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Show 324 WATERPROOF TENTS Ogden Tent Co Modern Tent Builders 421-427 23d St. Bell Tel. 233 RELIABLE GOODS, PRICES RIGHT Ogden Furniture & Carpet CO. 2422 to 2434 Washington Ave R.L. POLK & CO’S SOMEONE MUST BE BEST J.S. LEWIS & CO. Sell DIAMONDS WATCHES and JEWELRY Eye Classes Properly Adjusted at Reasonable Prices J.S. LEWIS & CO. JEWELERS and OPTICIANS 2449 Washington Ave. Ogden, Utah Lewis Mary E (wid Samuel), r 2708 Pacific av. Lewis Oscar, lab, rms Ogden House. Lewis Robert B, r 647 23d. Lewis Ruth M, student, b 647 23d. Lewis School, 28th bet Washington and Adams avs. Lewis Wilber, driver, b 2722 Lincoln av. Lewis Wm, fireman S P Co, b 2106 Washington av. Lewiston Sugar Co, C W Nibley pres, David Eccles v-pres, H H Rolapp sec and treas, 202 Eccles Bldg. Libbey Laforest E, farmer, r 658 Washington av. Liberty Park, bet 21st and 22d and Madison and Monroe. Lichliter Edward, sec Rose Preserving Co, r 2775 Grant av. Lichtenberg, see Lechtenberg. Liechtenstein Axel A, tailor E C Christiansen, rms 1207 Washington av. Lichthart Simon, baker, b 105 33d. Liddell Alexander, lab, r 556 2d. LIENHARDT THEODORE G, Mgr Tabernacle Pharmacy, 2201 Washington av, Bell Tel 475, Ind 490, r 850 23d, Ind Tel 1007. Lifters Harris, wiper D & R G R R. Lifters John, hlpr D & R G R R. Light Floretta, clk Paine & Hurst, b 245 W Patterson av. Light Lillie (wid Wm), smstrs Paine & Hurst, r 245 w Patterson av. Light Wm R, tinner R L Smith, r 2764 Monroe av. J.C. GALE Grading, Excavating and CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Drayage and all kinds of Team Work. 715 28th St., Bell Tel. 1415-X 325 P.A. ISAKSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Buildings Furnished Complete. Estimates Furnished REAR 247-251 TWENTY-SECOND STREET “HOME OF THE OUTFIT” BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, RANGES OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Lightner Charles W, carp, r 274 23d. Lillie Charles W, auditor, rms Broom Hotel. Limburg, see Van Limburg. Lincoln Mrs Alphea C, r 2429 Grant av. Lincoln Dora, emp Superior S Laundry, b 2429 Grant av. Lincoln Ethel, emp Superior S Laundry,b 2429 Grant av. Lincoln Hotel (Mrs Rose Higgins), 330 23d. Lind Carl, student Utah School for the D & B, b same. Lind John G, tchr Weber Academy, b 2538 Monroe av. Lindell Harry L, asst mgr Becraft Auto Co, r rear 300 21st. Linderman Henry, moved to Colorado Springs, Colo. Linderman Otto E, chemist Amal Sugar Co, b 867 2lst. Lindh Solomon O, tailor Peter Anderson T Co, r 2333 Jefferson av. Lindley Priscilla, dom, 437 24th. Lindley Ray, eng, r 2667 Wall av. Lindquist, see also Lundquist. Lindquist Alfred, tailor E C Christiansen, rms 548 23d. Lindquist Bessie, b 2741 Adams av. Lindquist Carl A, bkpr, b 2741 Adams av. LINDQUIST CHARLES J A, Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director, 2620 Washington av, Bell Tel 520, Ind 620, r 2741 Adams av, Ind Tel 3728-A. Lindquist Edward E. emp Smith Bros, r 565 E 17th. Lindquist Myrtle J, student Weber Academy, b 2741 Adams av. Lindsay Boyd, student Weber Academy, b 2621 Madison av. Lindsay Diantha (wid Gilbert), r 463 21st. Lindsay Elite Meat Market (L H Leavitt), 2321 Wash¬ington av. Lindsay Mrs Ethel, stenog Pingree Nat Bank, b 529 17th. Lindsay Land & Live Stock Co, C A Ziemer pres, W J Lindsay v-pres, James Pingree sec and treas, 2484 Washington av, corral rear 348 24th. Lindsay Thomas H, eng S P Co, r 845 26th. Lindsay Walter A, driver, r n s city limits rd 3 e of Washington av. Lindsay Walter J, v-pres Linsay L & L S Co, r 2621 Madi¬son av. Lindsay West W, student, b 2621 Madison av. Closely Connected with Tanners and Pullers both East and West. Bell Phone 781 Ind. Phone 355 O.M. RUNYAN DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax & Furs Always in the Market at top market prices. Reference: Com’l Nat. Bank, Ogden, Utah Office and Warehouse 2263-2269 Wall Ave. |