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Show CALLED TO TENNESSEE Miss Margaret Hicks, a popular senior girl who came from Tennessee in September and entered high school, received a wire Wednesday that her eldest sister, a mother of four children, had been killed by a train in Panama. No j further particulars were given. Margaret and her mother, Mrs. Boothe, will leave for Jackson, Tenn., their home, tonight. They carry with them the love and .sincere. sympathy of ail high school teachers and pupils as well as of a host of Ogden friends whom they have made during their short so- journ here. "IN OLD LOUISIANA" Tickets are on sale at the high school today for the school opera, j "In Old Louisiana," which wil: be j presented in the Weber college au- j ditorium on Tuesday evening next. I Mr. Gammell and his singers prom- ! iso us a genuine musical rreat. j SCHOOL VISITORS The state director of vocational and industrial work, I. N. Noall and J. A. Hicks of Tooela county i visited the part-time school at Ogden Wednesday. This school, un- j der the direction of Principal F. T. Wiggins, is doing most excellent woik in Ogden. The following ...teachers from j Murray High school passeU Monday in the various departments o Ogden High school:. Mr. Peery. coach; Mr. Stone, director of auto mechanics, Mr. Hausknecht, instructor in carpentry; Miss Barlow, instructor in domestic science, and Miss Sabine, instructor in domestic art. BLAMED AGAIN Whoever reports Ogden news in the Salt Lake Tribune does not seem overly anxious to give Ogden High school students a good name. A week ago a r port came Cut in that paper uner a black headline, "Two High School Students Jailed." The item says the students were jailed for drunkenness. Investigation provod that tha boys -v re not high school studenrs at all. Wednesday';) Tribune had another scare had article: 'Eleven High School boys Arrested in Pool Hall." The Standard -Examiner Wednesday evening gave the names cC the 11 bov.. Two out were high school leys-one of them en- tor.:ng school two weeks ago. Again we ask, "Why give high school Ihs all "cho blame?" f The L. D. S. have an article in their creed which says, "We believe men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adam's transgressions." We paraphrase tuis article to read, "We believe high school boys should be censure 1 for their own sins, but not for everybody's transgressions." MORE INFORMATION FROM BOSTON The following instruction regarding conduct is given to schools in Boston: The corridors are not a playground, consequently fooling, running, jostling are out of place. Loud talking, whistling or yelling constitute disorder. Collecting in large groups, blocking traffic in any way is obviously poor citizenship. Great care should be exercised in following traffic rules especially on the stairways. Hats should be taken off once you are in the building. A PERTINENT SUGGESTION The high school has conducted a campaign recently on tardiness. A student writing an essay on '.he subject of punctuality observed: "We are supposed to take after our betters, such as our faculty are supposed to be; therefore I think it looks just as bad to see teach- . ers saunter in a little late as it is for pupils." TEACHERS IN COLOR One necessity of modern life, which comes in assorted colors, is the teacher. There are green teachers, yellow teachers, blue teachers, teachers and white teachers.BlueTeachers They remembr their own school days, the farewell to freedom for nine long months, and so are very sympathetic, but they also remem- , j ber the stern old masters of their school days and so they often assume an attempted sternness. When ordering a teacher it is best not to order a green teacher unless one understands human nature and ; knows that beneath her pretended sternness she is reallv sympathetic. YELLOW TEACHERS Yellow teachers are afraid to displease anyone. They are easy to "bluff" and can be persuaded to give you any grade. Their classes can easily persuade them not to give long assignments and can convince them that tests are inadvisable. If you wish to bluff your way through school, lay in a supply of yellow teachers. BLUE TEACHERS Blue teachers are the teachers who think the world is a cruel place because they have to endure our charming company all day. They are eternally reminding us that we have six or seven teachers to prepare lessons for, while they have to inject knowldge into about 100 heads, dense or otherwise. We have no way to rid ourselves of this melancholy feeling and must therefore suffer in silence. When ordering, avoid blue teachers. GRAY TEACHERS j Next to blue teachers", gray teachers are the worst. They look upon every new student with suspicion. They seem to think we come to school just to cause them grief. Believing that "turn about" is "fair play," they cause all the trouble they can, even when we don't deserve it. Next to blue teachers, avoid the gray ones. WHITE TEACHERS Last comes the teacher the whole school loves-the . white teacher. She requires study, but is fair in everything. She under stands the boys and girls she has to do with. She knows when to overlook an unprepared lesson, and yet one cannot "bluff ' her. She understands the mischievousness and restlessness of a student and does not look upon it hs meanness. She treats the pupil as a friend not as some inferior being, into whom she is to batter, beat and pound knowledge. If possiole, when picking a teacher pick a wlriie one. This is rather difficult because of the demand, but you find almost every school is fortvnate in having what the whole school loves-the white teacher.-From the Panther, Delta, Colo. INTERESTING MEETING Miss Charlotte Stewart, supervisor of recreational work for Salt Lake, and Miss Elsa Becker, national Girl Scout leader of New York City, gave the Girls' association of the high school the treat of the year in their addresses Wednesday morning at the Central Junior High school. Miss Stewart spoke of the opportunities for girls, their training for a part in the world,'s work, and the vocations open to the girls of today. She held it the duty of every girl to be as healthful and beautiful as she could to prepare herself to make her own living in the work that to her was most interesting and wrould make her happiest and in doing these, to be prepared to make a home. She spoke ; especially on the opportunities for work in her chosen profession: health, physical education and recreation. j Miss Becker gave a brief resume of the Girl Scout movement and program for high school girls and girls entering college to take up courses in leadership, scouting, recreation, etc., and prepare for : service in their own communities. Many of the girls met Miss Becker and Miss Stewart afterward and pledged themselves to organize an additional troop of Girl Scouts at high school to prepare themselves for such work. Girls who wish to join will apply to Mrs. Coolidge. Miss Helen Tollefson delighted the audience with two piano selections. BORROWING A PURSE The most embarrassing situation in my life resulted from my sister's continually losing her purse. One day, while walking down the main street of town, I saw ahead of me a girl who resembled my sister in dres3 and actions. Her purse was about ready to drop out of her pocket so I thought I-would play 1 a joke on her by taking the purse and returning it at the dinner ta- ! ble that night. With this idea in mind I stole quietly up to her f side and cautiously proceeded 10 withdraw the purse. I had just about succeeded in doing so when i the strap caught against the but- j ton of her pocket. I .accidentally j gave the purse a pull and she fell j the tug. You can imagine my con- j sternation when the girl who turned I proved not to he my sister but ' some girl I had never seen be- I fore.-GEORGE ROPER. 2-20-25 Ogden High School Notes Everybody seems to be taking; it for granted that the basketball team is going to Chicago. Several of the railroad companies have proffered their services in trans- j -porting the boys. The-bidding for classicalia booths today promises to be keen and j lively. There seems to oe even more enthusiasm than usual. ASSEMBLY PROGRAM. At today's assembly, Nano Piersanto gave a clarinet solo and Rachel Foulger sang, accompanied by Geneve Berne. A flute solo was feiven by Axel Nylander. Readings, Fern Pardoe and Nolan Taylor. The auctioning of booths for classicalia, and yell practice, consumed the remainder of the time. SAD, BUT TRUE. Here are some figures that should make us sit up and take notice. Two per cent of the people own 60 per cent of the wealth in America. Eighty-five per cent of the work- t rs of America earn 15 per week r less. Seven and one-half per cent are making from 1800 to 3000 per Jear. ' Seven and one-half per cent are )aid 5000 per year or up. BOYS NOT SO BAD. In a letter to the principal, Curtis Allison, chief of police, said: i "While it may be true that a' limited number of students come tinder our observation from time to time, yet it is my personal opinion tJiat as a wrhole we have comparatively little trouble from the high School students. Such cases should, not reflect on the school as a body." MAY GO TO BOULDER. It seems altogether likely at this writing that the basketball team will go to the sectional tournament and convention at Boulder, Colo., the second week in March. The affair is sponsored by the Boosters' club of the University of Colorado, and is to be much more than a tournament. It is to be a convention with educational aims. m-J "AMD SO BE IT SO." Aye! And it shall come to pass that, on Friday, the twentieth day of February, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, that each of the sons ef the Ogden High school, of the tribes of the Ogdenites, shall take unto himself a young lady, and shall j bestow upon themselves their "gala1 ingging," and shall proceed down Into the valley of the Berthana, and .Jhall there intermingle with one another. And it shall come to pass that on that day there shall be great j rejoicing in the valley of the Berthana, and the "ladies" shall j dance, and the gentlemen shall dane and all the "otherwise," shall dance also,, and all the land j of the Berthana shall be filled with j rejoicing. - Ana it snau come xo pass that the Cadetites, the sons of Cadet, shall ensemble themselves together, even as one man, and shall do that which 'will beget honor unto themselves, honor unto their officers, and honor unto all those who preside over them, and shall make their ladies lyroud of them, and shall make their officers proud of them, and shall make all the people in the i1 valley of the Berthana proud of i them also. And ic shall come to pass that I the band shall be there, and that the air shall be filled with music, ( and there shall be great rejoicing in the land of the Berthana. ' And it shall come, to pass that this great day be known as the I "Day of the Cadet Hop," and that i the tribes of the Ogdenites shall gather themselves together in the I valley of the Berthana, that they mignt do justice to the commem- j oration of the great day of "The; Cadet Hop." j And it shall come to pass that i so be this as I have said it unto you, even from the least unto the greatest, and even from the great- j est unto me least, and so it shall! be so, even as I have said it unto! you. "Omin." RADIO CONFERENCE. The members of the Ham-and club met in regular session Thursday evening at the high school j building. Because of the great i amount, of business which the club had to transact, the program fea-1 lure was dispensed with. The meet-J -ng d-eveloped into ,a drill in parliamentary conduct of business j which doubtless was of great value j to the boys. In this last respect j ( John Griffin and Jack Craven, who ' are students in the public speaking class, lighted the wray with many helpful suggestions. We j feel now that from a strictly busi- i ness standpoint our club is taking j definite shape. During the meeting it was decided to bid on a classicalia booth and special hurried arrangements wrere ! made in an attempt to raise funds. We hope for success. It was also decided to hold a "Father and Sons" evening one week from next Thursday, just to show good old "Dad" that we are interested in him. We know he is interested in us and we want to re- j turn the compliment. Our radio dance is still future possibility, while the contemplated "radio s show" will doubtless assume shape ere long. Several ingenious "radio lizzies" were demonstrated, the owners of which claimed wonderful results for them. The contest will end and the winner will be decided next Thursday. LIFE AT WEST POINT. Ogden always has two or more students at West Point military academy. She always has several on the waiting list. To those who wish to go we recommend a splendid article in the Outlook of February 11, on "Life and Training at West Point," that gives one a very definite idea of the training that this great school offers. In fact the article is worth reading by everyone, for we are all interested in the work of that institution. There is no such a thing as an elective subject at West Point. We . have here "standardization" to the j utmost. Here is the program j tersely put: Every cadet in every subject. Every cadet every day. Every cadet proficient in every subject. Many students fail to meet this high standardization. The article mentioned says: "On one of the January days when this article was developing itself, at West Point, seventy-nine grim faced young gentlemen, all but eighteen of them former members of the freshmen class, wearing civilian clothes and carrying grips and bundles, took the steeple path through the sallyport, down the white hill to the railroad station. They 'couldn't make the grade' on the high plateau over the Hudson. When the train had carried them back to; less exacting and less glorious civil (life, there was left at West Point exactly 981 cadets."' |