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Show 4 ei, 2, it , F f Region 1 Lea Weber High veiled nee un- ‘High set it back with a 64).de- some ih cach , lace in the heated yaseball race Friday ng over Bear River, 3en Lomond fell to Roy High team, 10-7, The Warriors are ig, feat. Bill Little singled across Region One by romp- parte erie: lone run in _the 12-2, while Davis High lost another fo. an upstart breaker, falling to Bountiful 3.9. Dart pitchers Gary Redford now 6-1 in and Ron McCormick” all only three nits in | | league play, Ben Lomond and/the Braves Roy are in the second slot with defeat. 5-2 records, and Bonneville is Kevin Yates had two hits and right behind at 42 Brent Russell a run-scoring dou- STEADY PITCHING ble for the Darts. Weber, behind the steady fiveCurrent hit pitching of Dean Wangsgard, |ings: took Bear River 12-2 Friday in r Tremonton.. Bob Kaisér had algae’ home run’ and ae; single -and One ue teeta mete eee es Randy Chambers bangéd .outicgn 0000004 four singles -for the Wares 30x OI is Salpeter co oigihe Roy ‘battered Ben regen 5 ee ee eat tate 3 63 2 714 e ae 3SASL Ata pitching. for 15 hits. to LQ\Beercmiver v.k eee. ecco ro a 10-7 victory. Ralph Nellestien, |" inescores: git “nites Bis e Kevin ‘Hanson’ and Jim- Voories each had ote ae to” ace: lesen | standt tomond cOy | Region 6 143 A: 5, 200 ..201. 0000 —3 5 2 a tack! i Geden FR STR 204 050 x—-11 12 1 ea ; Fonnesbeck, Baugh and Hall; Larson and - Royal pitcher- reg” Sewns Greenfield, Ayres. went all the way; P scattering Weber = ideas’: 119 412 3-12 14 2 000 1100-2 7 2 nine Ben Lomond hits, and also|Bear Rive hit a triple. Catcher ‘Dave Sned- as Wangsgard don hits. led the* “Scots . with Bonneville ke pt three its hopes “and ‘Hadley; Bonneville alive in the pennant chase by|,,, Robertson’ Jeppeson and ........-. 000 00-0 01 130 35-12 10 1 and Taylor ‘becmcanall oh. ol habe Begay; and Flint. igh Fags: 002 200 2—6:10. 1 lecrfield Bae 100 0-1 2 4 Opoulos and Whitehead; Miller, Wold- bombing Intermountain 12-0 injc a five-inning contest. Pitcher), 7? Ron Taylor pitched -hitless ball and struck out 13 out of 15 bat-/$ky view -..2:---..- ewes fen lee single, Bryan es double: and had 4 triple, and Gladwell. meepected Downs vane ‘toweli; Dokod tend invc fot'ibountitul ee wr out Eyre. 3 Redford, Mefonm isk, and» Ferrin, Call; a single and doubl ‘Lake Cald dH Ogden High ran F record to| 4" 2nd Hawkes, 4-3 with an 11-3 victory over the |Ben Lomond...) O10 120'3-7 9-3 020 Logan Grizzlies Friday. Sopho-, more pitcher Mark Larson scat-| tered five Logan hits, while ia bur Luke stroked a home’ with two aboard. Joe: Lilje Fe quist had a pair of. hits for the victors. Box Elder also ran its record to’ 4-3 with a 42-win over Sky View in Brigham City. Fri-| day. Robin Dokos. allowed: six hits and stuck out 10.for. the»victory, and also ripped.adouble. Stan Petersen bange ‘ Rell for the Bees. | eS RS In Region Two actin Clear-| ‘ield’s hopes for a division title went out the window. as West ehetaat, nd Nay. Suekawa and Sneddon; 4 o>: 4) an a Hoskins Downs SHul4S, SOH ck |