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Show uses. Spelling is in no sense, a , high school subject of study, and ! yet we are 'obliged Lo teach it j just because students failed long i ago to form the habit. Miss Elva Peterson, a former student of the high school, now a. student of the University of Washington at Seattle, sent the school two boxes of rare mosses and lichens during the past week. These are being studied in the botany classes and are much ap- j predated. Thanks, Miss Elva. MORE CHOCOLATE. The giving of iodine tablets, chocolate-coated for goitre prevention is quite popular. Strangely enough students are developing a 1 liking for them. The only com- ; plaint registered thus far is "there ain't quite enough chocolate on them." IN APPRECIATION. Miss Mabel Reynolds, manager of "In Old Louisiana," wishes to express her thanks and appreciation to all who helped to make the opera a success on Tuesday evening last. SHOULD BE BARRED. A suggestion has b,u;tt offered to the Classicalia committee that: I fat men be barred from the Classicalia, on account of their taking up too much room. Some of the . fat men are preparing a protest! of any such class legislation. TWENTY TICKETS ONLY. In order that there shall be fair opportunity for everyone to work for his favorite of queen, the ticket committee recommends that no student take more than 10 tickets to sell at a time These being sold, money turned in, another 10 tickets may be secured. Under no conditions will any student be allowed to take more than 20 tickets at a time: QUEEN CANDIDATES. The queen crop promises to be very good this year. The following have already been named: Beatrice Bletcher, Mary Louise Hanks, Jean Warner, Blanche Nelsen, Helen Storey, Helen Vogel, Marian Ure. UTAH IN THE WORLD WAR. The high school has received three copies of a book, "Utah In the World War," by Noble Warrum, edited under the auspices of the State Council of Defense. Only 1000 copies of this book are being published. TARDINESS A PROBLEM. The changing of classes every 45 minutes is a very fine thing', j It gives students a chance to j move about and prevents fatigue. It has its drawbacks, however, in this: It permits of annoyances j and delays that sometimes be- j come very exasperating. There I were, for instance, 409 cases of tardiness reported last week in spite of the determined effort of teachers to eliminate tardiness. Perhaps no lesson that the , school can teach is of Vyere value than this-that students -should be trained in habits of punctuality, promptness, dependability. facts of history and science and i literature will be forgotten, out if I tire habit of being on time has been established the atu dent, will find herein an asset of incalculable value- TONGUE TWISTERS. Try these for exercising your tongue: Say them fast. City chop shops should stop stocking cheap chops. Doth the silk-shirt shop still stock shot silk shirts? THE MOOSEHEART INSTITUTE. .Hon. James J. Davis, secretary of labor, once a poor immigrant boy, for many years an "iron peddler," is the main originator of one of the greatest institutions in the world-The Mooseheart Institute. This institution was founded by voluntary contribution for the specific purpose of training minds, hands and hearts of children bereft of parent or parents and who otherwise "would be tremendously handicapped in iife. The plant now is valued at five million dollars, and has a revenue of one million, two hundred thousand dollars a year to maintain it. More than 1,000 students of both sexes from one to 18 years, are there receiving their preparation for life. This institution js one of the finest in the world, because of the soundness of the educational policy which controls it, and the success attendant upon its efforts. Says Mr. Davis, "the founders wanted to protect the children and they found a way to do it. They based tlieif system of education on the actual needs of men. They know what iife is for they have lived it. In mine and field and factory they had tasted the salty flavor of real things and they built a school that' has this flavor. All honor to the noble order of tin. "Moose" and especially to their intrepid leader, Hon. James J. Davis. j FRIDAY EVENING, FEBR 2-27-25 Ogden High School Notes The assembly was held at 10:15 today. It was a very merry assembly, the chief feature being the introduction of the queen candidates, ! and stirring addresses by the various queen promoters. The following musical numbers were given: vocal solo, Ruth Prout; selections, Rainbow orchestra; a reading, "The Fashionable Schoolgirl," by Mina Storey. KING WANTED. The girls are not satisfied; they have no enthusiasm for queens; thev want a king. Consequently petitions were sent in Thursday for Tallmadge Boyd and Harry Carter. ERRATA. In our notes the other day we reported that material for the spring classicum should be in by February 27. This was an error: It should have been March 27. from SAN fransicso. Miss Dorothy Scott, '23, who is taking nursing-at the Stanford hospital at San Francisco, is home for a couple of weeks recuperating from an operation for throat trouble. Dorothy says she is enjoying her training work very much. AUDITOR HERE. The government auditor, O. W. Gralind, was with us Thursday and inspected government equipment here in the R. O. T. C. He was very much pleased with the excellent cbndition in which he found the records and equipment. ball TOURNAMENT. The seventh annual national interscholastic basketball tournament will be held under the auspices of the University of Chicago March 31 and April 1, 2, 3 and 4. Coach Kapple received a communication Thursday from H. O. Crisler, manager, asking that he send the record of our team. If records count, or if best teams go, then surely Ogden will receive an invitationto attend this tournament. THE RADIO LIZZIE CONTEST. At our meeting last night we had quite a pleasant surprise. On our schedule we had arranged for a Radio Lizzie contest, which was a little more successful than we had expected. There was a 2 prize to be given to the member making the smallest radio set which was capable of picking up our local station, KFUR, and a 50 cent prize for the second smallest set. The contest was proceeding very nicely and several very successful sets were tried out and given due consideration, when Byrom Chrittendon brought forth a baby of them all nd was successful in picking up our local station. We had all but decided to give him 1 the 2, when the storm broke and Wayne Iverson brought forth a twin to Byron's. Of course quite, a little excitement ensued and the j judges decided to postpone their ! decision until today at the assembly. To give you an idea of I the size of the sets one of the ! judges held eight of-them in his I hand and. claimed that he had I room for eight more; and thus the world progresses. For the benefit of those who were not at the assembly today, would like to say that they missed the treat of a lifetime. THE HAM-AND CLUB. UNDERGOES OPERATION. Vernon Purdy, a high school student, underwent a double opera-; tion this morning at 11 o'clock at j the Dee hospital. First, the re-; moval of his tonsils, and secondly,; the removal of a troublesome ap- j pendix. ! SUPREME COURAGE. ! "The supreme courage -of life is i the courage of the soul. It is liv- ' ing day by day, sincerely, steadfast- : ly, serenly-despite all opinions, all ' obstacles, all opposition-this cour-j age makes teh simplest life great; j it makes the greatest life sublime. -- It means the royal dignity of fine individual living."-William George Jordan. , HENRY W. LONGFELLOW. j One hundred and eighteen years ago today, in Portland, Me., Henry W. Longfellow, America's best known and perhaps most greatly' loved poet, was born. name cannot be mentioned in any grammar school of America today without students consciously recalling lines from "the Psalm of Life." or "The Builder," or "The Day Is Done," or "The Building of the Ship," or "The Rainy Day," or! "Excelsior," or. "Evangeline," or j some ether of his fine poems. Itj wTould be interesting to ascertain; just how well known Longfellow is among American youths. In tribute to his memory, let us recall today just one of his well known I poems: THE ARROW AND THE SONG. I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I know not where; For so swiftly it flew, the sight Could not follow in its flight. I breathed a song into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For who has sight so keen and strong, That it can follow the flight of song. Long, long afterward, in an oak, I found the arrow still unbroke; And the song from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die" assuredly in this sense. Longfellow is not dead, but is numbered among the immortals. In his own words: There is no Death; what seems so is transition. This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysian, Whose portal we call Death. WHY TEACH SPANISH? A chapter in the book entitled, "Spanish in the High Schools," written by Lawrence A. Wilkins, director of modern language in the high schools of New York, is suggestive of an answer to those persistent questions: Why study Spanish ? Why teach Spanish ? Here are some gleanings: j The knowledge of Spanish has 1 for the students these distinct values, commercial, cultural, in- j ternational. Although very few of us actual- i ly wrill enter into close commercial i ' contact with other American republics, we can plainly see the value of Spanish to those who may have dealings with those countries. It is a very common belief that French, with all its daintiness and eloquence, is a more cultural language than the Spanish. But the Spanish effects the same linguistic training a sdoes, for example", the ; Frecnh. Also the Spanish with its wealth of vocabulary, has expressed some of the greatest literature in the world, and the great ; : authors of the Elizabethan period ;! j did not hesitate to borrow freely from Lope, Alarcon and Cervantes, the author of "Don Quixote." Spain has also produced the finest exam- ! pies of pure lyric poetry that can 1 be found in the literature of any 1 tongue. The third value of Spanish is its international value. Generally speaking, Spain typifies clinking of castanets, live scenes behind barred windows and bull fights, but a true Knowleuge of Spanish will give us the key to a deeper understanding of a great race, its courtesy, its love of democracy, its industry and its patience. By understanding a Spaniard, a Mexican, a South American, well enough to realize that he is no more "crazy" about bull fights, than we are about football; that though he may not speak good or bad English, he may have some "sense." Could we not learn to sympathize with him as another human being? .nd in this sympathy, this internationalization of interests, is there not a hope for that phantom- world peace? -Eleanor Ford. 3-2-25 OgdenHigh School Notes Classicalia l tickets began this morning. Each j ticket counts for one vote for j Classicalia queen, and only 2000 j tickets will be sold. Naturally we are very much .elated over our invitation to Boulder next week to represent Utah I in the intermountain tournament. 1 If Chicago wants Utah's best basketball team at the national meet we shall have an invitation to go there, too. ROUND ROBIN The round robin games with East-West and O. U. R. & D. Thursday and Friday nights of this week will give Ogden fans as fine an exhibition of basketball as can be seen anywhere, any time at any price. Coach Kapple is to ; be congratulated on staging this big event. TERM ENDS And so this week ends the first term of the second semester. Two-thirds of the school year has already passed. How time flies! Soon we shall be talking" about j graduation exercises. PUTTING ON BRAKES A number of people were trying to dampen our enthusiasm last vyeek about going to Chicago by reporting that Coach Stagg of the University of Chicago said in Salt Lake that no team, not a member of a state association would be invited. We have not been able to verify it, but can hardly believe it, as fewer than two-thirds of the teams at last year's meet Avere members of state leagues. However it be, we think we ought to go, as we feel that we have the best team in the state and can therefore better represent the state than any other team. would not play An effort wus made last week to have the champions of the junior college tournament meet the O. H. S. in a game tonight. The plan fell through, however, and we cannot quite blame anyone. The champions had nothing1 to win by a game with us, for winning would not add to their, laurels, and losing would have marred their reputation considerably. o. h. S. QUEENS Classicalia candidates for queen are numerous. The final list is: Beatrice Bletcher, Mary Louise Hanks, Jean Warner, Blanche Nelson, Helen Storey, Virginia Brown, Helen Vogel, Emma Beuhler, Marian Ure, Florence Morris, Martha Wright. to practice law Wendell Fitzgerald, another alumnus of Ogden, recently passed the bar examination in California and will practice in San Francisco. He is a graduate of the University of Ann Arbor. |