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Show FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1968 THE SUMMER Ben Lomond High ENRICHMENT CLASSES FOLLOWING AREAS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. * Class Drama (H.M.S. Pinafore Music Instrumental Band SCHOOL WILL BE HELD “CADETS IN THE Teacher Mr. Bullock Mr. Mr. Archibald Scott Schwab Archibald) Mr. Freestone registration May Mr. Eggleston Mrs. Trenbeth (See Mr. 1. 2. 4. classes will be held following courses: Teacher Mr. Waters Mr. Smith Mr. Smith Mr. Smith Mr. Allen Mr. Allen Class English World History American Problems American History Algebra I and II Con. Math If any student would like to register for a special credit, please check either enrichment or a make-up counselor. VOICE OF THE food dance sale the and support the benefit of the stu- ould like ee eouptment projects Mrs. McPhie. During} On behalf of the student body, I would like to wish Mrs. McPhie a speedy recovery. Scott Ogden, Editor. Dear PETERSON LARRY PETERSON WINS STERLING SCHOLAR AWARD Each year a special scholarship is awarded to a “Sterling Scholar.” This award is presented to students who have put forth more than the normal amount of time and effort. This year a Ben Lomond student won this award. The two semi-finalists for the Sterling Scholar honors were Elaine Grose in the field of business, and Larry Peterson, general scholarship. The winner was Larry Peterson. Larry, with a 3.79 average, was selected by the teachers to compete for this honor. He had to prepare a portfolio and go to a preliminary judging at Weber College. Final judging was held at the University of Utah. Larry was presented COMPANY Kim Burbank John Butcher Jeff Call sane : 3 ieee =e, UES mes Bigs s Se areas Wen peenS sank Pare epee eee NEED = aea Max Sabin Gary Thorsted David Trowbrodge Steve Turley Gene Wadman Donald Wagner Ed Walker Glenn Watts Steve Wheeler Kelly Wheat Guy Wilson HONOR CADET OF THE YEAR Gary Liptrot OUTSTANDING James OUTSTANDING Ched SOPHOMORE Checketts Need a Graduation ‘Gift? Stuffed Animals Bc to $50.00 ast John Samulski Dist. Co. 2857 Rodger Stephens Joe Taylor Grant Avenue Ogden, Utah See Editor, Ogden Auto Parts & Glass Co. I would like to thank each and every teacher in this great school for all the help they have given me. I feel that if a teacher can take time to prepare lessons and makeup tests to help us get an education, the least we students can do is go to class and take it all in with open ears. Even though my grades don’t show it, I know that I’ve learned a lot this year and I'll remember itfor some time to come. Vickie Bosler 363 22nd St. Buy Your Graduation Suits From And We Will Give You a Cherished Graduation Plaque POSTERS BEN LOMOND HIGH Us SCHOOL Are at The Nik Nak Shak 25th & Wash. Blvd. Looking for GOOD-QUALITY SHOES? @ Famous @ Fast Service @ New Modern @ Superb KARL'S DOWNTOWN—2419 Brand Colors Names This 11% Look SHOES Washington Blvd. NEWGATE—3665 Wall Ave. x 13-inch plaque will have your proper School or College name and your Colored Photograph, Graduation all framed in mahogany. Suits Start at 49.95 BUEHLER - BINGHAM Washington Blvd. at 24th Street the award April 24th on television. SENIOR Hanzelka OUTSTANDING JUNIOR Dennis Holliday Craig Sorensen Paul Stapleton HUBCAPS? SQUAD William Haywood Cliff Johnson Lavar Griffen Curtis Colvin John Colvell James Florez Wayne Shattuck Craig Shupe Keith Smith Steve Carey Randy Chadwick Michael Clifford Todd Cummings Bruce Cunnington In a way I’m sorry to see this year end. It has been one of the most enjoyable years of all my school days. LARRY PLATOON Marvin Johns Tom Sanchez David Peterson Alvin Markley Tom Layton Bruce Teeples Rodney Headricks Lee Thompson Rick Windley Mike Williams Allen Anderson Dennis Andrews Robert Armstrong Pat Barnes : Kevin Bott Dwight Brough class— with a dents was tremendous. I know how much Mrs. McPhie thinks of Ben Lomond and all her stu| dents, and by supporting these | _ ct have shown her| the student body on the way that her time spent here has that they supported the fund not been wasted. raising projects that have been held for Wililams HONOR Students should register in the bookstore for the above classes as soon as possible. The last day of registration will be June 20, from 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon. the Mike MONTH” Michael Scott Jerry Green David Moore Charles LaFleur Mike Lopez John Prigmore David Pomeroy Brent Johnson Frank Montierth David Nutter Doug Maw Richard Manful Gary Liptrot Bill Johns Gary Leatham Gary Little. Scott Naylor Fred Brockmeir Gordon Owen 27, 28, 29. in the THE Moosman HONOR The students in the above classes must (1) be registered; (2) have paid $3.00 registration fee in bookstore. Each class must have a minimum of 15 students per two-hour section. Makeup OF Mike ACHIEVEMENTS Jeff Fleming Mike Gallagos Larry Gallagos Mike Gardner Chris Gerritsen Ricky Gough Ronald Gough Ronald Grose Ken Hamer Manuel Hernandez Edwin Hickman Bob Holt Harold Howell Scott Hubbard Chris Jacques Claus Jeske Dee Johnson Robert Jones Brent Kley Paul Kuykendall Bob Layender Kim Leavitt Kevin Liptrot Monte Matue Douglas MclIlrath Steven McNeil Cory Mjaatvedt Brad Montierth Kerry Moss Peter Moss Kelly Newton Loren Nicklason Scott Ogden Allen Olsen Ted Olsen Steve Olsen Van Palmer Randy Peterson Don Profaizer Larry Rowe Gary Liptrot Eric Troxell Chad Checketts Rick Windley Harold Howell & Stage Craft Vocal (H.M.S. Pinafore) Strings Art *Driver Education Vocational Home Economics Type Separate ROTC June 24 to Aug. 2, 1968 School PAGE 3 HIGHLANDER i |