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Show Page 6 THE O.H.S. TIGER, OCTOBER 4, 1922. Matador Pants Or "Rudie Valentino” 99 Whatever you call'em They're going to be popular here as in Los Angeles and elsewhere. We have 'em Wright’s A good place to trade Kaplan’s “DRESSERS OF MEN” S.J. Kaplan Co. 2425 Washington Ave. The House of Kuppenheimer Good Clothes If... You pay Cash for your "EATS" trade at the Sell-Rite Stores 3 Stores in Ogden 18 l-24th Street 2212 Wash. Ave. 584-24th Street Oh Boy..! Something New— - COOL 'M OFF - A Chocolate covered Cone tilled with Ice Cream 5c K. & D. Confectionery On the Corner CHILI 10c per Bowl How do you Choose Your Bank? Surely not with cold financial transactions alone in mind. - You appreciate the spark of human interest that makes your banking a pleasure. You want your bank to consider you not as "a cus¬tomer" merely, but as a patron whose best inte¬rests are the bank's also. This is the human note that lifts banking service above the commonplace. You will find it here. —THE— NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE OGDEN, UTAH Ogden State Bank 33 Years of Success Established 33 years ago, the Ogden State Bank has successfully served the people of Weber County in business and personal ways throughout this period Whether you have a large or a small amount of money to place at interest it will be equally to your advantage to avail yourself of the safety and the service which we offer you. We pay 4% on Savings Compounded four times a year Resources Six Million Dollars OFFICERS H. C. Bigelow, President J M. Browning, Vice-President A. P. Bigelow. Cashier E. L. Van Meter, Assistant Cashier D. E. Davis, do. W. N. Farr, do. O. J. Stillwell, Trust Officer FIRST BOYS' ASSEMBLY WELL ATTENDED The first assembly was held last week for the benefit of the male sex of the school. The purpose of the assembly was to point out the good points of military drill, to those who had failed to see them. A good attendance was recorded after a searching party went out and rounded up the stragglers.. Superintendant Hopkins, Mr. Merr¬ill, Coach Dixon Kapple, and Captain Ryder were the speakers. Superintendant Hopkins gave the boys a good rousing, talk, one of those talks such as he always gives to the students of the high school and which is always heard. At the end of this speech there were undoubtedly ten per cent more eyes open than there were at the begin¬ning of the asembly. And I dare say there were a few already con¬vinced that the R. O. T. C. was one of the best departments in the High School. Coach Kapple did not advise any one to take physical education from him in place of drill. He said this not because he wanted to get out of a class but because he figured the drill was the best training and something that you cannot always get so easily. Captain Ryder pointed out to the boys, a few fine points of the drill to be taken up this year, and assured them that the drill would not be the same old monotonous things learned last year. Two or three yells were led by Emmert Lippincott, in Superintendent Hopkin's favor. Taking all in all the assembly was a great success. -O-H-S- MATINEE DANCE WELL ATTENDED The first dance of the year, a mati¬nee dance, was given by the O. H. S. student body last Thursday from three o'clock to five, in the school auditorium. A large crowd was pres¬ent (two thousand or more) and a good time was enjoyed by every one. Free refreshments were served which was undoubtedly the cause of so many Freshmen being on hand and showing so many signs of having the time of their young life. The music was furnished by Vic Thomas' orchestra. Let us hope for more matinee dances. Boost them to the limit!! THE LITTLE THINGS The tallest building in the world was built out of the profits of five and ten-cent sales. The largest private income is cred¬ited to a man who made automobiles with less waste of time and material than any other manufacturer. The National League franchise in Chicago was paid for through sales of penny stick gum. The discovery that 17 drops of solder and not 18 were needed in closing a can saved an oil company $40,000 in one year. Small details are not obstacles to be walked around, but steps to be used in getting up. Small tasks can be made the best training for subse¬quent responsibilities. Study the life of a man who has become an out¬standing success and you will find that he began by doing the little things well—and has never broken the habit. -O-H-S- CAMERA CLUB TO BE ORGANIZED A camera club will be organized under the direction of Mr. Barrett in the near future. The purpose of the club will be to teach the proper way in which to handle a camera. So many of the pictures that have been taken around school in the past, have failed to qualify for publication in the Year Book simply because the person who took the picture did not know how to get the best work out of his camera. From this club will be selected a person to fill the posi¬tion of photographer on the Tiger Staff. Everybody who owns a camera should join this club. You'll find that it is more fun than work to learn how to handle a camera cor¬rectly. "Let's Go." —O-H-S— DOORS LOCKED DURING DAY Anyone who may be outside the school building between one o'clock and one fifteen p. m. will find that all of the doors in the building re¬fuse to work when you wish to come in. Many disappointments were reg¬istered the first day this scheme was tried out. More than one anxious student came dashing up the steps only to find that their presence in¬side was not wanted for a few min¬utes. How broken-hearted they must have felt to think that they could not get into SCHOOL. |