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Show glee club. The fourth and fifth period mixed chorus started their school calendars off with a report that sounded throughout the mountains. This i3 going to be the best year yet. "Listen my children and you shall hear, Of the midnight revels of the musical sphere." 'Twas last Thursday night. Everything was ideal-the weather. the eats, the campfire, the hikers, the chaperons, the time. ' After hiking up to Cold Water canyon with Mr. Gammell as head chaperon, and Miss Beck and E. S. Smith as official assistant chaperon?, we immediately devoured our lunch. j The program started off with; an Indian war dance around a j great tepee fire. Some of the! oldest and most loved songs as j well as some of the newest were j sung. ! We have a preponderance of J talent; so, if anything is needed j in the musical line, just call on j the Glee club and it will be fur- j nished. -Mabel Reynolds, Reporter. j GAMMA KAPPA. Did we have the good time we j expected? I'll say we did, and a! little better! Roost parties are always fun, but a Gamma Kappa 'oost party is the best ever. We ; met at the Orpheum at 7:30, saw the show and Pantages (that is, as much as we were able) with jelly beans flying every which way and then went to Klea Passey's home for a watermelon bust-such lovely, luscious melons. The members who were unable to attend surely lost out on a good time, but this is only the first social event of the year, so keep up your spirits and more will follow. -Ruth Craven. FORUM. Congratulations, Cicero, your r Forum is still doing its stuff. Debating, arguing, oratory-all combined in high school's greatest asset-the Forum. Monday night's meeting was surely in old Roman ; style, free discussion, free chance to express opinions, opportunity for growth mentally, oratorically and debatingly. After preliminary business had been discussed, David Camp and Garff Wilson versus Hal Armstrong and Jack Craven, debated concerning the coming city elections. It looks as though Mayor Kirkendall will be re-elected. The debates every ' Monday are of local or national interest, and keep one up-to-the-minute on all the current topics. So if ever you feel drowsy and need a little pep and mental exercise, just drop into the Forum, -Garff Wilson. MAY LEAVE. It is not unlikely that Mr. Lyman Rich, one of our new instructors, who has made a splen- i did beginning in his work at the j high school, may leave his posi-1 tion shortly to accept a very remunerative position in Wasatch county tendered him by the Agricultural college. The school board is very reluctant to release Mr. Rich, but is unwilling to bar such a promotion as this appears to be. EGGS AND STELLAE. Anybody who happened to be around either Mary Rich, Louise Eccles, or Beth Winkler, Tuesday, were very much surprised to find each girl carrying an egg, painted i with stars and S's. If anyone happened to cough, these products of the poultry yard were brought forth and exhibited with the surprising remark of "See the pretty egg." When it was found that i this was the second degree of j initiation into the Stellae club, I many of the students developed I acute consumption for the benefit j of those being initiated. At the, ! close of the day when the eggs were returned, the girls declared they had had enough initiation for a while. Be good sports, girls, the school is having a lot of fun over it. Oct 1-25 Ogden High School Notes A Prayer for To-day Father of all; in every age In every clime adored-- ; By saint, by salvage and by sage: I Jehovah, Jove or Lord. Thou great First Cause, least understood, Who all my sense confined To know but this: Jhat Thou art good And that myself am blind. EDGAR GUEST j The . poetry of Edgar Guest ap- i peals to all because we are all j human. We are marked by our -sentiment, our feelings, our emo- j tiois. We love and are loved. We admire, we trust, we revere, we vrrship. It is to this tender side of our nature that Edgar Guest's I poetry appeals. Back of the poetry of course, stands the man and those who have admired hi.-j homely vere, will be greatly interested in the story of his life! -which he gives in the October j I number of the American maga- I zinc. His life, as we had perhapsi I suspected, is itself a poem-full of I ! love, confidence, trust and reverence. It is the sublime faith of the man that shines through all his verses. RELIGION IN SCHOOLS We recommend to all teachers, parents and students, if they will read an article entitled "Can Religion Be Taught?" in the October Atlantic. The article is by Charles M. Sheldon and is wholesome and sound. Mr. Sheldon closss the article with this summary: "If religion is theology, and doctrine, and creeds made over disputed definitions of God and theories of man's Tlestiny, it cannot be taught in our schools. "But if religion is love to God and man, it can be taught anywhere and it ought to be taught in our schools. If it is not taught, our whole educational pyramid will continue to wabble on its pinnacle, instead of resting firmly on its base." , UNFORTUNATE ATTITUDE In the directing of students into courses of instruction, teachers sometimes discovef a most unfortunate attitude of mind. This attitude is that teachers and students are not friends, but natural enemies; that when a teacher advises this course or that it is on account of some Whim, or prejudice, and that she's trying to "slip one over." The contrary thing, of course, is nearer the truth. The teacher by virtue of her experience j and age knows or should know what will be best, not for the teacher, but for the student and advises accordingly. What the stuaent's natural aptitudes, training, ambitions, . etc., are should of course be taken into account. For one part we think the best advice comes from a teacher who can assume at least the attitude of "loco parentis" and advise as if the student were her own child. ASSEMBLIES POPULAR It appears that assemblies are to be very popular this year and that 9 9 per cent of the students expect to attena them and do their i part to make them worthwhile. An assembly, extraordinary is , booked for this afternoon. The I famous pianist, Phillip Gordon, was to furnish several musical numbers, among them "Perpetual Motion." EXCURSION RATE The Bamberger comes to our rescueagain and offers a one dollar round trip ticket to Salt Lake on Saturday, providing 50 or more secure tickets. A RECIPE To a dab ofvgray matter add a pinch of genius, a hunk of horse sense, a heaping measure of re- j sponsibility, oceans of purposeful work, Add an honest-to-goodness educational chef, who blends with al- ! ch'mic sympathy, and you have1! the worthy citizen pupil of your I dream. GET ACQUAINTED The O. H. S. seniors are giving a little get-acquainted dancing j party at the Mitchell hall tomor- j row (Friday) evening. There are j about 400 seniors in school, and it i is hoped that all will be present and get acquainted. A RALLY Tomorrow morning early a pep rally will be held to get in readiness- for the first big game on Sat- ' urday. Some prominent townspeo- ; pie will be present to inject a little ; ginger into the student body. q i The game will be called at 2:30 l.p. nrt. sharp on Saturday at the .West Side school campus at Salt j iLake. I .o F. U. N. SWIMMING e We are still existing and have ssen having a jolly good time all temmer. Through thfc courtesy of esident Phyllis Shaw, Vice Present Dorothy Coop and Secretary Margaret Wilson, the F. U. N. club enjoyed their vacation. The main events of the summer were as follows: During the month of July ' the club made a trip to Como. About seventeen girls accompanied by their boy friehds and mothers as chaperons, left Ogden in cars. A good swim v?as followed by an appetizing lunch, which was heartily enjoyed by all present. Again in July a group of girls enjoyed a delightful swim and dance at Lagoon. Meetings were also held in the different homes of the members where'business followed by games and lunch occupied the evening. W also spent many of the hot summer evenings in the cool waters of the Weber gym. j A meeting will be held Thursday at three o'clock and new officers I elected. j Miss Mabel Reynolds was elected secretary of the girls' chemistry class Wednesday. V TO COMPLETE COURSE y- Principal Wiggins of the night school department is arranging to give courses for the benefit of j those who have been obliged to! discontinue school before securing j a diploma. In addition to that offered heretofore the classes in junior English and senior English will be offered this year if there is j sufficient demand. A PRACTICAL JOKE In the following incident two truths are told as happy prologs to the swelling act of the schoolteacher's theme: (1) A little nonsense now and then is relished by the best of men, and (2) It takes time for. new teachers to gat acquainted. A. slip was placed in a new teacher's box on Wednesday last, saying: "Ernest Wangsgard has registered in your class first and second periods. If he does not report kindly advise me."-ADVISER. Tt happens that Ernest Wangsgard is a regular teacher of the school, but unknown to the new I instructor. The "adviser" and oth- . j er teachers had a hearty laugh Wednesday when the following note was received: "Ernest Wangsgard has not shown up yet. T do not know this chap at all." (.Signed) D. V. C., Instructor. oct - Ogden High School Notes INSTRUCTION AND PROMISE Fear less, hope more; eat F chew more; whine less, breathe p more; hate less, love more; and! oppre good things are yours. "shal Jpress Mrs. James W. Ure and Mrs. these E. Higginbotham were visitors parei high school Thursday. They ca Pron especially to hear Mr. Gordon ; were delighted with his renditio! vv Jvelo I with RARE ASSEMBLY. The assembly Thursday was' E, unusual merit. Rarely have hi school students the opportunity? mar hearing such an artist as Phi high Gordon. His visit was very muj haV( appreciated. He played for us: S casi lection from Rigoletto, 'A Counting Dance," Beethoven; "Orienteli "Christmas," Noel; "Perpetual Motion," Von Webber. Through the courtesy of Glen Brothers-Roberts Music company a grand Chickering piano was furnished for the occasion. PEP RALLY. An interesting pep rally was staged this morning at 8:30 o'clock. Al Warden gave a. characteristically peppy talk and a story of athletics and athletes of the Ogden High school. Coach Kapple made an earnest plea for student body support and ; loyalty to the team. A number of new yells were j tried out. When Philip Gordon said Thursday that he would play "phrase by phrase," a bright student remarked: "I'll bet it'll be participles"; which shows how interested students are in their English grammar work. SCRAPS ON FLOOR. The following "scraps of paper" were picked up Thursday: j "Born 1907; died 1915; bleached 1919; hennaed 1923. What next ; Florence ?" j "Do you know Price Is going to be our best man soon ?" "Oh-o-o-o! This is so sudden.'' "Our janitor, we pity him, As a.lll good people must; For every evening when we go He must wallow in our dust." DEPENDABILITY. This is but the third week of school. Ninety to 95 per cent of the students have already demonstrated that they are reliable, dependable and earnest. The office force and teachers are taking up an earnest labor with the submerged tenth (or twentieth) endeavoring to instill into their young minds the necessity and value of being squarely on the job and doing the things they ought to do. Isn't it too bad that we cannot all be hundred percenters? FOR EXCURSION. j! Only 25 people signified their in- j. tention Thursday of taking ad- vantage of the dollar excursion rate ; to Salt Lake Saturday. As 50 at j least must go in order to secure ! the rate, there will be no excursion I unless others decide today that, j they wisth to gt and see the big 1 game. _ i STUDENT RATES. Students possessing student body j books will show them at the game j Saturday and receive a reduction of! 2.5c admission to the game. The regular admission is 50c, or student1 ticket and 25c. Have gateman tear numiber out of the book. CONCERT PLANNED. The music department is seriously considering the proposition of bringing the famous Welsh singers to Ogden for an entertainment next month. There are about 20 male singers in this fine aggregation and music students feel that they should do their part in bringing choice musical treats to Ogden. PROHIBITION. We are not talking now about - drink. We are talking a bout any- j thing that is prohibited. The American spirit seems to resent the J "Thou sha-lt -not" -attitude. Ap-; proach an adolescent with "you j must not" and in his heart and j quite likely, too, with his lips, he ' will sayL "Well, 1 Strang I does not our Declaration of Independence say "We are born with jcertain inalienable rights and j among these are life, liberty and a the pursuit'of happiness." We hate i oppression and the "must not" or "shall not" attitude suggests oppression. We presume it is for J these reasons that the teachers and s parents who succeed best-do little 13 prohibiting but use much tact, and s discretion in the directing of youth. lCj We aim at the high school to de- j velop a democraticspirit, and atom; ' with it highest democratic idea la and practices, j. Experience has shown that stu- dents in high school can conduct .' j many of their own affairs in a highly intelligent manner, and they Thave certainly shown on many or- 1 casions that they are worthy of be- "jing trusted. |