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Show privileges that our countrymen had enjoyed for several generations. To the vocabulary of High school pupils of 1918, a new word -armistice-was to be added. What did it mean? How was it pronounced? For a time there was some floundering, even among adults, as to the proper pronunciation. After a time its meaning was understood to be a cessation of firing-the stopping of battles I -a ceasing of the contest-for a council on terms of peace. Then it was learned that Germany was in sore straits an that the allies were to submit terms on which Germany might avoid invasion, devastation, destruction. She had no alternate but to accept the terms. ; The war was ended-civilization j was saved from further ravages of war and destruction! This generation can never forget the exultation, the joy, the spontaneous celebration that was exhibited in every town and hamlet throughout America, as well as Canada, France and England, on November 11, 1918. Now after six years the enthusiasm has died down, we are settled again into our ways of peace, but the return of the anniversary must ever remain a grim reminder of all that horrible war cost; may it not awaken also a hope that civilization shall never again be asked to participate in such an awful combat! Armistice day! Another of America's great days! It marks the cessation of the greatset war in all the world's history. It marks another milestone in the struggle of the race for liberty and freedom. In that war, we fought ;&ot so much for ourselves as for others; we fought that others might enjoy the same blessed rights ancLL Nov 12 -24 Ogden High School Notes I The finest thing about Armistice day in Ogden in our opinion, j r was the splendid spirit exhibited, g by the 500 cadets, who sacrificed! the best part of the holiday, to; i march and stand in the cold in con- j 1 tributihg their part to memorial'; exercises at the Gold Sar drive, j All honor to the lads who perform- j ed their part with such gracious- j ness and cheer, and who dia their j work so well. The football team proved its 1 mettle again Tuesday in the weli- 1 matched tussle with Granite. Despite the muddy field and the cold I j day, the game was interesting j j throughout and was watched with, interest by a large shivering crowd, j need new yells. ij i The school council on Tuesday ! voted to appropriate 15 in prizes Uo the students who will come to the rescue of the school and originate some new classy, distinctive yells. This is a move in the right direction as Ogden ccrtainly needs something new and characteristic along this line. Students can't you : get a little cerebration on this mat- i jter? j A report comes from some j homes that Saturdays, Sundays and 1 the occasional holidays do not give ; the students time to catch up with their work although they spend every available minute in the ef- J fort. But students must remem- j ber, we suppose, "that no one was ; ever killed by hard work, and it; is better to wear out than to ru&t j out." ' j i Ogden high teachers have been j asked by Atlantic Monthly to sug- j gest books, stories and articles that, they have found especially helpful: in developing social, civic and ; moral character. The "Lighting Essay" contest j has awakened considerable interest j not only among the students but! among the parents in Ogden. The J subject is indeed timely and worth ySdle and will result in much gdod. I contest cl0SeS Frilay of ' new CLASSICUM. The Ciassicurn staff and advising j, group will meet tomorrow and j award contract for printing the j quarterly. The first issue will be 1 published within j:he next two j weeks. The Ogden High male chorus; j. usang two numbers at the Near East dinner at Weber club on Monday evening. They were highly; complimented on their work. fads IN EDUCATION. We have heard much late years1 j about so-called "fads" in education, j There are still a few old fashioned people who say "None o' your new-fangled notions for us. Give ; us the three R's-readin', ritin' and 'rithmetic, with a little jog- gerfy and plenty o' lickin.' That'o sensible. That's practical." "What are called fads?" asks Dr. Frank Crane. "Manual training, s cooking', sex education, playground instruction, ethical teaching, the j learning of a trade.'- Then he comments as follows: j Study 'rithmetic until you know the j f book by heart, yet you w?ll leara; more by making a box out of j boards and actually computing its j § size, and learn it more quickly. The best process of mastering the j 1 chemistry of foodstuffs is to learn i to bake bread, fry potatoes and 1 prepare a dinner. An hour's instruction daily in the effects of alcohol upon the.human organism is better than a whole year of Sunday school, an ¥ hour a week. An ounce of sex knowledge is worth a ton of moral advice. More boys and girls go to tho devil because they don't know how to play than because they don't , g know how to work. It is the old style book study . and recitation that is impractical. 1 It is the old system of cramming the young ones through classes and grades that is absurd. . r The so-called fads, at least many of them, are merely efforts to ap- t ply intelligence and science to education. what's in a name? A teacher was approached Tuesday by a solicitor and asked to ac -1 cept a two hundred and fifty dollar set of encyclopedias for the mere use of his name in indorsement of the books. "Your indorsement will help to ' sell these books to a good many j people," explained the agent. ( i "No," said the teacher, "you can- 3 j not use my name in any such transaction. If people wish to be swindled by buying subscription j books they will do it on their own 1 initiative and not on my recom- r mendation." , Was the teacher right or wrong? , R. O. T. C. boys have finally re-r ceived their suits. They make a . very fine showing now. The of- : ficers report that the companies at; . the Junior Highs are doing aplen- ; did work. Captain Dockler be- ; comes more pleased and delighted , every day with the fine spirit and , morale of the Ogden boys. a fine example. The mention in Monday's Standard-Examiner of Mayor Kirkendall's annual practice of declaring a 30 day's "armistice" on the smoking habit is worthy 'Of consideration. Smoking, at best, is only an expensive, useless habit, and when any man says "it shall not master me-I shall ever remain master of myself," he is setting an example, and enunciating a principle that is worthy of emulation. "Any habit" ! they say is a good servant but a ! i poor master." collier program ij 7. Abolition of the Lockstep. At-. tempting to make all children keep; ; step, and degrading those who can-; l not, is stupid, expensive and cruel. 11 The steps that lead away from the outworn and blindly applied regi- j mental system are three: 3 j (a) Grouping the children ac- t! cording to ability, with abundant i opportunity for reclassification, j This is no more than every intel- ! ligent community owes its youngsters. It is neither hard nor ex- j pensive to make this advance. 11 (b) "Opportunity Rooms" for QX- 11 ceptionally brig-nt children and 1 j stragglers. For those who forge i ahead, the advanced work and add- ed opportunities that will develop ,t j leadership. For those who drop t I behind, mental hygiene such aa t! Sutherland has worked out in Los Angeles, and special care. Johnny, who dropped behind the rest 1, in geography, may be lacking in s only one of the many things that ! make for scholarship; a little, _ analytical expense for him and make him a! success instead of a failure. (c) Individual instruction. No1 two children are' alike. Allowing: each nee at his own natu ral aiH s;i ,iout needless repetition is both possible and :jracticao.e. As far as the trail is i blazed in this direction and adequate self-instructive texts and test material become available, it is the duty and privilege of each com- : munity to see that the unnecessary ! handicaps of the past are done ; away with. Individual instruction in some subjects, like spelling, can ! be applied anywhere by the use of a little ingenuity and common sense. Courtis of Detroit has already worked out excellent individual instruction material for reading. ; Washburne of Winnetka, Ill., and ethers have worked out adequate i tests in, arithmetic and other sub- Nov 13 '24 Ogden High School Notes Major H. S. Jordan, officer in charge of R. O. T. C. wo-k in the Ninth corps area, paid the high school a visit Wednesday. He spoke in high praise of the work in Ogden High school. We received invitation Wednesday to play a foot'ball game with Jordan at Ogden on November 21. It is not at ail unlikely that Ogden shall play Jordan frequently hereafter, as it is proposed that East, West, Ogden. Jordan and some other schools withdraw from the state athletic association and form a little assooration of their own. letter received. The office force received a very interesting letter from Virginia Green who is attending Stanford yesterday. Virginia is quite enthusiastic about her school. She says, "I have no adjective at my command that can adequately express my appreciation of this wonderful university. Suffice it to say that all my hopes and dreams are fulfilled in it." Concerning the climate she says that while it may be good for the hair (it makes it curl) and the complexion it is not ideal; for "each day has a thousand moods-so undependabie- -too un- dependable to suit me; 1 hate anything fickle; being fickle myself, I cannot adnvre the quality in anyone or anything else." The (X) Chemistry club-until it receives its official title-is planning a get-acquainted party and making plans for no tiggest, liveliest peppiest club in school. There are about 75 pupils taking chemistry and all seem enthusiastic about the new organization. jam AND JELLY DAY. All high school students are being asked today to bring jam and ; jellies tomorrow for disabled soldiers. From experience of past .years it is believed that a big j contribution will be made. Miss Hazel Mills of the office force returned to high school today iafter three weeks spent at the board of education on the enumeration lists. r. o. T. C. VALUED. Major Jordan said Wednesday that there are 20,000 boys in R. O. T. C. work in the Ninth corps area: That these are an absolute guaranty for Lha continuance of American . ideas and ideals. He says that it is becoming a very general practice in his corps . area for business men to ask for R. O. T. C. record before employing young men; that when the R. O. T. C. officers' record shows that a boy is dependable and trustworthy there no hesitancy about offering them employment. He reports also that liu-re are in the United States now more than 135,000 young men taking this training in secondary bchools. That there are more than 100 high schools now applying for office? and equipment I or this work, DUt finances will not permit the granting of their r .-quests. a correction. In the list of graduates attending college the other day the. names' of Annie Anderson and Edward Welch were given as attending University of Utah. They should have been credited to j Weber. The following accredited at Weber are reported as not in attendance there: Marjorie Hinchcliff, Russell Hood, Francos Pedlar, Curtis Prout. Tho following ; additional ones are attending Weber. Eileen Agren, Tetsuo Chiba, Beth Cranney, La Von Green, Audrey Hawkes, Mildred Levedahl, Claudia Nix, Clifton Rhead, Thelma Thurston, Nona Wallace, Constance Curran. This .gives Weber 54 out of last year's class. ( Members of the year book staff met Monday, November 10, and outlined plans for the yaar's work. ! Franklin Richards was assigned j the task of making the school 1 calendar. gamma kappa. The regular bi-week;y meeting of Gamma Kappa was held on Wednesday afternoon. The program committee had provided a most excellent program. The a.udi- ence was first convulsed by a reading from "Penrod,'' given by Mary Flinders, a student from, Central Junior. Following this they were heid for almost a'n hour under the quiet spell of Mr. Stuart. His lecture was devoted to that artistic aspcet- of . our every day life which has to do with our appreciation of nature, especially of the scenes which surround us here in I he west. He pointed out that the old concep- i tion of the west, as embodied for instance, in the drawings cf Frederick Remington, the old rough and ready, gun-on-the-hip spirit is becoming a thing of the past. The newer spirit, the spirit of brooding grandeur and breathless peace, is what some of the modern artists are trying to give the world. "Most of us," said Mr. Stuart, "exclaim at nature in her more dramatic aspects; at the hugeness of our mountains and th i glory of the sunset out here over the lake. We have in this particular locality a wonderful combination, one might almost say, of the plains of Egypt and the Alps of Switzerland. But the aspect of our western life not always so fully appreciated is that which comes to some of us out cn the desert in the sage-brush under the boiling sun. Sorm; of our western artists are trying to interpret this. "Some attempts have oeen made to accomplish this through the medium of literature also, but as yet it has not been adequately done. Some day there will come a poet or a novelist, who will put into words this newer and truer conception of the west-the sublimity of its mountains, the calm beauty of its valleys, and the magic stillness of its deserts. "We can all train ourselves to a deeper appreciation of these things. We need financiers and we need the things that money can buy, but we have this need also; and this is a gift we can all give to the world." forum meeting. The regular Monday meeting of the Forum was well attended. After the routine business was disposed of, the time was spent in parliamentary practice. Each member took his turn ac presiding while the rest made motions, amended motions, and amended amendments, etc. There were frequent calls for division of the house, as the voting grow close and exciting. The points of order which were raised taxed the judicial powers of the chair to the utmost. Referees armed with "Roberts Rules of Order" and other standard authorities sometimes helped settle the more complicated questions. |