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Show Page 6 THE O, H. S. TIGER, OCTOBER 18, 1922. To Beginners in Business Ogden's population has increased one-third in the last six years, and is still growing fast. All our business enterprises will have room to grow. Higher positions are always waiting for men who can make good. The best business opportunities are open to young men who have ready cash and a line of credit at a good strong bank. We invite you to establish your credit with us. —THE— NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE OGDEN, UTAH Kaplan’s “DRESSERS of MEN” S. J. Kaplan Co. 2425 Washington Ave. The House of Kuppenheimer Good Glothes If… You pay Cash for your "EATS" trade at the Sell-Rite Stores 3 Stores in Ogden 181-24th Street 2212 Wash. Ave. 584-24th Street Bootblack: "I'll shine your shoes so's you kin see your face in 'em." Freshie: "I'd rather see my feet in them!" Bootlegger (to customer): "Sorry, but I have no more 'squirrel' whis¬key; but won't some fine 'Old Crow' do?" Customer: "No, I don't want to fly, ay yust want to yump around a leetel!" Every one gets into hot water at least once a week. Mr. Barrett: "Where do the jelly¬fish get their jelly?" Phil Ring: "From the ocean cur¬rents, of course." Wife: "A joke of mine has been retained by a magazine." Neighbor: "You don't say!" Wife: "Yes, my husband has got a job wrapping up the copies!" FRESHMEN What's all this about class spirit? You called us "Freshies" and I don't doubt that we had a green look, but you'll be laughing on the other side of your faces when you find out about OUR class spirit. It is true we are Freshmen, but in grade only. We're Seniors in Spirit. What did we go to Junior High for? Why, to learn school spirit, of course! I suppose many of you attended games between High and the juniors last year? Well, we made a good showing, all right; but then we were just learning. Now that we have learned we'll all turn out for High. Many Freshmen entered High this year and we realize that they need our boosting. We have husky voices, trained under very able teach¬ers, and we'll root—I tell you! For proof, wait until a big game. Dessert usually finishes a meal, but as yet we are only on the dinner course. You know when you're on this course how often you've asked your mothers what you're going to have for dessert and they answer with a mysterious smile "Wait-and- See Pudding," and then bring on lemon pie or ice cream. You're greatly surprised (and so sometimes are your stomachs). You're asking me what's coming next. I answer, "Wait-and-See." An enormous surprise is in store for you that will put a sea-sick hue on that Senior-Junior-Sophomore egot¬ism of yours. When we've dished up that "Wait-and-See Pudding" for you it'll be a case of Presto—who's green now! —Erica Berne—B. Applying powder to the features is not a new wrinkle, but it hides a multitude of them. A bad reputation has glue skinned forty ways as an adhesive. SENIORS' CLASS MEETING The second Senior class meeting was held Wednesday. Several topics of interest to the class were dis¬cussed. First, a committee was appointed to select pins and rings for the class. We know they will be clever. Then a new council member was elected. This was due to the fact that our friend and council member, Zula Baker, was seized with some unknown malady which caused her to depart into the midst of the Weberites. The new council member is Orval Winkler, who says he will do his best and we know he will. Thirdly, the girls came to the meet¬ing in such numbers as to make an overwhelming female majority. How¬ever, we have noticed that the girls are the best boosters. With Mac Boyd at our head as president, Rudolph Lyons as vice president and Elizabeth Snedden as Secretary and Treasurer, the other classes of the school will have a hard time to follow us. —O-H-S— SOPHOMORES SOPHOMORES—Yea bo! It is the class of pep and vim—the class of talented, studious, ambitious, live, up- and coming students. Napoleon in all his greatness was no greater than we are. On account of our large number and in view of the fact that we have more boys enrolled in the R. O. T. C. than any other class, we announce ourselves the banner class. We are back of our "battling Tigers" and will support them to a man. We are also going to give some worth¬while parties at which every one will have the time of his life. Plans for a class hike are now under_ dis¬cussion. There was great rejoicing at our first meeting and the officers elected are the best ever. President—Lawrence Skeen. Vice-President—Kathryn Kay. Secretary and Treasurer — Maude Pingree. —O-H-S— Tommy—"Pa, what part of speech is woman? Father—"Woman isn't a part of speech at all, my son; she's the whole thing." If knowledge is power a large per cent of us are paralytics. JUNIORS It's beginning to look as if the Juniors will win high honors this year. With Alyson Smith and Blanche Walberg at their head, they have an organization which can, and will do things. Already they are com¬ing to the front in the purchase of student-body tickets. If one keeps his eye open he will see that usually the Juniors have the largest turn¬out at the games, and yell the hard¬est. Members of the team who are Juniors fight the hardest; in fact, they'll all come out the highest in everything. There are rumors already afloat, about the Prom. This year's Prom will be such an event as to make the Seniors green with envy. When they were Juniors they didn't give their predecessors anything half so good. "We're off! Watch our smoke!" Mr. Beason: "Give an example to illustrate the fact that the whole is greater than any of its parts." Mac Boyd: "A restaurant dough¬nut." Emmert: "No one can food my girl." Phil: "How did you get her then?" I call my girl Toothpaste. She's good to the last squeeze. Chili 10c Meat Pies 15c Coffee 5c Hot Dogs 5c Best Pie in Town K. & D. Confectionery On the Corner Ogden State Bank 33 Years of Success Established 33 years ago, the Ogden State Bank has successfully served the people of Weber County in business and personal ways throughout this period Whether you have a large or a small amount of money to place at interest it will be equally to your advantage to avail yourself of the safety and the service which we offer you. We pay 4% on Savings Compounded four times a year Resources Six Million Dollars OFFICERS H. C. Bigelow, President J M. Browning, Vice-President A. P. Bigelow. Cashier E. L. Van Meter, Assistant Cashier D. E. Davis, do. W. N. Farr, do. O. J. Stillwell, Trust Officer SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS - THEY SUPPORT US |