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Show INSPECTING POWER PLANT. The physics classes are visiting1 the Utah Power & Light plant this afternoon, under the 'direction of their instructor, Ernest Wangsgard. S. A. R. CONTEST. The preliminary contest of the S. A. R. will be held cn Monday evening next at 7:30 o'clock in room 305. A week later. March 16, it is planned to have the final contest at the same hour in Central Junior auditorium. student honored. Word comes from California that Herbert Adams, '21, former editor of high school year book, has been honored at the University of California by election to National Journalistic society of very high standing-the Pi Delta Epsilon on account of distinguished scrvice as assistant editor on university publications group picture. The Standard-Examiner is taking a group picture of Ogden's (great basketball squad today, j This will appear in Sunday's j paper. hopkins to talk. A general teachers' meeting was called for today at 4 o'clock. Supt. W. K. Hopkins was to ad- j dress the teachers on. subjects treated by superintendents and school officials at the recent convention in Cincinnati. stray thoughts By Albert Wiggam. Weaklings, paupers, hoboes and imbeciles are increasing. Heredity, not environment, is the chief maker of men. I Vice purifies a race because it i kills the vicious. It thus leaves the strong, the robust and the firtuous to hand the tcrch of heredity on to the men unborn. Statesmen sho.ld learn the lesson of biology, as stated by Conklin, that wooden legs art-, not inherited, but wooden heads are. Scientist, educator, religionist and statesman can all unite to rear a state where it pays to be 'good, and there is money in righteousness. It is often said that beauty is only skin deep. It is as deep as protoplasm, as inherent as intellect, as vital as character. Morality always means more life-better higher richer life. The more intelligent men are the more moral they are. 2-6-25 Ogden High School Notes Tonight! Tonight! East-West- O. U. R. D.-Ogden! Four great teams in two classy games. Any- one capable of enjoying a basketball game at all should be at Weber gym tonight to get the supreme thrill. Ogden plays East tonight, West plays O. U. R. D, j The real contest for Classicalia queen began today. Students just . came to realize that today and to- t morrow only remain for voting and ; naturally got very busy. assembly today Assembly was held at 11:15 today in the interest of Classicalia , queen contest. One of the big : features was a mock queen ceremonial, wherein Stanley Hall was featured as queen with his retinue of maids and courtiers. It was aJ thoroughly comic affair, giving the ; , students the jneeded relaxation and pleasure. Chester Hyland gave anj-j interesting report of the recent visit of Fred Ludig, Charles Creamer, Orville Felt and himself to the recent vocational convention at Bozeman, Mont. Miss Mina Storey read "A Fashionable School Girl" in a very satisfactory manner. Music was furnished by the band. ' purpose of assemblies By action of the board of education several years ago, one period per week is given to the student body for an assembly period. Naturally students try to make this period one of relaxation, amusement, entertainment. The other 2!) periods per week are devoted to instruction, and so it is not to be wondered at, if students do not go too strong for culture and instruction at the assembly period. We should say, however, that a speaker is always obtained and given 15 to 20 minutes of the period. The work of the classes in music and dramatic art also finds expression in every assembly. As a socializing influence the assembly is of incalculable value. boys, hop to it! For be it known that Friday in the wondrous gym of ye old Ogden High school there will be a grand struggle in order to prepare for "YE OLD CLASSICALIA" Ye young gentlemen and ye young gentlewomen will come, not arrayed in gala coloring, but prepared for battle, for it will be the struggle of ye young life' And so it is, and so be it. and so shall it be, all men, and all women! -H. C. CLUB, per G. E. M. interesting visitor This morning a gentleman stepped into the R. O. T. C. office. ."What relation are you to Charles Ray, the movie actor?" asked Segeant Meyer. "Only a brother," he answered. .Mr. Ray and four others are making a transcontinental tour "a la foot." Weneed not add that all the girls i who learned of his presence in the building had important and urgent business in the R. O. T. C. office. Mr. Ray was immediately draftedfor a "vaudeville sketch which he and Jean Warner rehearsed in 15 minutes and nut on at assembly. value of the mark The time weighing of knowledge depends upon the teacher. The mark is supposed to be the just estimate of the pupil's work. It is the sum total of his knowledge: but can his knowledge and ability be measured by his mark? The college professor do S3 not care about the pupil's high school marks, but about what he knows. The world does rot care about what he knows, bu.t what he can do. The mark does enable the pupi! 10 dete.-m'ne his rate of progress, but it does not determine his knowledge or ability. -Wilma Rubenstein. NON-truth tellerS Supt. W. K. Hopkins siys that a liar (that is a hard word, isn't it?) is a man who has no partition between his memory and his imagination. athletic TRADITIONS "Form" is not essential to an athlete. For generations the best! athletic instructors have taught! their pupils to run on the ball of! the feet, yet Nurmi, the great Finnish runner, runs flat-footed. The experts, further, state that "high! knee action" is a very bad fault, yet Nurmi lifts his legs higher than those of any other runners. Another tenet of the science of running is that a runner can almost double the power of his legs by swinging his arms in a specific manner. Nurmi, however, swings them in just the way that athletic trainers used to think certain to prove a serious handicap to a runner. Judging, however, from the results this Olympic champion h?s gained by his peculiar "form" in running, we must conclude that I "form" is not 4the sole factor for ! success. - -Julian Laucirica. i Superior knowledge is of little : value unless you have the tact to avoid making people angry by your manner of showing it off. a farm life-free and glorious! The farm! How I love it. To I the whims of the soil all people are dependent for a livelihood. Freedom here abounds. You only have to get up a little while before daylight and work until a little while ! after dark. After that you are your own boss, and can do anything you please. If you are too tired, you 1 can go out and watch the moon rise or watch the fleecy clouds float, among stars in the heavens. You must Tight mosquitoes, June bugs i and gnats, that with beak, bill and claw, bite, bore and peck, until you ! frantically jump in the canal or retire to your bed where the friendly covers, although assisting in generating heat, serve as a defense against the murderous attack of the 1 insects. With plenty of fresh air in this wonderful home of nature, you arise refreshed whether you have had time to go to sleep or not. You find that the spinach and squash have grown wonderfully over- night. But in order to find them, ' you must go after them with hoe and cultivator, otherwise you have chiefly a crop of weeds. ; The land seems to be too wet or too dry. In the spring it is too wet and cold for anything to thrive and you have to wait for the snow to clear off so you can get the seeds into the ground. Just as they are beginning to grow and it,looks as if prosperity was just around the corner, the soil becomes too dry, and you have to prepare to irrigate. The rubber boots with a hole in them or the shoes you are wearing fill up with water as you walk up and down the rows, and you are never quite sure whether you will stay on top or sink beneath the surface. If your water turn happens to come at night, the dim lantern will add its mite to the pleasure of the watering turn. My greatest ambition is to discover a crop that will sound the knell to weeds as it grows, also to discover some beets that will thin themselves, and a variety of tomatoes that grow in boxes. Other things which contribute to the freedom of the farmer are the j things which have to be attended to after dark-such as milking the gentle cows. We had one that would kick if you started from the house With a bucket. (Many were the devices we rigged up to cure her, but to no avail.) Other pleasures are feeding the pigs and taking a lantern to feed the innocent young calves, and shut the gates. But I repeat that life on the farm is carefree and indolent, and all the world eats what the farmer has left over. -Jean Belnap. 3-6-25 Ogden High School Notes Oh, boy, what games those were! Think of seeing teams so evenly matched fighting for all they were worth for two hours and ending with such scores, O. U. R. & d. 27, West, 25; Ogden, 25; East 24. Tonight Ogden meets West; East meets O. U. R. & D. These will -be quite as thrilling as Thursday night's. Surely Ogden never saw such playing as she is now witnessing. today's prayer. Wrisdom is knowing whit to do I next. Skill is knowing how to do it. j Virtue is doing. May the Good Lord bless all parents, teachers and pupils with wisdom, sJilll and virtue. good roads essay. A number of students have manifested an interest m the national Good Rroads essay contest and will prepare essays to submit in the contest. the ham and club. One of our most successful j meetings was held Thursday eve- i ning at the Ogden High school. I The meeting was called early on I account of the game, but Yiever- theless the attendance was good and the business was carried on , with its usual pep and vim. Toward the end of the meeting Mr. Smith made an offer of two dollars and a half to any boy in the club who could build she best radio Lizzie, not only to pick up the Ogden station, but also others. This time the size of the set will not be considered but it lias to be a crystal, not a tube set. Remember our last Lizzie contest? You bet! The pic: are of the winning sets were sent back east, but we a;re going farther than that this time. E. Wangsgard immediately raised the prize two dollars and a half more, making two prizes in all, a first and a second. So you may expect to see a lively bunch of radio hams around school in the next few weeks.-Jack Craven, reporter. saved the day. At Thursday's assembly the skit put on by Mr. Ray, a brother of Charles Ray of movie fame, and Miss Jean Warner, was a success as far as the latter was concerned, but the former could neither make himself heard nor understood, so that the perform' ance was not an entire success. Although Jean had but seen her part a few minutes betcre the ! assembly she read with expi ession and understanding and acced her part with her usual skill and refinement. The principal wishes to apologize to Jean for asking her to take part on short notice with an utter stranger. faith in the schools. Last year in Cinncinnati, Supt. W. K. Hopkins reports they endeavored to float bonds for upwards of twenty five million dollars for various purposes. All failed except the eight million dollars for the public schools ana these passed by a three to one vote. We wonder if Ogden people wouldn't like a chance, even if times are hard, to show their loyalty and appreciation of the public schools the queen contest. The queen contest just began to gather momentum Thursday. It takes time to get a big movement like this going. Thursday's assembly helped mightily. The affair is going so well now that the general committee met Thursday evening and decidcd to hold J the contest open until next Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, unless the full quota of tickets is sold before that time. It is the determination of the committee to sell all tickets now so that that matter will be entirely disposed of and attention given to othe matters. the vote. It was also decided at the meeting Thursday night to post today and every day hereafter the actual vote on the four bright candidates. This vote shows as stated above that we are just getting started on the ticket selling campaign. The total votes for the four highest candidates Thursday night at 5 o'clock were: Beatrice Bletcher, 177; Helen Storey, 109; Florence Morris, 21; Virginia Brown, 13. no vote buying. The committee members in charge of Classicalia wish it distinctly understood that tnere is to be no vote selling nor vote I buying in the queen contest. They desire especially that th.; thousand students enrolled, with the 40 teachers, will each purchase a, ticket and vote, and that about the same number be sold to senior high (tenth grade) students in the Juniors, alumni, parents and friends. For that reason it is urged that all who wish to attend the Classicalia purchase tickets now, as it will be impossible to purchase them later. E.ch person who buys a ticket is entitled to one vote for queen. No vote will count unless the purchase price of ticket has been handed in at office. |