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Show 476 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bell 1047. P.O. Box 86. OGDEN, UTAH OSCAR GROSHELL 249 SOUTH STATE ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH National Cash Registers from $15 and up R.L. POLK & CO’S Shreeve S Arthur (Shreeve & Madsen), r 2546 Madison av Shreeve Thomas A, grocer, 2546 Madison av, r same. Shreeve & Madsen (S Arthur Shreeve, D Leo Madsen), architects, 405 First Nat Bank Bldg. Shrider Daniel O, foreman, r 3002 Wall av. Shrider John S, student, b 3002 Wall av. Shrider Stanley, student, b 3002 Wall av. Shriver Clodia M, student, b 726 23d. Shufflebarger Frances D, b 614 24th. Shufflebarger James H, r 614 24th. Shugrue Mrs Ellen, r 2039 Washington av. Shugrue Thomas T, b 2039 Washington av. Shumaker Frank C, watchman S P Co, r 2777 Pacific av. Shumway Roy B, mgr Ogden Turf Exch, r 583 31st. Shupe Alexander P, blksmith P R Shupe, b 722 26th. Shupe Andrew C, b 722 26th. Shupe Andrew J, wool buyer, r 1834 Washington av. Shupe A Raymond, lather, r 3208 Washington av. Shupe Brigham, lab, r 1840 Adams av. Shupe Bros (S C and P G), blksmiths, N Ogden. Shupe Catherine, student, b 722 26th. Shupe Clyde, driver Edgar Jones Co, b 722 26th. Shupe David C, trav agt, r N Ogden. Shupe Etta (wid Daniel W), b 2121 Adams av. Shupe Hyrum A, plstr, r 3181 Adams av. Shupe Isaac L, welder S P Co, r N Ogden. Shupe J W, justice, r Eden. Shupe Leona, student, rms 2506 Madison av. Shupe Lottie, emp Ogden Steam Laundry, b N Ogden. Shupe Louisa C (wid James W), b N Ogden. Shupe Myrtle A, b 3181 Adams av. Shupe Parley G (Shupe Bros), r N Ogden. Shupe Peter R, blksmith, 2634 Washington av, r 722 26th. Shupe Royal J, herder, b 1834 Washington av. Shupe Ruby N, b 3181 Adams av. Shupe Sarah L (wid Thomas C), r N Ogden. Shupe Solomon C (Shupe Bros), r N Ogden. Shupe Wm G, blksmith, N Ogden, r same. KELLY & HERRICK Fire and Accident Insurance, Real Estate and Loans. 2500 Washington Ave. Both Phones 76 477 Hyrum Belnap Lumber Company All Kinds Building Material. 229 Twenty-Fourth Street COMPLETE CASH AND CREDIT HOME FURNISHERS BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY CARPETS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, RANGES, GRANITEWARE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. SHUPE-WILLIAMS CANDY CO THE, W H Williams Pres and Treas, Manufacturing Confectioners, Wall av s w cor 26th, Both Tels 225. Shurtliff Almeda (wid Louis C), r 360 18th. Shurtliff Annie, b 285 20th. Shurtliff Charles J, farmer, r Harrisville. Shurtliff Clyde, driver Ed Williams & Son, b 530 31st. Shurtliff Cornelia, b Harrisville. Shurtliff Edmond L, driver, b 530 31st. Shurtliff Elizabeth T (wid Vincent), b 756 25th. SHURTLIFF MRS EMILY M (Shurtliff & Co), r 853 24th, Both Tels 218. Shurtliff Esther C, student, b 285 20th. Shurtliff Ezra N, tmstr, r 455 34th. Shurtliff Haskell H, fireman, r 285 20th. Shurtliff Horace L, clk Wilcox Grocery Co, and justice, r Harrisville. Shurtliff Ida V, b 2569 Quincy av. Shurtliff Jesse H, driver H L Griffin Co, r 525 29th. SHURTLIFF JOHN W, Mgr Shurtliff & Co, r 837 24th, Bell Tel 1293. Shurtliff Kate I, emp Ogden S Laundry, b 455 34th. Shurtliff Laura A, b Harrisville. Shurtliff Lee N, clk P O, b Harrisville. Shurtliff Leon, student, b 360 18th. Shurtliff Lewis C, riveter S P Co, b 530 31st. Shurtliff Lewis H, repr Browning's Garage, r 1 1/2 miles n w of Marriott School. Shurtliff Lewis V, watchman Utah Indus School, r 530 31st. SHURTLIFF LEWIS W (Shurtliff & Co), Postmaster, P O, r 853 24th, Both Tels 218. Shurtliff Luman A, slsmn Lambert Paper Co, b 853 24th. Shurtliff Lydia A (wid Vinson), b 530 31st. Shurtliff Ralph E. b 455 34th. Shurtliff Ray, repr Proudfit S G Co, b 360 18th. Shurtliff Sylvia E, emp Troy Laundry, b 455 34th. Shurtliff Warren W, clk W F & Co Exp, b 360 18th. Shurtliff Wilford E. stenog Glen Bros P Co, b Harrisville. Shurtliff Wilford H, prin Harrisville School, b 285 20th. Shurtliff Wm Z, insp U L & R Co, r 3406 Washington av. Both Phones COMPLETE LINE OF Ind. 913, Bell 965 SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES AND GLASSWARE A Sanitary Straw Dispenser FREE. Ask Us About It. STANDARD BOTTLING COMPANY |