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Show 488 THE TROY WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY S.H. HENDERSHOT, Manager TROY LAUNDRY 2538-2540 WALL AVENUE FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHIERS 2413 WASHIGNTON AVE. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING R.L. POLK AND CO’S SMYTH DENNIS A, Propr European Hotel and Diamond Sample Rooms, 240-242 25th, V-Pres J P O'Neill Constr Co and Inter-Mtn Land & L S Co. r 242 25th Rell TM 784, Ind 744. Smyth Edgar, student, b 242 25th. Smyth Ethel, student, b 451 29th. Smyth Frances M, student, b 451 29th. Smyth Frank W, sec Inter Mtn Land & L S Co, b 242 25th. Smyth James J, electr, r 451 29th. Smyth Mary (wid John T), r 2128 Sherburne av. Smyth Mary, b 242 25th. Smyth Walter D, student, b 242 25th. Snedaker Mrs Clara A, grocer, 507 31st, r 3104 Adams av. Snedaker John F, dentist, r 3104 Adams av. Snedden Arthur R, chf opr Oracle Theatre. Snedden David B, baker, r 2049 Adams av. Sneddon John B, lab, r 2017 Liberty av. Sneed Athen G, cond S P Co, r 5 Wilson's la. Sneed John W, lab, r Plain City. Snell Daniel, lab. r rear 2128 Jefferson av. Snell Daniel A, expman, b rear 2128 Jefferson av. Snell P A, rms 663 25th. Snell Wm, painter S P Co, b 3356 Woodland av. Snider, see also Schneider and Snyder. Snider Mrs Annie, r 963 21st. Snively Curtis C, electr Snively & Hendry, b 165 W 28th. Snively George W (Snively & Hendry), r 2835 Nye av. Snively May A, smstrs S I Burt & Bros, b 165 W 28th. Snively Pearl L, smstrs S J Burt & Bros, b 165 W 28th. SNIVELY & HENDRY (G W Snively, John Hendry), Electrical Wiring and General Repairing:, We Carry a Complete Line of Chandeliers and Glassware, 2450 Washington av, Bell Tel 731. Snodgrass Carl, automobiles, r 2558 Washington av. Snooks Fred C, cond U P R R, r 2019 Washington av. Snow Gordon, reporter, rms 2575 Jefferson av. Snow Lorenzo, student, b N Ogden. Snow Ray, clk Edgar Jones Co, rms Empire Hotel. Snow Willis B. fireman O S L. r 2207 Grant av. James Coal & Ice Co. Up-Town Office 2407 Grant Av. Yard 2236 Wall Av. Bell Tel. 92, INd. Tel. 513 Both Tels. 149 489 GEO. A. WHITMEYER & SON General Contractors and Builders REAR 2759 GRANT AV. Utah Stationery Co. TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLIES WASHINGTON AVE., S.W. COR. 24th ST. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Snowden Cornelius R, dentist, 2512 Washington av, r 1179 30th. Snowden James D, emp Globe Theatre, b 1179 30th. Snyder, see also Schneider and Snider. Snyder Frederick H, stenOg, r 962 Washington av. Snyder Herbert H, clk R M S, r 234 23d. Snyder Herman O, repr S P Co, r 2429 Wall av. Snyder Hugh, lab, rms 2252Washington av. Snyder Julia E (wid Jacob F), b 962 Washington av. Snyder Nellie, waiter A H Downs. Snyder Ura clk J F Smith & Co, rms 22521/2 Washington. Snyder Wm H, clk R M S, rms Arlington Hotel. Sobel John, brklyr, r 635 7th. Soda K, servant, 785 24th. Soderberg Carl J, carp, b 968 7th. Soderberg Frank M, painter, r rear 423 22d. Soderberg Lillian, student Utah School for the D and B. Soderberg Otto T, clk Washington Market, rms 1751 Center av. Soderkamp L Frank, porter Falstaff Cafe. Soderquist Joseph E, b 777 2d. Soffe James C, steamftr Western F & M Co, r rear 2228 Monroe av. Sokurodo S, clnr S L & O Ry. Solomon Frank P, eng U P R R, r 165 26th. Solomon George, lab S P Co. Solomon Simon, clk, b Reed Hotel. Somerville Lawrence E, wire chf R M Bell Tel Co, b rear 2141 Grant av. Somerville Margaret (wid Charles), r rear 2141 Grant av. Somerville Margaret, emp Woody Ptg Co, b rear 2141 Grant av. Somerville Robert I, tester R M Bell Tel Co, b rear 2141 Grant av. Somerville Wm, painter, b rear 2141 Grant av. Sommers, see also Summers. Sommers George, b 657 20th. Sondarvan Albert, b 1897 Park av, Riverside Pk. Sondarvan Antonia, b 1897 Park av, Riverside Pk. Sondarvan Peter, r 1897 Park av. Riverside Pk. OGDEN PLANING MILLS CO. SASH, DOORS, TURNING, STAIR WORK 2160-2170 WASHINGTON AVE. ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK PHONE 666 IND. |