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Show 7 All-Area aryanes e, com-| . pounder who can throw deep or High’ = deoct with equal ability, and a rag ingredients kid who has exceptional ability s the 1967 Ogden/as a ball carrier. ry AllArea) At the fullback slot is junior |Dick Jardine, 185-pounds _ of | hpion Ben Lo-/ slashing power and speed. Jarslections, led|dine, a top college prospect, ‘S. “ss Davis and|can go outside or inside,can| ce ;. F n the Darts get the pigskin.| 7. ‘At the end Sdettiode are Ben four/throw the option. pass. and can Lomond’s Gene Woods and Oghas do the job at def oe |den’s Tom Nelson. Wo Og en’s J sa team was se-|upon. With another pid all the moves and wasthe prime|of pass receiver for the Scots this ne stan dard-Exami- he could devélop into one of t with a big as-/top prep backs in the nation. jseason. He has good speed and , exceptional hands. Nelson, . a|Davis: High’ s Fred Waaver ‘in ach. - with 1 ih ce football) _. §PEED MERCHANT junior, is big, tough and strong | VERSATILE BOY In the left halfback position is|aand rates as a definite college) Liljenquist, an aggressive for the first time, lean s speed merchant, Paul prospect. yere chosen for the Y; also re ped an ofBiibratise of the Christensen. Christensen, a 145Stan Flinders of Roy and Al- oe bet pounder is a threat to go all the vin Reynolds of Ogden get the|* way each time he carries the nod at tackle, and both boys are a petroting. pigskin. Even with the defense rugged, fierce competitors who IELD STARS a backfield, we! keyed for him this season, Chris- go both ways. speed, power,|tensen exploded for a long TD GUARD POSITIONS ” I passing'run in nearly every game. On the other side at right), In the important guard posimack is Ben Lo-|halfback we fi another speed: tions on offense are Weber’s ae Powell and Mark Ferrin amcer a 180-'demon in the person of Davis of Davis, Powell was a shining cep pur) season, while Ferrin was the suit and plays a fine ee ) is Darts’ “top blocker and one of center on offense. Weaver is cut from the the main reasons those swift mold as Staley, and with th backs found daylight in the sec- two paired side by side, oct ondary, as time after time, Fersiveseable afer d be in for a rin’s key block ’ sprung ‘them Miserable afternoon. loose. The linebacking corps has a Kirk Moore, a big boy at 230 the ten ap you could ask, pounds, was the workhorse in a key Position. In Roy’s a big Bonneville line. Equally |p.for such Ron Kelley, Ogden’s Robert as good on defense as well as and Bonneville’s Dale on offense, opponents found) oo you find fe all. Each’ iC especially tough to han- had _ ws Seen light in a rather dismal Weber ‘ood speed, each is es- | The defensive unit enks sec- sive, "strong and agile. Bin jond. to none in any all-star seDEFENSIVE SECONDARY Jection enon the state’s top ih the first ti four backs gece idefensive Rive Sorenkia is a big, riesel individual, who opponents found upon.— Kent Murdock, or, played linebacker ae in a dismal season, but in ev-| ery game, his talents.and abili-| ties stood out for the Falcons. Ben Lomond’s Art Suekawa |