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Show Page 4 THE O. H. S. TIGER, JANUARY 31, 1923 THE O. H. S. TIGER Published semi-monthly by and for the students of the Ogden High School. Price Ten Cents Per Issue. THE STAFF Leon Keller Editor in Chief Jeanne Chez Associate Ed. Wm. Hutchings 1st Asst. Ed. Virginia Green 2nd Asst. Ed. Louise Zeller Society Editor Alyson Smith Athletic Ed. Theron Jost 1st Asst. Ath. Ed. Norma Hodgson Exchange Ed. Elizabeth Snedden....Ist Asst. Ex. Ed. Philip Ring Reporter Miriam Cain Reporter Tallmadge Boyd Reporter Marcus Child Staff Artist Arlee n Burke Staff Stenographer Ruth Lyon 1st Asst. Steno. Adeline Eels 2nd Asst. Steno. BUSINESS STAFF Milton Kreines Business Mgr. Fred Gentsch 1st Asst. Bus. Mgr. Tom Boyd 2nd Asst. Bus. Mgr. Mac Nab Boyd Circulation Mgr. Earl Murray Mrs. Florence Newcomb Faculty Advisor SCHOOL BACKERS The Ogden high school is badly in need of some real boosters and sup¬porters. By this I do not mean to say that there are none in the school now. There are a few, but what can a few students do in a student body of a thousand? There are plenty of students who will make anyone believe they are the "backbone" of the school, but when the truth is known they are not what they say. Talking is cheap; I everybody knows that. What the I school needs is some backers that ! will work in the interest of the j school, who will support anything that comes up, who will not complain and "crab" about the price of the student body ticket. This is the beginning of a new semester and there will be plenty of chances to redeem yourselves. We have the balance of the basketball season to look forward to, all the spring athletics; track, baseball, etc. We have debates with our rjval schools, a chance for good dances, and a fighting chance for the old Ogden His famous Classicalia. Get into things students! You are "cut¬ting your own throats" by being so unloyal, so pessimistic and so "unpeptomistic." The school paper is almost "under" for the want of support. What is the trouble? If it's the paper, let us know. Remember it's "Your" paper and will be just what you make it!! —O-H-S— FAULTS AND FAULT FINDERS "They be the first that find their own grief but the last that find their own faults" It seems that one can not see his own failings, that it remains to his friends and enemies to bring to light his faults. While a man may not consider himself infallible, he can rarely understand that he has serious defects. He can readily see the faults of others and the wrongs of others, especially where they give him grief, but he can not realize that he, him¬self, is little better than his neigh¬bors. Doubtless the coward con¬demns the coward; the "frauls" lady who always speaks her mind would probably be deeply wounded were she told the truth about herself. The employer who considers that he knows it all is the first to reprimand the same qualities in his employees— and so goeth the world. Were we but able to see ourselves as others see us, many fools would not be, and much suffering to others would be spared. But if it were not for the fools, life would be all cut and dried; and if one did not have faults, he would not be human. —O-H-S— He: "What would you do if I kissed you?" She: "How do I know? You know perfectly well that I haven't read the latest college comics." Cake Eater: "You were talking to Harold yesterday Flapper: "No T wasn't; he merely kissed me. I ;ow him well enough to speak < RING IN THE NEW The first semester is over. Eigh¬teen weeks of study and bluff are behind us; and with a sigh of mingl¬ed constarnation and relief we settle down to finish the school year. But over the tops of our text books we note some changes about the old O. H. S. Much to our delight, for forty-five minutes every day we can roam the halls and be noisy. For one whole period, without fear of penalty we do just as we please. The cafeteria line is appreciably lengthened and the bread line stampede at the store is (if possible) worse than before. Many a freshman fears for his life and his lunch. A number of new faces greet us at every corner and in every class. We wonder where they all come from and finally decide that either Central or Weber is "shedding." Indeed, they are crowding us out. Gazing into the future the eternal question is not solved. When does our new school forthcome? —O-H-S— LOOKS What a change there is in the looks of the students of the Ogden high school in 1911 and the looks of the present student body. If you lOok back through some of the older Classicums you will laugh yourself silly at the pictures of the freshmen and graduates of the schools of those times. The fresh¬men look like people of thirty years and the seniors—oh boy! Today we see the modern student with his neat clothes,' well hept hair, and clean looking face. The change is more noticeable in the girls. Today they all seem to be good looking, fine featured and as the Englishman would say, "Charm¬ing." We wonder why the girls trouble themselves so much about their looks. If the Ogden high school girls continue their efforts for good j looks, the board of education will be compelled to discontinue the mas¬culine teachers in the school. Where has all the good looks come from so suddenly? No doubt Wright's new beauty parlor has had some effect upon the situation. Thus it is evident that with the times come better looks. —O-H-S— BRIEFS FROM THE G. A. A. The third game of the elimination basketball series was played Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The girls are taking a great deal of interest in these games, and each time the auditorium has been filled with en¬thusiastic spectators. Many of the girls' parents attended the last game and expressed their surprise and ap¬proval of the clean, whole-hearted manner in which their daughters played. Mr. Al Warden, the athletic re¬porter for the "Standard-Examiner," is showing a marked interest in the athletic events of the school, especial¬ly among the girls. Sporting activ¬ities are being introduced into the gym, and the girls are accepting them with ready zest. Mr. Warden has photographed the captains of the basketball teams, and a prospective baseball team. These pictures have been shown in the Sunday "Standard- Examiner." The next photograph will be of several dancers whose skill and poise have been partially developed under the careful guidance of Miss Stookey. Plans are now being compiled for the annuual spring pagent which will take place early in May.- All those who witnessed the former pagent will recall the skillful dancing and beautiful scenes that were char¬acteristic of the events. This year the spectacle will be given on the Orpheum stage. With the aid of the beautiful effects produced by the lights, and the magnificent stage set¬tings, the coming pageant promises to be a colorful event, and to be hailed with anticipation. Already the girls are steadily practicing their dances, and the pageant, judging from past feats of this nature, will bring fame and credit to the Ogden high school. For several months the G. A. A. has not had an entertainment, and so plans are being made for an ice skat¬ing party to be given some time soon. Both expert skaters and amateurs alike, are looking forward to the coming day with anticipatior An evening party also is to be given, but a specified date ' is not yet bee:; designated. THE LARGEST SPORTING GOODS STORE IN THE WES1 Everything for Every Sport for Every Season BROWNING BROS. LUNCHES McKAY'S SCHOOL SUPPLIES YOUTH When youth, that inestimable treasure of our life has fluttered away on wings of gold, a great longing, a reign of kings and we cry, "Come back, thou treaure of God's sacred re (out) Come back!" Come back? There is no coming back on the impetuous stream of life. Life is a winding river, sometimes gliding through Elysean gordens and sometimes throuugh the blackest depths of Pluto's realm. It is full of curves, and lingers and returns in pleasant pastorals; and yet, rightly thought upon, never returns at all. Then comes the noon-tide of our life. Just an enticing continuation of sunshine. Neither would it come back to soothe our burning souls; to satisfy our broken hearts. The Stream of Life glides on;— and as the sun lowers upon us, comes the evening, the wonderful beautiful sunset of our life. It leaves a gold- | en memory in its retreating wake! Ah! but for ojne little moment of that entrancing blissfulness! Come back! There is no return and Fate carries us on—an on. A LATIN DITTY Mazola paperika boncilla, Angelus festino vanilla; Eureka wheatena confetti, Becco bon ami spaghetti; Cutex pebcco nabisco, Domino resinol crisco! Postum cliquot macaroni, Steero mazda bologna? Sanitol belvedere lux— Nateo thermo borax!! Bevo staycomb listerine, Cocoa twinplex brilliantinej —Ex. We know; we can see the golden) sinking—sinking—to rest. Is it true, Oh God, that we arc; nearing our life-ling destination? that) the grey-mantled inevitable One i;t before me? Are his outstretched arms to us? yearning to fold us, as* his captives, to him?—With bowei'< head and faltering footsteps we crossi the Great Divide. Involuntarily wt- fly into his arms. Oh God! thosei arms of Death! "See Us First" Watson-Tanner Clothing Co FOR SALE One good flivver with piston rings. Two rear wheels and one front spring. Has no fenders: sets of planks. Burns lots of gas, hard to crank. Carburetor busted halfway through. Engine missing, hits on two. Seven years old, eight in the spring. Has spark plugs and everything. Radiator busted, sure does leak. Differential dry, you can hear it squeak. Twelve spokes missing, front all bent. Tires all blowed out, ain't worth a cent. Got lots of speed, runs like to the deuce. Burns either gas or tobacco juice. Tires all off, been run on rim. Darn good flivver for the shape it's in. —Shaxpur. 'Meet Me Bare-Headed" NORMAN SIMS The Sweet Shop 24th & Jefferson Candy, School Supplies Drugs and Sundries BRAMWELL'S For All SCHOOL SUPPLIES Greatest Assortment — Lowest Prices |