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Show 182 J. DURBIN SURGICAL & DENTAL SUPPLY CO. DENVER SALT LAKE Physicians, Dentists and Hospital Supplies, Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Crutches, Rubber Goods, Batteries, Bed Pans, Syringes, Atomizers, etc. 25 W. 3d SOUTH ST., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH N.O. OGDEN CO. CLOTHIERS TO MEN WHO CARE Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s SHOES 236 25th St. R.L. POLK & CO’S The ELEPHANT BAR AND CLUB ROOMS ELEGANTLY EQUIPPED AND COMMODIOUS 308 25th STREET Where the Elephant Hangs Out J.F. SMITH & CO., Proprietors Elias Edward C, clk, rms 2813 Washington av. Eliopoulos Spiros, shoe shiner, 366 25th, rms 362 24th. ELITE CAFE, Blosser & Foley Proprs, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Fish, Oysters and Game, 2415 Washington av, Both Tels 72. ELITE CLEANING CO (M W Taylor, E T and W R Wil¬son), Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing, Ladies' Work Our Specialty, We Clean Everything, Dve Anything, Works and Office 1879 Washington av, Bell Tel 987-2, Ind 344. (See adv.) Elias Edward C, clk, rms 2813 Washington av. Eliopoulos Spiros, shoe shiner, 366 25th, rms 362 24th. ELITE CAFE, Blosser & Foley Proprs, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Fish, Oysters and Game, 2415 Washington av, Both Tels 72. ELITE CLEANING CO (M W Taylor, E T and W R Wil¬son), Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing, Ladies' Work Our Specialty, We Clean Everything, Dve Anything, Works and Office 1879 Washington av, Bell Tel 987-2, Ind 344. (See adv.) Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing Ladies' Work Our Specialty Best Equipped Dry Cleaning Plant in the State Elite Cleaning Co. CLEANSERS and DYERS WE CLEAN EVERYTHING DYE ANYTHING WORKS: 1879 WASHINGTON AVE. Both Phones ELKS' CLUB (B P O E No 719), C O DeWolf Sec, 2416 Washington av, Bell Tel 780, Ind 23. Jackson & Levedahl Brick and Concrete CONTRACTORS 2411 Washington Ave. Phones 111 183 IDEAL BUILDING BLOCKS, CAPS, SILLS, COPINGS, PIERS, COLUMNS, FOUNDATIONS, FOOTINGS, WALKS AND DRIVES CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO., 2909 Washington Ave. Bell Phone 1312 T.S. Feeney Barlow B. Wilson T.S. Feeney, Mgr. FALSTAFF CAFÉ T.S. FEENEY & CO., Proprietors DINING ROOM FOR LADIES “A little better than good enough” 2425 WASHINGTON AV. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Elliott Bina, emp Shupe-Williams C Co, b 369 Healy av. Elliott Fern, student, b 104 Washington av. Elliott Fred G, stockman, r 1132 21st. Elliott Gladys O, stenog, b 1132 21st. Elliott Gustav A, exp messr, b 2051 Farr's av. Elliott James M, phys, 104 Washington av, rms same. Elliott Leland Z, stockman, b 1132 21st. Elliott Lewis A, emp S P Co, b 2229 Lincoln av. Elliott Victor J, carp S P Co, b 3356 Woodland av. ELLIS ALBERT P, Propr Ellis Grocery Co, 2014 Washing¬ton av, r 2018 same, Bell Tel 697. Ellis Alma L, farmer, r View. Ellis Amanda, b N Ogden. Ellis Bernetta, emp Theurer & Woolley, b N Ogden. Ellis Charles W, carp, r N Ogden. Ellis Charles W jr, student, b N Ogden. Ellis Claude A, farmer, b N Ogden. Ellis Daniel W, pres and mgr D W Ellis Abstract Co, r 547 24th. ELLIS DEX B, Sec-Treas James Coal & Ice Co, r 2221 Grant av. ELLIS D W ABSTRACT CO THE, D W Ellis Pres and Mgr, C V Zinn Sec, Under First Nat Bank. Ellis Frank, chemist Amal Sugar Co, r N Ogden. Ellis Fred W, farmer, r N Ogden. Ellis George W, hlpr S P Co, rms 152 21st. ELLIS GROCERY CO, A P Ellis Propr, Groceries, General Merchandise, Notions, Tin and Granite Ware, etc, 2014 Washington av, Bell Tel 697. Ellis Harry, waiter J E Davenport, b 264 25th. Ellis Howard, clk, b 2018 Washington av. Ellis James F, apiarist, b View. Ellis John, trucker S P Co, rms The Fashion. Ellis John F, chemist Amal Sugar Co, r 450 28th. Ellis John P, contr, 2617 Wall av, r same. Ellis Oliver C, student, b 2617 Wall av. Ellis Parley E, farmer, b N Ogden. Ellis Paul, miller, b 2617 Wall av. Ellis Richard D, clk R M S, b 2526 Adams av. Ellis Thomas A, cook, rms 257 1/2 25th. Watson-Flygare Hardware Co. Builders' Supplies, Granite and Tinware. 2414 Washington Ave. |