourage girls to prepare for the great duties and responsibilities awaiting them. The William Penn High school recently entered 450 subscriptions for this magazine. O. H. S. TEAM WINS The Ogden seconds again defeated Box Elder seconds to the tune of 21 to 0 Thursday. The game was played at Lorin Farr park. Ogden firsts had scrimmage practice Thursday with Weber college team. Dr. E. P. Mills was scheduled to address the assembly today, and Adelaide Ashton was to sing. The selection of sponsors for the R. O. T. C. has been an Interesting feature of the past week. Only graduating senior girls of high scholarship, exemplary conduct and ' wholesome attitude toward school and its activities were eligible. Faculty members were requested to hand to the. vice principal lists of such girls. This list was checked with their previous school record and then posted. The commanding officers of each unit then made the selection from the list. FINE WORK OF SPONSORS The gii sponsors of the R. O. T. C. are important factors in building up the fine morale that exists in the unit. They encourage the boys in being regular, prompt and courteous; they sew buttons on the uniforms and give Information and advice as to how to keep the uniforms neat, clean, well pressed; how to polish their shoes; how personal appearance builds up character, etc.; they plan socials and entertainments for the battalion and do whatsoever they can to help the boys to have pride, pleasure and satisfaction in their work. They are indeed a very fine asset to the unit. Whoever conceived the idea of sponsors should receive commendation and congratulation for having put into operation a really ,worth-while idea. The girls who were fortunate enough to be elected sponsors are receiving the congratulations of all the other girls in the school. The positions carry honors and responsibilities that are much coveted in the school. GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP Some one has said that there is no finer sportsmanship than that which induces one to compliment a friend or fellow in his promotion and to glory in his advancement without any tinge of jealousy or envy. What finer thing in life than this; that one comes to know I that some one believes in him, ! some one trusts him, some one rejoices in his successes, and is i genuinely sympathetic in his failures-if there must be failures. And on the other hand, what i i more despicable thing in life than that of gloating or rejoicing by i j fellow mortals when errors or mistakes are made, or when misfortunes befall. It is about the most unhuman or inhuman thing that can be found In frail humanity. SPEEDING UP FOR MENTAL EFFICIENCY I One of the big lessons learned from the recent test given all high school students was that it is possible to "speed up" the mind and develop alertness and high efficiency. Many students had a lower rating than they really deserved because they have not schooled themselves in mental celerity. Assurance, confidence, accuracy are gained also by the individual who makes a practice of working with celerity. To prove this, let anyone try to add a column of figures, first slowly deliberately, then secondly the some column or a similar column with as much speed as he reasonably can. In the first instance slowness induces hesitancy, uncertainty contributes to error; the second method, celerity of activity, contributes to accuracy and confidence. The auto driver speeds up when approaching a hill or when going into heavy roads. So the individual who speeds up, travels on high, in his mental operations, stands the best show to master his problems and to overcome his difficulties. RAPID READING This explains the method in vogue these days in teaching reading In the elementary schools. A student is trained to read rapidly and get thought from Ihe printed page in the least time and with highest proficiency possible. This training should be carried on more generally in the high school than it has been in the past..,) It is said that reading was largely a matter of turnfng pages with Theodore Roosevelt, and in an hour's time he could get all that a big book had to offer. He got the "heart" of it, and moreover he kept it and used it. This accounts for his having been i rated the most versatile man of his day. The Ogden-West High football game will be played Thursday, October 23, instead of Saturday, October 25. Members of the two football teams will be guests of Joseph F. Goss at a dance at the Berthana following the game. Oct 13 - 24 Ogden High School Notes 1492-1924. October 12. They sailed, They sailed. Then spake the mate: ''This mad Sea shows his teeth tonight. He curls his lip, he lies in wait, He lifts his teeth, as if to bite! Brave Adm'r'l, say but one good word: What shall we do when hope is gone?" The words lfeaped like a leaping sword: "Sail on! Sail on! Sail on and on!" Then pale and worn, he paced his j deck, And peered through darkness. All, that night Of all dark nights! And when a speck- j A light! A light! At last a light! It grew, a starlit flag unfurled! It grew to be Time's burst of dawn. Hfe gained a world; he gave that world ! Its grandest lesson: "On! sail ! , on!" -Joaquin Miller. Today, October 13, is marked red on the calendar, but, of course, school a3 usual. Just staying out 6f school is not celebrating. It is wasting time. Citizens, by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your aft fections. The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exnalt the just pride of patriotism. Respect for the authority of this gov ernment, compliance with its laws, acquiescence in Its measures, are " duties enjoined by the fundamental 1 maxims of true liberty. ! -George Washington. 1 That teacher succeeds best who J keeps her nether eye upon her school and her weather eye upon her public- One Daniel Boone, pioneer in teaching, is worth a hatful of s stand patters. _ 1 GAME NEXT FRIDAY. Friday afternoon of this week comes our second league gan e- ( with Murray High at Lorin Farr park. It is absolutely necessary 6 that we win this game and the players should receive the encouragement from a full grandstand. Be there, students, and have your parents and friends there, too. October 23 is to be the big day in Ogden--the day O H. S. plays West, Side at ILorin Fair park. A-ll of Ogden Avill be anxious to se this, the greatest high school foot-j ball game ever played in Ogden. PROVED BEST GAME. One prominent Ogden man says that more than a dozen people have told him that the Ogden-Logan game was far more interesting than the Aggie-Colorado game. Of ' course it was; there's nothing more t interesting than a good high school 4 football game between teams even-! ly matched, especially when one t of the teams is your school's tain- e Let all Ogden show that they" are , interested in the O. H. S. boys by supporting them at their games. In a recent test involving 220 points, one high school boy bd 217, the highest attained in t'ae school. Probably not one boy in s 1000 will often reach that high Vat- ing-9 8.6 per cent. Reed Ames f is the name of the boy and his age 16 years 6 days on the date of the examination. |