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Show 390 J. DURBIN SURGICIAL & DENTAL SUPPLY CO. DENVER SALT LAKE Physicians, Dentists and Hospital Supplies, Surgical Instruments, Truses, Abdominal Supporters, Crotches, Rubber Goods, Batteries, Bed pans, Syringes, Atomizers, etc. 25 w. 3d SOUTH ST., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH N.O. OGDEN CO. Shoes for the Whole Family Nettleton Shoes 236 25th St. R.L. POLK & CO’S OGDEN CITY ICE CO, Samuel Thomas Mgr 24th Bell Tel 1603. Ind 234. Ogden City Military Band, H F Attwooll mgr Citv Hall OGDEN COMMISSION CO, George A Barry Mgr, Whole¬sale Fruits, Produce and Commission, 2238 Washington av, Bell Tel 139, Ind 955. Ogden Dental Club, D N White sec, 2465 Washington av. Ogden Driving Park, see Wasatch Driving Park OGDEN ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO, Lawrence Herdti Mgr. Electrical Supplies, House Wiring, Repairing etc 24th, Both Tels 693. (See adv.) Ogden Electric Supply Co. (Inc.) Wholesale and Retail Contracting Electricians, Wiring and Repairing LET US DO YOUR WORK Chandeliers, Shades, Fans, Motors and Electric Appliances Telephones: 693 332 24th Street Copyright L.A. HERDTI, Mgr. OGDEN, UTAH Ogden Mrs Emily A, r 2446 Madison av. OGDEN EVENiNG STANDARD, See Evening Standard. 360 24th, Bell Tel 56-1, Ind 56. OGDEN FEED CO (W T Astill, J H Shafer), Wholesale and Retail, Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain and Seeds, Poultry Stock and Supplies, Coal and Kindling, 2262 Washington av, Both Tels 509. OGDEN FLORAL CO (Alfred P and Wm F Altman), Wholesale Florists, Greenhouses 770 Canyon rd, Ind ie 193, and rear 1605 Washington av, Ind Tel 710. Ogden Fossil Oil & Land Co, G J Kelly sec, base Reed Hotel Bldg. Jackson & Levedahl Brick and Concrete Contractors 2411 Washington Ave. Phones 111 391 Ideal Concrete Construction Co. Bell Phone 1312 Estimates Furnished 2909 Washington Ave. T.S. Feeney Barlow B. Wilson T.S. Feeney, Mgr. FALSTAFF CAFÉ T.S. FEENEY & CO., Proprietors DINING ROOM FOR LADIES “A little better than good enough” 2425 WASHINGTON AV. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. OGDEN FRUIT GROWERS' ASSN, James M White Mgr, 2562 Washington av, Bell Tel 567, Ind 281; After April 1st Offices at Warehouse, Wall av n w cor 21st, Ind Tel 648, Bell 630. OGDEN FURNITURE & CARPET CO, Job Pingree Pres, Adam Patterson V-Pres, James Pingree Sec and Treas, Hyrum Pingree Mgr, Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, etc. 2422-2434 Washington av, Both Tels 170. (See left top lines.) Ogden Gun Club, A P Bigelow sec and treas, 2414 Wash¬ington av. OGDEN HAT WORKS, S H Browne Co Proprs, 56 Lewis Blk, Bell Tel 595-Y. Ogden High School, 755-781 25th. Ogden House, Wm Lucas propr, furn rooms, 179 25th. Opera House Block, see Orpheum Block. Ogden Institution of Mechano-Therapy, J D Martin mgr, 208 First Nat Bank Bldg. OGDEN JUNK HOUSE, Joseph Kraines Propr, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in All Kinds of Junk, Hides, Pelts, Wool. Furs and Beeswax, 1900-1912 Washington av. OGDEN LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES, J F Ever¬ett & Co Proprs, Equipped for Funeral Work, 2219 Washington av, Bell Tel 876, Ind 500. (See left side lines.) Ogden-Lucin Copper Co, E A Stratford sec, 411 First Nat Bank Bldg. OGDEN MACARONI MFG CO, E De Rocco Pres and Mgr, F Pagano Treas, Mfrs of All Macaroni Products, 1952 Washington av, Ind Tel 336. OGDEN MEAT CO (C H Larned), Fresh and Cured Meats, Poultry, Fish, Oysters and Game, 2323 Washington av, Bell Tel 23, Ind 202. OGDEN MILLING & ELEVATOR CO (Incorporated 1889, Capital $200,000), James Mack Pres, H M Mack Sec and Treas, Proprs Phoenix and Riverdale Flour Mills, Office 2220 Washington av, Both Tels 162. (See front cover and p 2.) OGDEN MORNING EXAMINER, Morning Standard Suc¬cessor, 360 24th. You can do still better at Watson-Tanner Clothing Co. 376 24th Street “Where the Clothes Fit” |