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Show 302 Wm. Doyle, Contractor ALL KINDS CEMENT WORK AND CEMENT BRIDGES. FOUNDATIONS AND SIDEWALKS A SPECIALTY. CAMP TEL. Bell 947-8 Red Bell Tel. 532 Ind. Tel. 538 3229 Ogden Ave. DEERE PLOWS HARROWS C.W. & M. CO. DEERE & MANSUR DISC HARROWS R.L. POLK & CO’S KELLY & HERRICK Fire and Accident iNsurance Real Estate and Loans 2500 Washington Ave. BOTH PHONES 76 Kemsley Jesse jr, farmer, b Farr West. Kendall Anna (wid Andrew J), b 870 25th. Kendall Beecher, fireman S P Co, b 3203 Wall av. Kendall C Husten, lab, r 3124 Euclid av. Kendall Edward J, electr Snively & Hendry, rms 2450 Wash¬ington av. Kendall Frank, lab, r 3261 Wall av. Kendall James E, electr, r 870 25th. Kendall Mary (wid Wm), b 3168 Lincoln av. Kendall Timothy, justice, r Uintah. Kenley Blanche M, b 510 2d. Kenley Frederick J, carrier, r Plain City. Kenley Fred W, carrier P O, r 510 2d. Kenley George, b 510 2d. Kenley Kate, student, b 3014 Washington av. Kenley Wm, carp, r 3014 Washington av. Kennedy Angus (Kennedy Coffee House Co), propr Ken¬nedy's Cafe & Bakery, 2454 Washington av, r same. Kennedy Annie (wid Wyatt W), r 203 W 30th. KENNEDY COFFEE HOUSE CO (Angus Kennedy, George Monaghan), 330 25th, Ind Tel 3651-1. Kennedy Daniel, grocer, 258 25th, r 2151 Grant av. KENNEDY ELLIOTT W, Mgr Union Central Life Ins Co, 2468 Washington av, r 2235 Read av. Kennedy John, boilermkr S P Co, r 118 28th. Kennedy Julia (wid Frank), r 171 28th. Kennedy Leota S, tchr, b 2910 Washington av. Kennedy Maurice E, clk S P Co, r 2333 Adams av. THE GLOBE INVESTMENT CO., Inc. We Specialize in FARMS and ORCHARDS 2438 ½ Washington Ave. Bell Tel. 737 IND. Tel. 879 303 IDEAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO. EVERYTHING IN CONCRETE 2909 Washington Ave. Bell Phone 1312 THE Eccles Paint & Glass Co. IND. TEL. 40 323-325 24th Street BELL TEL. 86 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Kennedy Mrs Mayme, saleslady N L Spurgeon M Co, r 2333 Adams av. Kennedy Olin A (Hunter & Kennedy), sec-treas Hunter Investment Co, r 2910 Washington av. Kennedy Rose P (wid Benjamin B), r 2910 Washington av. Kennedy Wm L, brkman S P Co, b 2733 Grant av. Kennedy Wyatt W, died Mar 25, '10, aged 63. KENNEDY'S CAFE & BAKERY, Angus Kennedy Propr, A Good Place to Eat, 2454 Washington av, Bell Tel 185, Ind 424. Kenney, see also Kinney. Kenney James, eng U P R R, r 2614 Monroe av. Kensler Myrtle E, emp Princess Millinery Co, rms 2564 Washington av. Kent Clare I, milliner, b 1029 Capitol av. Kent Edwin A, clk, r 1029 Capitol av. Kent Effie A, clk A T Wood, b 339 E Patterson av. Kent John, waiter Livingston Cafeteria, b 2156 Washington. Kent Nellie G, student, b 1029 Capitol av. Kent Ray H, emp Peery Bros Milling Co, r 2156 Washington. Kent Samuel B, emp G W Lashus & Son, b 1029 Capitol av. Kent Thomas, sausagemkr Ogden Pkg & Prov Co, rms Cot¬tage House. Kent Wm, lab, rms Cottage House. Kenyon Fred L, eng Shupe-Williams C Co, r 2235 Grant av. Kenyon Grace, student, b 121 26th. Kenyon Maggie, r 2235 Grant av. Kenyon Mary, b 2235 Grant av. Kenyon Thomas, truckman S P Co, b 2235 Grant av. Keogh Hannah (wid Thomas), b 2566 Orchard av. Keogh Stephen A, b 2566 Orchard av. Keogh Thomas J, r 2566 Orchard av. Keopp Verna, tchr Quincy School, r 2368 Tyler av. Kern, see also Kearns. Kern Benjamin, tmstr Amal Sugar Co, r 2515 Lincoln av. Kern Grace, rms 2456 Grant av. Kern John, brkman S P Co, b 2515 Lincoln av. Kerr, see also Carr and Karr. Kerr Andrew A, tchr, b rear 2247 Monroe av. Kerr Jane A (wid George M), r rear 2247 Monroe av. When You Think of FURS, Think of ELSEN, The Furrier 423 24th St.-Peery Annex Bell Tel. 737-Y |