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Show 366 Wm. Doyle, Contractor ALL KINDS CEMENT WORK AND CEMENT BRIDGES. FOUNDATIONS AND SIDEWALKS A SPECIALTY. CAMP TEL. Bell 847-8 Red Bell Tel. 532 Ind. Tel. 638 3229 Ogden Ave. MOWERS RAKES REAPERS McCORMICK HEADERS BINDER TWINE CONSOLIDATE WAGON & MACHINE CO. R.L. POLK & CO’S Moore Henry A, b 141 N Washington av. Moore Henry D, clk I L Clark & Sons Co, r 141 N Wash¬ington av. Moore Irvin D, mtrman O R T Co, r e s Moore's la 4 n of 12th. Moore Isaac J, lab, r rear 2328 Lincoln av. Moore James L, clk S P Co, r 455 20th. Moore James M, driver, r 261 34th. Moore Jesse L, grocer, 1266 Washington av, r 448 13th. Moore John G, eng, r 2140 Stuart's la. Moore Joseph B, fruit grower, r Moore's la bet 9th and 10th. Moore Joseph S, emp Becker B & M Co, r 2140 Stuart's la. Moore Mrs Julia A, r Wilson's la. Moore Julia E, b N Ogden. Moore Laura, smstrs, b Moore's la bet 9th and 10th. Moore Lawrence T, trav agt John Scowcroft & Sons Co, r 2535 Orchard av. Moore Lester J, farmer, r 962 12th. Moore Lillian E, b 141 N Washington av. Moore Mabel A, student, b N Ogden. Moore Mrs Martha J, b Wilson's la. Moore Mary E, emp U S Forest Service, b 2454 Adams av. Moore Millard F, farmer, r Wilson's la. Moore Montie, milliner, b 2966 Adams av. Moore Nora A, b 141 N Washington av. Moore N Thomas, asst chief Fire Dept, r 2531 Orchard av. Moore Orville A, nigr Superior Steam Laundry, r 121 30th. Moore Robert E, waiter Falstaff Cafe, rms Bennett Blk. Moore Sunnie M, driver Becker B & M Co, r 360 18th. Moore Vincent R, student, b Wilson's la. Moore Wallace, clk, b Moore's la bet 9th and 10th. Moore Walter E, cond S P Co, r 258 24th. Moore Wm B, b Moore's la bet 9th and 10th. MOORE'S NURSERIES, D M Moore Propr, 1266 Wash¬ington av, Bell Tel 782, Ind 582. Moran Contracting Co, M J Moran mgr, gen contrs, 514 First Nat Bank Bldg. Moran Daniel, student, b 165 26th. Moran Ellen M, asst librarian Carnegie Free Library, b 3025 Adams av. THE GLOBE INVESTMENT CO., Inc. We Specialize in FARMS and ORCHARDS 2438 ½ Washington Ave. Bell Tel. 737 Ind. Tel. 879 367 IDEAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO. EVERYTHING IN CONCRETE 2909 Washignton Ave Bell Phone 1312 THE Eccles Paint & Glass Co. IND. TEL. 40 323-325 24th Street BELL TEL. 88 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Moran Harry, boilermkr S P Co, b 2305 Lincoln av. Moran John F, with Moran Contracting Co, b 3025 Adams. Moran Lenore M, drsmkr, b 2726 Madison av. Moran Leonard T, rms 2525 Lincoln av. Moran Martin M, toolmkr O S L, r 2726 Madison av. Moran Mary A, stenog Ogden Furn & C Co, b 3025 Adams. Moran May, student, b 2305 Lincoln av. Moran Michael J, mgr Moran Contracting Co, r 3025 Adams av. Moran Patrick, mach S P Co, r 2305 Lincoln av. Moran Sadie, b 2305 Lincoln av. Moran Wm J, with Moran Contracting Co, b 3025 Adams. Morberger Johanna (wid James B), r 1058 Capitol av. Morby David C, cond O R T Co, r 2232 Moffit av. Morby Thomas J, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, r 852 24th. Mordaunt James, cond U P R R, r 2927 Grant av. Morehart Andrew, fireman S P Co, b Pacific Hotel. Morelli John, bartndr Frazzini Bros, rms 200 25th. Morgan Bert O, clk R M S, b 449 26th. Morgan Harry, rms 2422 Adams av. Morgan John, actor, rms 2474 1/2 Washington av. Morgan John H, switchman, r 2911 Pingree av. Morgan Selina E (wid Wm), r 457 26th. Morgan Sidney, eng U P R R, b 210 23d. Morganegg Ernest, eng Utah Industrial School, r same. Morganegg Lena, dom Utah School for the D and B. Morganson Mons, fireman U P R R, b 2525 Lincoln av. Moritz Thomas, b 2759 Wall av. Morley Joshua, janitor Fred J Kiesel Co, r 32d nr Tyler av. Morley Thomas, fireman, r 3031 Monroe av. MORNING STANDARD THE (Daily), Wm Glasmann Pub, 360 24th, Bell Tel 56-1, Ind 56. Moroeshiga Gusuke, barber, 2465 Grant av, r same. MORRELL JOSEPH R, Physician and Surgeon, 205 First Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 1278, Ind 268, r 2223 Adams av, Bell Tel 1568, Ind 305. Morrell Philip V, bartndr Frazzini Bros, rms 200 25th. Morrin. Martha A (wid Benjamin S), r Riverdale. Morrin Maurice R, hlpr S P Co, b Riverdale. Morris Charles H, brkman S P Co, b 2419 Grant av. When You Think of FURS, Think of ELSEN, The Furrier 423 24th St.-Peery Annex Bell Tel. 737-Y |