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Show VOLKER-SCOWCROFT LUMBER COMPANY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 237-245 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET Bell Tel. 347 The Roycroft Store 328 25th St. HIGH CLASS TAILORING—SUITS TO ORDER R.L. POLK & CO’S McFarland Charles, fireman S P Co, b 370 28th. McFarland Charles H, farmer, r W Weber. McFarland Cyril, farmer, b W Weber. McFarland Daniel, farmer, r W Weber. McFarland Earl, farmer, r W Weber. McFarland Edward C, lab, b 319 31st. McFarland Elijah J, stockman, r 3066 Adams av. McFarland Eliza, student, b 660 23d. McFarland Eliza F (wid Wm B). clk W H Wright & Sons Co, b 300 21st. McFarland George G, stockman, r 932 Binford av. McFarland George H, tinner Newman & Stuart, r 460 29th. McFarland Harry, stockman, r 2522 Quincy av. McFarland Horace J, student, b 1576 Washington av. McFarland James, slsmn, r 1576 Washington av. McFarland James B, lab, r s s 12th 1 e of S P tracks. McFarland James R, farmer and justice, r W Weber. McFarland Lawrence, farmer, b W Weber. McFarland Leonard, farmer, b W Weber. McFarland Margaret, student, b W Weber. McFarland Martin R, stockman, r 747 29th. McFarland Olive, b W Weber. McFarland Parley J, r 2942 Pingree av. McFarland Peter, farmer, r W Weber. McFarland Richard, student, b W Weber. McFarland Rose (wid Wm), r 319 31st. McFarland Samuel, hlpr Utah Constr Co, b 319 31st. McFarland Thomas A, student, b W Weber. McFarland Wm A, farmer, r W Weber. McFarlane Horace, student, b 1576 Washington av. McFarlane James jr, slsmn Fred J Kiesel Co, r 1576 Wash¬ington av. McFarlane John, brkman S P Co, b 2540 Lincoln av. McFarlane Joseph C, director Boyle Furn Co, r 2525 Fowler. McFarlane Peter W, emp J C Slade, b 1055 Capitol av. McFee, see McPhie. McGarry Edward W, eng U P R R, rms 118 W 27th. McGaw Daisy A (wid Henry; M M Wykes Co), clk P O. b 1068 23d. McGaw Wm A, cashr S P Co, r 2557 Madison av. GILES ADVERTISING AGENCY GENERAL ADVERTISING AND PUBLICITY AGENTS. EGNRAVERS, DESIGNERS, PRINTERS. Top Floor Boyd Park BLdg, 162 Maint St., Salt Lake City 339 THE ECCLES LUMBER CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 164 24TH ST. HEATON-KIRKENDALL UNDERTAKING CO. 3552 WASHINGTON AVE. BOTH PHONES 150 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. McGill DeWitt C, clk J F Smith &.Co, rms 341 27th. McGinn Floyd G, eng OSL,b 2319 Grant av. McGinnis, see McGuiness and Maginnis. McGovern Thomas F, cond S P Co, b 2358 Quincy av. McGowan, see also McCowan. McGowan Jay L, plstr, 3011 Wall av, r same. McGRATH JOHN, Dairy , 2324 Madison av, r same, Bell Tel 1523. McGraw Frank, steamftr Western F & M Co, b Pacific Hotel. McGregor Aria M, student, b 124 W 29th. McGregor Arthur, student, b 3316 Woodland av. McGREGOR BROS CO (Charles R and Frank D Mc¬Gregor), General Contractors and Cement Block Manu¬facturers, 424 29th, Ind Tel 3800-D. McGregor Charles F, bartndr The Ranch, r 464 28th. McGregor Charles R (McGregor Bros Co), r 424 29th. McGregor Frank D (McGregor Bros Co), r 2916 Adams av. McGregor George L, clk, r 1288 25th. McGregor James S, tmstr, r 2316 Woodland av. McGREGOR JOHN J, Contractor in all Branches of Cement and Concrete Work, Painting, Paperhanging and Decorating, Estimates Furnished, Office and Res 2909 Washington av. (See right side lines.) Ideal Concrete Construction Co. John J. McGregor, Manager CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS CAPS, SILLS, PIERS, ETC. Ornamental Vases, Columns and Copings a Specialty FOUNDATIONS, WALKS, DRIVES, ETC. EVERYTHING IN CEMENT CONCRETE Bell Phone 1312 2909 Washington Ave. McGregor Joseph, tmstr, r 207 W 29th. McGregor Wm D, moved to Des Moines, la. Lamber Paper Co. Paper for this book furnished by this Company Oldest and most Reliable Paper House in the State 380 23rd St. THE PAPER HOUSE Both Tels. 151 |