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Show enemies nounces ‘Fit Si é n st er Hono rl, Results of Ben Lomond Highjand Larry Peterson. School’s honor roll program for} Greg Sanders, Nancy De Wayne Nicholson, Marie Pa- ven Reed, Ruth Robinson, Doug Scoth- Boe Krezel Peters, Alene Reed,| Taggart, Carole Thorsted, Sanan- ern, Rolane Scoville, Gail Smith, ‘ Reed, Betty Saunders, Jim Schultz, Becky Taylor and dra Tracy, Eric Troxwell, Mike William Stewart, Scott Swift, Shauna Whittier. Williams, Nancy Wilson and Seniors who placed on the|Sandra Taylor, Jeanette ThomSohomores who achieved a John Wolthuis. honor roll with a straight “A” . Madelyn Turner, Becky Van straight “A” grade standing ! grade are: 3.6 OR BETTER wen and Connie Wimmer. Karen Bailey, Diane Braeg- - Those membersrs of th junior during - the semester are: |. Seniors who achieved a 3.6 ger, Linda Cassity, Kevin Charl-|class wtih straight “A”the grades Karen Adams, Madelyn Bond, grade or better Deanne Brown, Mike vapener, pas Cottley Randalliarare: Steven Carey, Dave Ellis, Barbara pers, mester are: e, Linda Bench, Charles CarrasKathie Alford, Marsha Alley, Fowers, — Dawson and Christine Felaine Grose, Kathy co, Russell » dJocelyn|ii. Darline Anderson, Cheryl AnHogan, JoAnne Jensen and Jan-|Chow, Camille Cropper M e ca and ~ |, Alvin Gabrielson et Jones. Melody Dias. qn Haywood, Cheryl H . am,William|derson, Janet Anders on, MORE AMES Den-|Blanche Belliston, Kathy Bing. LIST STARTS nis Michael Kearney,/ham, Paul Bryner, Shirley ByElaine Maathius, Ann Manful, Pat Frearson, Deanna ae JoanneJensen, Lundell, Mary Martin, |ington, Margaret Buckmaster, roe -Millspaw, Wesle Mon-|Kathleen Hansen, Lynette Hol-|Janice McAllister and _Mike|Karen Burton, Sandra Carter, tierth, Parry Morgan, andyjlands, Irene King, Mary Lyn|Moosman. David Carlson and Darrell | Moss, _ Sioa Muench, Susan/Lasater and Catherine Lyons. Barbara Naanes, Scott OgMurray, Renenae Myers, Kathy; Blair Marsden, Kyle Mattson, den, Renate Pagel, Lee Ann Checketts Orrell, Jo'Packam, Todd Parker Walt Morrel, Donna McFarland, Connie Fairchild, Alma Fowl-| Parsons, Brent Pelkington, Ste- er, Marsha Frodsha m, Christi | the first semester nounced today. were e: during the se- ‘Briggs, Eileen Brown and Kar- ‘la Butterfield. . Cathy Chadivick, Chad Check-» rial, cs Deanna Green, Sherrie Williams, Susan Williams, Peggy Weaver, Craig Hyer, Candis Ina- Woods and Joyce Woodward. | Jones, Annette KesPLACED ON ROLL | ee i le nne Linford, WASCT) $Hanelka, Shelly HellNadine a Md Linda Lund. : i etts, M. Rich Clifford, ee ‘ Cook, Todd Cummings, Jeanne Durrant, Sune Echeles, Debra $ Franks, Jody Grant and La Var" ler, Trudy Lythgue, Karen Lu- Griffin. ea S oR A cas, Ralph Mattson, Denise Denise Hadley, Roxanne HellMeyer, Keith Montierth, Lorene strom, Kathleen Hill, Debbie. Morris, Shery! Moore and Mi- Horton, Roxane Horspool, Grace _ Hunt, Karen Jensen, Linda Jen- © Junior who placed on the hon- chelle Nielsen. jor roll with a 3.6 grade stand- ‘ ann, Carolyn May ing or b ay, Connie Miller, ; are: Susan Pendleton, Janice Per- sen, a Susan Purdy, Michael son, and kins, phi Dale John- | Dee Johnson. we _ Louise Leicht, Barbara Lloyd, Miller, Rex Mor Doug Mclllrath, Frank Mon-°: al’ is, Gail Odekirk and|Jolene Carr, Kathy Conley, Su- a. Slater, Kay Stalterd: “Ann tierth, Ranae Muir, Loren Nik-. ,..|san Connelly, - Adri Adriana De La Stauffer, Gary Taylor, . Marilyn lason, Olsen, . Sherry nery ye ee Jil) a i , Le re Nn eorumaens Da Parkinson, J..R.|Cruz, Gre ry Paich, Debbie |'Thornock,Craig Thorsted, Rich-| Price, Va € Petersen, Adele|Douglas and Ann Driver. ard Wang: Gayle Weeding Maureen Reimersma,| Ray Etcheverry, Kaly Fadel, |and “es, Barbara Runyen,|Debra Frecker, Kris. ire,; in, Fred Skrepsinski,|Jan Garrard, Larena Hansen,) _ issa Young, *- LIST CONTINUES Hassell, Dennis ver eWart, Irene Tellford Dick Jardine, Peggy 3 *t Taylor, Judy Jolliffe and K Kofoed, Debbie Kess-|Beth Allred, Jan Blanch, Dawn ae eee. Be ali Ses Marcia Somerville, Pat ~2S8e Thurston, Susan! J wad, Jana Whittimore, "Steven - nae eith| Sohal cA fn Sal er, Glenn Wooley. a |