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Show Page 4 THE O. H. S. TIGER, NOVEMBER 1, 1922 THE O. H. S. TIGER Published semi-monthly by and for the students of the Ogden High School. Price Ten Cents Per Issue. THE STAFF Leon Keller Editor in Chief Jeanne Chez Associate Ed. Wm. Hutchings 1st Asst. Ed. Virginia Green 2nd Asst. Ed. Eleanor Agee Society Ed. Alyson Smith Athletic Ed. Theron Jost 1st Asst. Ath. Ed. Norma Hodgson Exchange Ed. Elizabeth Snedden....Ist Asst. Ex. Ed. Philip Ring Reporter Mac Boyd Reporter Miriam Cane Reporter Marcus Child Staff Artist Arleen Burke Staff Stenographer Ruth Lyon 1st Asst. Steno. Adeline Eels 2nd Asst. Steno. BUSINESS STAFF Milton Kreines Business Mgr. Fred Gentsch 1st Asst. Bus. Mgr. Tom Boyd 2nd Asst. Bus. Mgr. Mac Nab Boyd Circulation Mgr. Mrs. Florence Newcomb Faculty Advisor RESPECT OTHER POEPLE'S PROPERTY A complaint has been sent into the high school that a few students insist upon forcing entrance into closed cars that are parked outside the school campus. If this trouble con-tinues, steps will be taken in order to prevent the "hoodlumism" Not long ago a stranger drove a new car up in front of the school and left it for a few minutes while he went in to see our coach. In the meantime, about eight ambitious young students "piled" into the car and made themselves at home. If you do not know how it is to be entrusted with a car at school and then have the real owner find that it has been used as a truck, try getting the family car and bring it to school with the understanding that you will take care of it. Be careful how you treat other people's property. Treat theirs as you would have yours treated. —O-H-S— HALLOWE'EN Last night, ghostly, grinning faces peeped around unexpected corners; mysterious rappings on window panes, and weird wailings in the backyard proclaimed "All Hallow's Eve," that beloved holiday of child¬hood. All Hallow's Eve, or Hallowe'en was long ago thought by supersti¬tious peasantry to be the night of all saints, the night of all the year that long-dead spirits walked abroad. Out of this superstition grew many queer ways of celebrating the days, which have now become for the most part, tricks played on the unsuspect¬ing public, by frolicsome boys and girls. The original idea of the awak¬ening of the ghosts, has passed, and in its place have grown many pran¬kish "live" ghosts with grinning yel¬low heads, who are often, in their glee, the cause of much misfortune and sorrow. In many instances, Hallowe'en frol¬ics, carried to too great lengths have caused more fright and accidents than the real ghosts of olden times could ever have thought of. It is not that the merry makers mean harm but the part that their mischief often ends in grief that brings forth this plea. We do not ban the small boy's fun in so far as it causes no serious trouble to others. But when it comes to removing not only gates, but also valuable articles of furniture, and marking up and destroying prop¬erty, a limit should be called. How¬ever, this is not the worst side of the question. The fact that fright may cause illness or even loss of life, and the fact that there is danger of fire or disasterous burns from lighted jacko'lanterns and bonfires, make the Hallowe'en celebrations seem quite insane. The performance of old customs and superstitutions on All Hallow's Eve is all very well, for a great deal of sport and innocent amusement is derived. But to him who reckons of the consequences of a night of aban¬donment, there is always a knowl¬edge of the harm caused. The ex¬ample of needless casualties of the past ought to be a constant remind¬er to parents and to boys and girls themselves to keep their celebrations within the bounds of sanity. RIFLE RANGE TO BE PUT INTO USE Courses In Marksmanship Started Gallery practice has already begun, and a winning rifle team is expected again this year. Each Company is given a day in which members are to learn the correct way to shoot a rifle. Company "A" started the course last Tuesday, Company "B" was on the range this morning, and Company "C" will be handled tomorrow. The course of rifle marksmanship is taken up in three steps. The first step is to teach the men how to use the sighting bar, the second to teach them how to use the sling, and the third to teach the trigger squeeze. After a man has advanced from these three steps, he is allowed to go onto the range and fire for a score. After all the men in a company have fired, the company commanders will pick a team from their respective com¬panies. From these company teams a school team wil be chosen, to rep¬resent the Ogden R. O. T. C. Ed Swensen is in charge of the first step in the course, Orren Stigers the second, and Theron Jost the third. —O-H-S— TIME FOR OFFICER'S SCHOOL CHANGED Afternoon Will Bring Larger' Attendance In the past the cadet officers have been attending a cadet officers' school from eight until eight-thirty every morning, but due to the fact that some of the officers are unable to be present at this early hour the time has been changed to three-thirty, every afternoon. Non-commissioned officers are advised to come to these schools as a great deal can be gained in the way of military instruction. —O-H-S— SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING Military Rules and Regulations Special Orders—No. 9 1. Commencing Monday, October 30, 1922, the system of marking of units and individuals for classifica¬tions and competition will become effective. Each absentee will count one off the company's record. Each late will count ½ off the company record. Improper uniform, slouchiness in ranks and unmilitary bearing will count one point off. 2. When a cadet is reported outside of drill hours in improper uniform he will be given 10 demerits and two points will be deducted from his company record. 3. The winning company will act as color company for the succeeding month and will carry the guidon dur¬ing this period. Members of the winning company will wear the red ribbon over the upper right pocket. 4. The Adjutant will inspect each company each day for improper uni¬forms, slouchiness in ranks and un¬military bearing and report the re¬sults in writing daily to headquarters. L. E. RYDER, Capt. Cav., D. O. L., P. M. S. & T. —O-H-S— CADET SPONSORS CHOSEN After a great deal of deliberation and time spent over the task of choosing sponsors for the cadet of¬ficers of the R. O; T. C. Cadet Battallion, seven girls, all members of the senior class and all "E" students were selected. Captain Ryder and Mr. Merrill were the deciding judges and the official report and list of sponsors is as follows: Staff sponsor with honorary rank of Lieutenant Colonel—Miss Eleanor Agee. Battalion sponser with honorary 'rank of Major—Miss Myrene Rich. Sponsor Co. "B," with honorary rank of Captain—Miss Louise Zeller. Sponsor Co. "A," with honorary rank of Captain—Miss Kathrine Fisher. Sponsor Co. "C," with honorary rank of Captain—Miss Blanche Walberg. Sponsor of the band with honor¬ary rank of First Lieutenant—Miss Madge Ashton. Sponsor of the rifle team, with honorary rank of First Lieutenant- Miss Edna Mae Booker. PROMOTIONS IN THE R. O. T. C. New Commissioned Officers In Lineup A few more pairs of leather putts have been flashing around school, more shoe polish has been put to use and as a result, business in the shine parlors and Army Store has in-creased. After such a line of lingo we haven't said anything yet, but here is the meaning: Last week, several non-commissioned officers of the Ogden High School military de-partment were promoted to the ranks of commissioned officers, and as commissioned officers they must wear "leather putts." Following is a list of the promo¬tions: Cadet Second Lieutenant Theron Jost, promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant, and assigned to Co. "A." Cadet Sergeant Dave Holther, pro¬moted to the rank of First Lieuten¬ant, and assigned to the Battalion staff. Cadet Sergeant Ed Swensen, pro¬moted to the rank of First Lieuten¬ant, and assigned to Rifle Team. Cadet Sergeant Barkwell, promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. Cadet Second Lieutenant Ralph Kenny, promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant, and assigned to Co. "B." —O-H-S— COMMERCIAL CLUB The Commercial Club has com¬pleted its organization and is doing some splendid work. The member¬ship is full, the club having thirty- five regular members and six honor¬ary members. This makes a total of forty-one members for "Ye Ole Com¬mercial Club." At their meeting on October twenty-fourth, the members arranged a schedule of meetings and social events. All the officers and committees have been elected or ap¬pointed. The club plans to hear lectures, from time to time, given by prominent business men. This will be one of the club's best features for the year. If all future social events can be judged by the first banquet held by the Commercial Club, the social life of the- club will be suc-cessful. The Commercial Club has the pep and speed. Watch us go. "Mac" Boyd says he once knew a woman who was so nice that she wouldn't even ride on a fast train. Beans: "What did you do last night?" Mac: "Nothing." Beans: "How did you know when to quit?" Hassett: "You know last year the doctor told me if I didn't stop smok¬ing I'd become feeble-minded." G. Corey: "Why didn't you stop?" T. N. T. BOOSTER TO BE PUBLISHED Larger Than Last Year's Booster The T. N. T. Club will publish a booster similar to the one published last year by the T. N. T. Club, just before and in honor of the Weber- Ogden fotball game, which will be held on the eleventh of November, (Armistice Day.) The booster will be larger than the one of last year by several pages. The committees in charge of the publication of the booster are: Wm. Hutchings, Editor; Virginia Green, Asst. Editor; Mac Boyd, Business Manager. Advertising Committee: Philip Ring, Myrene Rich, Jack Lynch. With the above people working on the booster there should be no doubt > in any one's mind as to whether or I not the T. N. T. Booster will be a success. Wait and see what the T. N. T's will have in their Booster! —O-H-S— THE FORUM A meeting of the Forum was held on Monday of last week, and four new applicants were admitted as members of the club. The question for debate between the two clubs, has, after careful de¬liberation, been worded as follows: Resolved that the president's pow¬er of altering tariff rates under the edastic clause of the Fordney McCumber Tariff Bill is economically desired. In the meetings during the last few weeks, many phases of the tariff question have been discussed. The two debating clubs have co¬operated and it is expected that the interest of the members will be maintained throughout the year. Israel Silverstein, one of our two alumni members, paid a flying visit to the school Thursday. Any boy who is interested in ul¬timately becoming a member of the club, will be welcomed at the meet¬ings of the club. —O-H-S— COMMERCIAL CLUB LAYS PLANS FOR BUSINESS PROGRAM At one of the recent meetings of the Commercial Club, plans were made for a business program to be given soon. A well known business man from Ogden will speak to the students, while different phases of banking, etc. will be reported upon by mem¬bers of the club. The club expects to visit mills, stores, banks, etc., so that all the commercial students may see the real practices of business. There will be something "doing" every week and a banquet every month for the Commercial Club. "WATCH THE COMMERCIAL CLUB." HEADQUARTERS for Good School Shoes Shoes of the famous Munson last and the Genuine Gov't Regulation Shoes, are Sold and Guaranteed by the Army & Navy Dept. Store 2303 Washington Ave. LUNCHES SCHOOL SUPPLIES McKAY'S SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS - THEY SUPPORT US |