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Show our talent, and yes, our imagination. Even the poorest fisherman can match his “one that got away” with that of an expert. Secondly, fishing affords many men their only opportunity for exercise. As man’s participation in sports dwindles, his thirst for blood increases. The rise and fall of Rome is an excellent example. To prevent this from happening here, man must turn to fishing, for fishing has all the essentials of a remedy. There are few things more invigorating than taking a trip to the hills to go fishing. A calm, serene lake encircled by a ring of weather-beaten trees, the sharp clear air free of all haze, and the smell of fish frying in the pan do wonders for a man’s spirits, Furthermore, fishing gives man an opportunity to develop a skill outside of his profession. He may choose the essence of fishing methods and use merely a pole, line, and hook; or he may choose modern man’s compromise of reel, creel, and boat; but no matter what kind of fishing he chooses, the common features will be enjoyment and satisfaction. Fishing has long been criticized by non-fishermen as an inhuman, unproductive waste of time. It is time that this manly art be given the credit for what it truly is—a protector of man’s mind and body, verily a fountain of youth. It is time that we realize its great power and take advantage of it. Think what the world would be like if, before making all major decisions, world leaders would go fishing; if, before an imminent riot, all trouble-makers should be sent fishing; if, before war, all soldiers were sent fishing. Fishing is a wonderful rejuvenator of the mind given to us by nature, and it is time that we put it to use against our problems. AWARDS UTAH STATE POETRY Scot Hallowell third place Linda THISTLE The sky shouts mushrooms of clouds And sunflower petals POETRY And varnish the earth yellow. Scot 36 CREATIVE Htallowell CONTEST Buckmaster WRITING Greg Sanders first place Krezel second Of light that bloom from the sun Cassity honorable mention Margaret Like a rain-soaked field, FESTIVAL LYRIC TRIBUNE TANKA PAGE Peters place Tom Wertz third place CONTEST |