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Show November 1967 l, ms 42 t fe) ee ieid Es i) ; 0.) on SF eokball way, North Summit and Mor- nies Two MORVIINO® ee a 0 Bast oo ie See ; 1 Highland .. .204. 6205 5 3 RTT GN sate ee Se eae 4 4 DIYMpus ie he 2 & to the wire| gan would tie for second in the preps lock region.» ar sea-| Morgan went, against Sigwy |this afternoon’ on the Morgan , field, playing its final ee e of the season, This week’s ‘schedule: ae i Fee a greene aia REGION THREE Division WHlilerest ifs dGvk.74 +oo%0 | _,|mond (Thursday); Ogden at Box | Elder; Bonneville at Roy; We- Mearns. 22.55 5 i hseae oss 7 ; hicion FOUR ber at Sky: View; Malad at Bear =m River (practice). **Orem sss) ety #e% AS nasa rs ee Toe Region Two — Clearti Aye line; Davis at Highland. | Region Three — Cyprus at a) ; Granite at Kearns; S.,\sordan at Tooele; Hillcrest at terfin, | Granger; Murray at Judge Me‘| morial 3 rea ree igh at Provo; at Springville; lpia ) A Six—East Carbon at, otre Dame; San Juan at Moab; nion at Uintah gle} Region Eight—Cedar City at | Dixie; Milford at Parawan; Hur- Y. High eee eee ewe eee es Fork ..... yer eee. + See = _ hk st Bisa eeeeenee 1 Division Two *Paysott WP SU eelsFez: Springville ......... 5 3 anti Fork ieuhviaties: a0 oe be wedges a % Carbon So. eee ; ivision title, **Clinched at least tie for division title. at Beaver. KEY GAMES | The Darts are currently 5-2-1, and if they lose to Highland and West (4-3-1) beats Olympus, Davis and West would then tie for the division title and a playoff jon crown would be necessary. If both schools lose, ‘the title would NOt ee a 8 == be a er See OObw eaeee Cee WO @e0cco sae still go to Davis lost record. Meanwhile, Clearfield, a oom that has a ing down to - is eight st tin ARs _|ricane RON 8. be ahoandx - Four—Lehi at Amer: SO I - rican ; One ne eat Ori opr eevsians 5 1 Judge Memorial 5 3 io EB con a clne semis 4 4 Murray % 2. 1s<be 6,0 2 6 Division Two Granger. .......3.. 7 0 TROOB i OE taewi geo 5 3 CODFUS 28S eS 1 7 | Bingham cy ©......4... i 7, ‘Viewmont; South at Bounti-) ; Olympus at West; East at *Grantsville °. 5 000 | **Wasatch» re Sar eek 871} North Summit ...... 3 990N— hi eoo0- qT ODDb0 nin ©o°c00°0 | pileM@aot 4 ee e far, Skyline _ Logan, Hill. oc est, Granger nee ae Payson as has uarterfinal sna, thule e, Emery, illard and Dixie have landed ' ‘e" sent a Five, Grantsyille s assured itself at least a rea title tie and draws a league § e thisSine Wasatch plays North at Heber City Friday and if the Wasps win; they go. as Second quarterfinalist from the region. How- ever a coin flip would determine whether the Cowboys or Wameg would, be the ‘first wer & 2: |‘tea tea ie ee ‘ TLE 1S ON it beats Wa- eae the Wasps would be eliminated, If Ween beats Dug-) |