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Show 364 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bell 1047, P.O. Box 86, OGDEN, UTAH OSCAR GROSHELL 249 SOUTH STATE ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH National Cash Registers from $15 and up R.L. POLK & CO’S Moffett Robert P, eng, b 121 W 27th. Mohlman Orson H, patrol Police Pept, r 365 Adams av Mol Grace, dom, 536 24th. Mol Margaret, dom, 2431 Adams av. Mole Francis G, foreman S P Co, b 2571 Lincoln av. Mole Pearl, emp U S Forest Service, b 2571 Lincoln av Mole Rosina (wid George), r 2571 Lincoln av. Moline John E, farmer, b W Weber. Moline Mrs Mary, r W Weber. Mollami Luigi, lab, r 187 W 21st. Mollerup James, lab Amal Sugar Co, b View. Molof Ben D, clk Morris Levy, r 158 27th. Monagan, see also Moynahan. Monagan Charles E, clk D & R G, r 174 Poplar av. Monaghan George (Kennedv Coffee House Co), r rear 2234 Monroe av. Monaghan James, painter S P Co, b 237 20th. Monaghan Marie E, milliner, rms 2635 Wall av. Monahan Elizabeth (wid Timothv), r 449 26th. Monk, see Munk. Monroe, see also Munro. Monroe Mrs Grace E, clk U S Forest Service, r 2671 Adams. Monroe Stephen F, emp W F & Co Exp, r 2671 Adams av. Monson, see Munson. Montague Frank, fireman U P R R, b 2515 Lincoln av. Montana Block, 156 25th. Montana House, S J Van Ness propr, furn rooms, 160 1/2 25th. Montello Salt Co, Thompson Corn sec, 309 First Nat Bank Bldg. Montgomery Alma, farmer, r N Ogden. Montgomery Celia L, b N Ogden. Montgomery Earl H, emp D & R G, b 102 22d. Montgomery Edith J, b N Ogden. Montgomery Electa A (wid John), r N Ogden. Montgomery Ethel L, b N Ogden. Montgomery Florence A, opr R M Bell Tel Co, b N Ogden. Montgomery Georgina (wid Joseph S), r N Ogden. Montgomery Grace S, opr R M Bell Tel Co, b N Ogden. KELLY & HERRICK Fire and Accident Insurance, Real Estate and Loans. 2500 Washington ave. Both Phones 76 365 Hyrum Belnap Lumber Company All Kinds Building Material. 229 Twenty-Fourth Street COMPLETE CASH AND CREDIT HOME FURNISHERS BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY CARPETS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, RNAGES, GRANITEWARE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Montgomery Hyrum A, slsmn Weatherby Dressed Meat Co, r 600 Lincoln av. Montgomery Hyrum S, farmer, r N Ogden. Montgomery James, r N Ogden. Montgomery James A, farmer, r N Ogden. Montgomery John A, farmer, b N Ogden. Montgomery Joseph A, farmer, r N Ogden. Montgomery Lettie L, student, b N Ogden. Montgomery Mary, b N Ogden. Montgomery Mina (wid Wm), r N Ogden. Montgomery Nathaniel, farmer, r N Ogden. Montgomery Nathaniel R, farmer, r N Ogden. Montgomery Orlen R, student Weber Academy, b N Ogden. Montgomery Robert G, farmer, r N Ogden. Montgomery Tillman M, r 455 Canyon rd. Montgomery Wm A, farmer, r N Ogden. Montgomery Wm A jr, farmer, b N Ogden. Montgomery Wm O, farmer, b N Ogden. Moody Alice F (wid Flavius J), r 928 Capitol av. Moomaw Philip O, lab James Macbeth, r 122 22d. Moon Helen E, student High School, b 2209 Washington. Moon Mabel (wid Herbert), furn rooms, 2209 Washington. Moon Myra M, student High School, b 2209 Washington. Moore Agnes H (wid Goff), r 126 W 28th. Moore Mrs Anna L, tchr Smithsonian Bus Coll, r 258 24th. Moore Charles W, mtrman O R T Co, r 434 3d. Moore Mrs Charlotte, rms Lincoln Hotel. MOORE DAVID M, Propr Moore's Nurseries, 1266 Wash¬ington av, Bell Tel 782, Ind 582, r 420 13th. Moore Earl, carp S P Co, r 2035 Ballantyne av. Moore Edna M, b 420 13th. Moore Erma, student, b 2531 Orchard av. MOORE FELIX T, Chf Clk U S Forest Service, r 2511 Adams av, Bell Tel 1609-X. MOORE FRANK C, County Commr, Court House, r N 5 Ogden, Ind Tel 3738-A. Moore Franklin C, student, b 962 12th. Moore George L, student, b 962 12th. Moore Harriet L, b N Ogden. Moore Henry, farmer, r Riverdale. Standard Bottling Company Mineral and All Kinds of Soda Water, Ginger Ale, Jersey Cremem COME AND SEE US MAKE PURE AND WHOLESOME BEVERAGES BOTH PHONES 2155 MADISON AV |