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Show 398 Wm. Doyle, Contractor ALL KINDS CEMENT WORK AND CEMENT BRIDGES. FOUNDATIONS AND SIDEWALKS A SPECIALTY. CAMP TEL. Bell 947-8 Red Bell Tel. 532 Ind. Tel. 538 3229 Ogden Ave. Nichols & Shepard Separators Engines Horse Powers Wind Stackers C.W. & M. CO. OGDEN R.L. POLK & CO’S OLSEN EDWARD A, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crock¬ery and Glassware, 2259 Washington av, Bell Tel 1100, Ind 83, r 552 E 21st, Bell Tel 1588. Olsen Edward A jr, clk E A Olsen, b 552 E 21st. Olsen Edwin C (John J Olsen & Bro), r 2757 Wall av. Olsen Florence C, stenog A G Horn, b 314 2d. Olsen Frances L, bkpr, b rear 244 27th. Olsen James L, moved to Salt Lake City. Olsen Jennie V, tchr Smithsonian Bus Coll, rms 260 24th. Olsen John, rms 2474 1/2 Washington av. Olsen John J (John J Olsen & Bro), r rear 244 27th. Olsen John J & Bro (J J and E C), box mnfrs, 180 W 31st. Olsen Mrs Josephine F,clk Utah Knitting Co, b 561 Canyon rd. Olsen J Albert, tmstr Ogden Paint O & G Co, r 1170 26th. Olsen Laura, b Wilson Wd. Olsen Lucille, student, b rear 244 27th. Olsen Mattie A, clk Golden Rule Merc Co, rms 426 E 22d. Olsen Melva C, b Wilson Wd. Olsen Moroni, student, b 552 21st. Olsen Norman F, student Weber Academy. Olsen Ole, farmer, r Wilson Wd. Olsen Ole A, foreman O R T Co, r 314 2d. Olsen Orson, eng Utah School for the D & B, r 2042 Quincy. Olsen Oscar, hlpr S P Co, rms 408 26th. Olsen Richard, lab Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson Wd. Olsen Rose, waiter People's Rest, b 172 W 28th. Olsen Samuel, buttermkr Jensen Creamery Co, r 821 25th. Olsen Werner, lab Amal Sugar Co, b Wilson Wd. Olson Frank, clk, rms 330 24th. Olson Gustaf, b Slatrville. Olson Hyrum, trav agt, b 947 23d. Olson John, tailor Henry Kissel, rms Woodmansee Blk. Olson Lars, lab, b 200 W 28th. Olson Lorenzo D, clk Hemenway & Moser Co, r 2345 Grant. Olson Oscar, lab Amal Sugar Co, rms 2126 Washington av. Olson Swan, gen foreman S P Co, rms 165 23d. Don’t lend your directory THE GLOBE INVESTMENT CO., Inc. We Specialize in FARMS AND ORCHARDS 2438 ½ Washington Ave. Bell Tel. 737 Ind. Tel. 879 399 Ornamental Columns, Vases, Copings, Etc. IDEAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO. Bell Phone 1312 2909 WASHINGTON AVE. THE Eccles Painty & Glass Co. IND. TEL. 40 323-325 24th Street BELL TEL. 88 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911 OLYMPIA CANDY CO (James Ballas), Fine Confectionery, Fruits and Ice Cream, Mnfrs High Grade Home Made Candies, We Sell Wholesale and Retail, 2313 Washing¬ton av, Ind Tel 854. Omai John, lab, r 203 26th. O'Neill Bessie E, stenog Wasatch Ptg Co, b 2540 Jefferson. O'Neill Block, 423-427 25th. O'Neill Bros (R P and John), saloon, 232-234 25th. O'Neill Ella F, stenog F B Devoto, b 2540 Jefferson av. O'Neill John (O'Neill Bros), r 317 30th. O'NEILL JOHN P, Pres J P O'Neill Constn Co, r 2763 Madison av, Bell Tel 1429, Ind 1164. O'NEILL J P CONSTRUCTION CO, J P O'Neill Pres, D A Smyth V-Pres, A R Heywood Treas, Contractors, Paving, Sewer, Asphaltum, Cement, etc, 423 25th, Bell Tel 621, Ind 908. (See right bottom lines.) J.P. O’Neill Construction Co. CONTRACTORS OF STREET PAVING, SEWERS and WALKS DEALERS IN Stone, Cement an dAsphaltum 423 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, OGDEN, UTAH Bell Tel. 621 Ind. Tel. 908 O’NEILL KATE E, Teacher of the Piano, Studio and Res 262 28th, Ind Tel 181. O’Neill Lulu F (wid John), nurse, 2920 Hudson av, r same. O’Neill Marie, student, b 317 30th. O’Neill Michael, eng, r 262 28th. O’Neill Peter W, pipe ftr S P Co, r 2240 Grant av. O’Neill Richard P (O’Neill Bros), r 2540 Jefferson av. O’Neill Thomas F, farmer, r 34th nr Pacific av. Onello Samuel, grocer, 2245 Washington av, r same. Ono Fukatura, cook, r 2415 Lincoln av. Ono Yasohachi, rest, 164 25th, r same. FURS Remodeled, Re-dyed and Repaired Stored for the Summer Months Elsen, The Furrier 423 24th S.-Peery Annex Bell Tel. 737-Y |