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Show 426 Envelopes and Circulars Addressed Mailing Lists Furnished R.L. POLK & CO. 613-616Dooly Bldg., Salt Lake City J.M. FORRISTALL INSURANCE SURETY BONDS, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND BURGLARY 413-414 First Nat. Bank Bldg. R.L. POLK & CO’S Potter Ezra, farmer, r W Weber. Potter John, farmer, b W Weber. Potter Thomas F, emp John Scowcroft & Sons Co r 663 27th. Potts Dina, b 521 20th. Potts Harry, r 521 20th. Potts Wm, emp John Smeding, r 2367 Harrison av. Poulos Gost, trucker S P Co, b 104 28th. Poulos John, trucker S P Co, b 104 28th. Poulos Peter, trucker S P Co, b 104 28th. Poulsen, see also Paulson and Poulson. Poulsen Andrew P, farmer, r Plain City. Poulsen George O, barber, b Plain City. Poulsen Grover W, driver C F Grout, b 1016 Grant av. Poulsen Hans, farmer, r Plain City. Poulsen Hans P, farmer, r Plain City. Poulsen Isaac E (Poulsen & Edwards), r 2133 Grant av. Poulsen Peter, farmer, r Plain City. Poulsen Peter G, real est, r 1016 Grant av. POULSEN PETER M, Mgr P M Poulsen & Co, r 362 23d, Ind Tel 1040. POULSEN P M & CO, P M Poulsen Mgr, Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 2404 Washington av. Bell Tel 201-Y, Ind 392. Poulsen Thora M, b 1016 Grant av. Poulsen & Edwards (I E Poulsen, R N Edwards), rest. 367 24th. Poulson, see also Pohlzon and Paulson. Poulson Christian, clk, r 271 N Washington av. Poulson Niels, farmer, r e end 2d. Poulson Parley, lab, r 340 2d. Poulson Tracy A, student, b 340 2d. Poulter Mrs Alice S, r 848 22d. PouIter Ella M, milliner, b 2480 Monroe av. Poulter Ephraim, carrier Standard, b 848 22d. Poulter Florence C, tchr, b 2480 Monroe av. Poulter Frances, tchr, b 854 26th. Poulter Frank, clk Standard, r 208 36th. Poulter George, janitor Quincy School, r 854 26th. Poulter George A, r 2556 Gramercy av. For Speed, Safety and Comfort take the OREGON short line R.R. 427 THE ECCLESE LUMBER CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 164 24TH ST. OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET BOTH PHONES 174 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Poulter Ina R, student, b 2480 Monroe av. Poulter Lawrence M, clk Fred J Kiesel Co, b 848 22d. Poulter Lee C, insp S P Co, b 1972 Washington av. Poulter Mattie C, bkpr I L Clark & Sons Co, b 854 26th. Poulter Moroni S, Sanitary Insp, City Hall, r 2480 Monroe. Poulter Thomas, r 840 27th. Poulter Mrs Tillie H, dep City Recorder, b 2620 Jackson av. Poulter Wm I, student, b 2480 Monroe av. Pounders Samuel W, pipeftr. r 2606 Harrison av. Powell Albert W, musical director Board of Education, r n s 12th 1 blk w of Marriott School. , Powell Anna C, tchr Quincy School, b 2460 Madison av. Powell Elsie, student, b s s 12th 5 w of S P tracks. Powell Florence, b s s 12th 5 w of S P tracks. Powell Helen C, tchr Mound Fort School, b 2460 Madison av. Powell Hugh T, brkman S P Co, b 2758 Lincoln av. Powell John D, dairyman, r s s 12th 5 w of S P tracks. Powell John J, farmer, r s s 12th 1 blk w of Marriott School. Powell Margaret, b s s 12th 5 w of S P tracks. Powell Samuel C, student, b 2460 Madison av. Powell Samuel I, foreman, r 2460 Madison av. Powell Sarah A, b s s 12th 5 w of S P tracks. Powell Thomas E, dairyman, r 1/4 mile n Marriott School. Power Albert, cement insp, r 537 Canyon rd. Power Albert E, bkpr, b 537 Canyon rd. Power Benjamin M, trucker S P Co, r 2347 Boulevard av. Power Josephine, student, b 2347 Boulevard av. Power Raymond, b 537 Canyon rd. Power Robert, agt, r 2347 Boulevard av. Power Wm C, b 537 Canyon rd. POWERS HAYMOND J, Physician and Surgeon, 401-405 Eccles Bldg, Bell Tel 726, r 347 27th, Bell Tel 1342-Y. Powers Mrs Jessie E, moved to. Salt Lake City. Powers John H, moved to Salt Lake City, Powers Joseph A, clk H L Griffin Co, r 3062 Ogden av. Powers Patrick, stockman, b 3200 Pacific av. Powers Samuel W, pipeftr S P Co. b Pacific Hotel. Powers Wm J, r 2834 Washington av. Powers Adam L, fireman U P R R, b 189 27th. Prator Peter, fireman U P R R, b 189 27th. J.P. O’Neill Construction Co. DEALERS IN Stone, Cement, Asphaltum, 423 TWENTY-FIFTH ST. Bell Tel. 621 Ind. Tel. 908 |