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Show all the time that it dcesri't, and, you say so. Next big- sister el- ; bows her way in between 'you j and this does not help matters at a!!, and insults are given freely. ! Father is consulted i rom time; to time until he lays down his magazine and" joins you. Finally j 'mother gives up her sewing and. lends her aid. Then follows a ! general hubbub, buc finally j through the combined efforts of al! (though each one declares he accomplishes the most) he puzzle is solved. Then you joyally re¬tire to bed.—Leland Flynn. A SCHOOL DAY 30 YEARS AGO. We, had a teacher whose pet aversion was match heads, Cicero and Demosthenes wou'd have apologized to him could they have come in when he wad delivering one of his eloquent orations upon this engaging theme. His vituper¬ative vocabulary seemed 'unlim¬ited, inexhaustible and cumulative, j He raved, and ranted, and exuded ! epithets with the most . lavish prodigality. It seemed to us that he didn't care much what he said, if he could only say it! rapidly and forcibly. In the very I midst of an eloquent period j another match head would ex- j plode unddr this foot, and that j seemed to answer the purpose of i an encore. The class in arithme- tic did not recite that afternoon. I There was no time for ar;tbmetic when match heads were to the j fore. I sometimes feiu a bit guilty that I was admitted 1J such a good show on a free pass. ; The next day, of course, the gat- ling guns resumed their f ctivity; the girls screeched as they walked toward the water pail fo get a! drink; we boys studied our geog-raphy lesson with faces garbed in a look of innocence and won¬der; our mothers at home were i wondering what had become of jail the matches; and the teacher i i—but the less said of him the 11 better. ! The advantages accruing from ! j the possession of stu-ieut bodv ! (tickets have been so obvious this! year that it is altogether likely that every student will purchase 1 one next year. Despite the fact that the year is more than one- I third gone, four students bought i tickets on Wednesday at the orig¬inal price. CROSSWORD PUZZLES. If you have a family of five, all of whom are interested in cross¬word puzzles, I can sympathize with you. It surely puts you at a disadvantage. You rush home . from school'and get your lessons m the afternoon, so you -an -Vork on puzzles at night. Mother reads the paper in the afternoon. Rush¬ing through supper, you get the paper before big brother and get highly interested, when father de- mands the paper to read. Then i you sit down and twiddle your ' thumbs. Meanwhile casting angry! 'glances at big brother, who re- turns them with interest. Finally I j father lays down the paper. Like I an arrow from a bow, you and j brother leave your seats and ! pounce on it. "I got it," he exclaims. "You haven't," you answer. "I have." "You haven't.' Then follows a Quarrel that is settled by father, sometimes none too gently. Then you sit down and work together. All goes well for the smallest half a minute. Then big brother, who thinks he knows it all, in¬sists that a certain word goes in a certain place, when vtu know Dec 15-24 Ogden High School Notes Tomorrow night at 7 o'clock, ; the board of education's annual j football banquet will be given j in the school cafeteria. The din- i ner will be prepared and served , by the girls of the domestic science department, assisted by Mrs. Kate Sprague, under the di- j rection of Miss Merle Chipman, instructor. How rapidly the year is passing lis evidenced by the annual social ; events that are already spoken j of in. past tense—football, the; j football banquet, the school play, i the girls' party the sponsors' j banquet, etc. Before the week is j over the Christmas dance will j have been numbered with past i events, the Christmas Classicum' will have been published, school 'will be closed for the year 1924. OGDEN'S SUBSTITUTE The state executive athletic committee is taking it for grant- ! ed that Ogden is already ruled j out of the state association hence the clever stunt of putting L. D. S. in the Ogden division. She can take Ogden's place. 'Putting L. D. S. with Ogden, land Granite with Jordan does j away with the Salt Lake division, i and also the Salt Lake represen¬tative on the executive board. This latter will be no great loss to the state for a division repre¬sentative t,hat hasn't even an opinion, one way or another, upon a crucial question coming up in his own division, who will not vote either yea or nay, doesn't cut much of a figure. FIRST HOOP GAME. Coach Kapple has an invitation to play Pocatello at Ogden the latter part of the week closing the year or during the 'irst few j days of 1925. This comes when i school is not in session, but will undoubtedly be played, and vail be a "crackajack" good game— a good one to start the .-eason. Teachers were complimented to¬day with large art calendars of 1925 by Miss Lois E. Peirce, dealer in real estate. ' The cal¬endar is entitled "The Birth of Our Nation,' 'and represents Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin signing the Declaration of Independence. The principal is indebted to Miss Peirce for a very large, and a very beautiful, calendar—a na¬ture scene, a combination of lake, mountain and forest, that is a real work of art Many thanks, Miss Peirce. The board of education mem- ; bers, out of the kindness of their ! hearts, are arranging to give teachers a half month's pay 'jest 'fore Christmas. The favor is much appreciated. GOITRE PREVENTION _ AiMttti- 75 students have signi¬fied their desire'to take the goitre treatment offered by Dr. Bar¬rett, school physician. The first allotment of tablets will be given out tomorrow (Tuesday). Dur¬ing the remainder of the year, the tablets will be given cut every Tuesday, the period following luncheon. NOTABLE ASSEMBLY. The "Stellar" program on Friday was a genuine success and a i ' real treat. Dr. Carver in his! i lecture on astronomy was at 1 ; his best and held the students : spellbound by his interesting, con- j crete, illustrations of size, dis¬tances, etc., of the different plan¬ets and stars, etc. His descrip¬tions and stories of some of the important constellations were like new stories from fairyland. The seniors gave a very clever stunt for advertising the' Christ¬mas dance. Members of the club also furnished some fine music and comedy. A PITIFUL INCIDENT. One day last week a pitiful in- I cident took place at the high school. A 16-year-old bov from I , far away New York, who says I ae is a second year high school -student, was found leaving the high school with the engineer's leather coat on. He explained that he Was touring the country "a la brakebeamS' on freight trains and needed the coat to keep from freezing. He looked as if he had been feeding for weeks past from garbage cans, and sleeping in coal bins—with¬out washing facilities; he made, indeed, a pitiful sight. Surely this young man has learned that this is a cold, hard world, and that he has taken the wrong method of buffeting it. It is to be hoped that, he will find' his way back home and the "fatted calf" will be killed to welcome his return, and that he will be a wiser and a better boy ever afterward. High school students are mak¬ing Christmas contributions today and tomorrow for the poor of Og¬den. Last year the high school made a very splendid showing and we feel assured that the students will do fully as well. . A REMARKABLE DEMONSTRATION One of the finest pieces of mechanism we have seen in a long time is that whicn shows the workings of a Willys-Knight, motor loaned to Geo. Bergstrom of the auto mechanics depart¬ment by the Browning Auto com¬pany. On a mounted pedestal is shown a vertical section of the intricate parts of a cylinder. A .wheel attachment enables one to see how every part functions in the four processes of intake com¬pression, explosion, exhaust. As the wheel slowly revolves the above words are brought into clear view as the piston moves up and down, showing the exact position of all parts when each step of the process takes flace. It is one of the cleverest devices for demonstration of a complicat¬ed process that we have ever wit¬nessed. Mr. Bergstrom says that any boy who cannot understand exactly how an engine operates, after seeing this devicc should never be permitted to sit behind a steering wheel of an uto. He appreciates very much the cour¬tesy of Browning Brothers in per¬mitting him to use the demon¬strator. CHRISTMAS DANCE. Everyone is anxiously waiting the 19th of December. Why? Because it is O. H. S.'s first Christmas dance. It will be a success won't it? Yeah, bo! Everybody coming? Yeah, bo! No stags ? No, bo! We certainly hope the fellows will dig a little deeper in their pockets and bring a girl to'the dance. Of course, girls are more expensive—why shouldn't they be? As there is a limited amount of tickets, you had better enter the rush now, if you intend to get one. LEARNING HUMAN NATURE. Clarence Darrow relates in one of his books that when he was a boy he spent a summer out at his Uncle Henry's farm. Farm life was very interesting and nov¬el to him and he learned a gre'at many things during the summer. He was interested, for instance, in the way Uncle Henry fed his hogs. He would go out in the morning and again in the even¬ing into his pasture with his buckets of feed, and the hogs at sight of him, would come running pell-mell from ail directions to 1 meet him. The biggest hogs would, of course, get there first and would begin to devour; the feed, not forgetting to get all four feet in the trough so as to prevent the other hogs from get¬ting any. "Oh," says he, "1 learned a lot about human na¬ture, when I watched Uncle Henry feed his hogs." " CLAIR - RUNCE'' Another aftermath of the play is this rather unique write-up by,one of the students: Mid a rustle of programs and youthful title, the O. H. S. fam¬ily sat teeming with expectancy; each one expounding his knowl¬edge of Clairence to his neigh¬bor. However, the effervescent conversationalists were interrupt¬ed by the approach of a sylph-like maiden, gliding down the aisle. This damsel fair, accompanied by her grouped escorts, was arrayed "Mode-a-la-chic." As she sat sur¬rounded by her coterie for public scrutiny, the audience recognized her as Ralphena Pugmire. As she dusted the tip of her "boy¬ish" nose, the curtain was raised. Before us stood Pierrot and Pierrette with their lines prepar¬ed, ready, with rhythmical ease to announce the contents, of act one. Really, they were vry ver¬satile. But, with the appearance of an¬other personage—"Clarence," the atmosphere was somewhat alter¬ed. He was a queer, crippled private who, with wondering awe, played a role of superior excel¬lence—or my story, I might say. But with the continual appear¬ance of equally ludicrous char¬acters, the story fell into a rap¬turous plot of perplexity. During the prolongation of each act, unemployed onions scented the misty air, accompanied by various other forms of "onions." ! A bit of "Bugology" inter¬mingled with the "Cat's Meow," spared the assembled onlookers a few moments of recuperation. Nevertheless, the process moved ! rapidly, too rapidly in fact, for the perfume of the "fleur de compliment" swept heedlessly by. But, alas! While subconscious thoughts were centering on the "elevated pew" df Madamoiselle Pugmire, th height of the cli- hax was in session (not in the box—on the stage), Clarence was performing that dutiful task of a real hero—A gasp and a sigh, a laugh and a cry aroused the spirit of applause. A dfiinty bow and a nod from Pierrot bid the curtain fall, and the O. H. S. family rambled homeward, re¬peating those obscure syllables, "Clair-rence." RUTH FISHER. THE STELLAE. Wrell, what does the "gallant student body" think of Stellae as¬semblies? It surely was a star, wasn't it? Don't ysu envy us, now! Just think, WE have talks like the one Dr. Carver gave Fri¬day every meeting. It surely is a privilege to be a Stellae Don't you think we have some very tal¬ented members in the Stellae? We challenge any other club in school to offer any better or more ac¬complished dancers, violinists, or¬ators or opera singers. And now, just to be sure that you know who and what we are, here's our song: "Oh, we're the Stellae of Ogden High! Our motto is to rise. We outclass 'em all, we outshine 'em all, The Stellae sweeps the skies, The other clubs at O. H. S. Are all right as they go, But they can't hope to reach Stellae— For stars are our motto; It's the truth, isn't it7 Condescendingly, THE STELLAE, Per Erisa Berne, Pres. |