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Show WEBER presenot COLLEGE% STA TE Rodgers and Hammerstein's | Tr h 2 tsyer vr ie : of SOUND February 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 1966 at 8:00p.n. February ty : Je a yee ey ON a8 So CAST ACT only (in order of appearanc e) ss et SER 4. Scene 6. scene A he ht li afternoon musts 7. Sce Signeh 8.Ib: te A sga The ternid r Scene 13. .¥ 15 Minute Interm ¥ AcT . a Rey Scene 3. ee ée, t he ievioh Il eS .- . lis > fe ; it x ly ite p seaemmcsunt cckte Ist Vio \ lins Cheri lee Beu s Alan Chatelain e Sharon Hales nai Bassoon Rete Bie ene Lynda LCA Ellison mote Pau Slater oe Robert Grindle aed ee x a tea Pee Me be ee i ut rocky} DUANE E. HEDIN ie RONALD STUART eho met Ae Be ee ot derstudy , Lynnette Shaw) eee dee uta eee See TGP A Ay oh Peetee e ae DAUNA STOKES * ACT | PRE LUDIUM, Nun Chorus SOUND OF MUSIC,'s Mar ia Sister 3. MARIA, sec sHY, ) a FAVOR LE s Berthe, Sop hia, EMENBS Sint ae Margaretta, =n Mother Abbess . HARRY DIAVATIS. | rane near : JEAN LAU CHER ae 0. BLAINE ALLEN Be Be) LYNNETTE ROSTELNTS: Goa OS LYWN NEUBERGER, NANCY E. ANDERSsHaw ON, CAR OLY N DOX ee a a a EY, LINDA AWN HILL NUNS' CHORUS... . wan Mae RIC K WILDE cy AND ON, RANAE BELNAP , ILENE COOK, CONNIE L. CROOK,ERSCAR WENDY GRIFFIN, LIN OLYN DOXEY, SANDRA EDWARDS DA ANN HILL, KAT KAREN L. HLE MUSICAL NUMBERS (in order of appearanc e) |. Pam fn Be Nee x 2. ae EN JOHN, JONES, MAX INE K. KAWANISH , JEAN LAUCHE JILL LYWNETTE SHAW, MOORE, LYNN NEUBERGER, CAROL RHE R, ES , JUDIE JUDY SORENSEN, OLE Dp. SIDWELL, LYNDA J. SMITH, VIA TAFIT , MARILY PAMELA VAN BROCKL N TAYL OR, IN, BECKY STEVEN SON, DAUNA STOKES Oboe Clarj A HERR ZELLER ge Dt ee ter WEBER STATE COLLEGE ORCH ESTRA PERSON NEL Loren B, Crawfo rd String Instructo rs: Stanford 1. Mar Barbara Ham tin Brass Instructo mer , Audrey Eg, Bush r. Fay S. Hanson Woodwind Instru ctor: Donald p. Thr elkelg (understudy, 8 LON eR Conductor; if ¥ Pk Mia pea es — « aT ROSANNE W Gee eke eer ye JOHN STOSHA re ee ee KES oe BY DEEANN CORKEY a ee ae e A LISA BURBIDGE ee mee ORG ee Bh ee ae Qicle LEZLEE HAMMOND pe URE eee Pk A MICHAEL C. KENNED (understudy, Larrh Me Te AIRE y oe ge cee at ed IRENE WINGER (un Scene 4. 4. A hecloliv isting er ove kingmon th later roomr , looone | Scenes OT concert hall, three days pa she nate Scene 6. The Scene 7. The gar den of Nonnberg Abbey, —— re . hk a KEN KLEIN SONMIDT, ‘the housekeeper | | | oR R Y SORENSEN aa ee eC Ge7 e | JUD REWETTA FELT (understudy, Lynn Weber ger) Bettie ae nine same idee in the Abbey,day 1A cor ffice of the Mother two oad Abbess, ns laine fet The 'scene. 2. Py med of the Trapp villa, Six ¥ Bi one aiaeh tater the living room, the same eve e Abbey A hes x oo Mother Abbess , three days The lateroffic Dee 12. 1. Pes me - (understudy, NancyKAREN L. JONES E. Anderson) hibits sis.. ii . , gs later that evening the Trapp villa Of Postulants MME MOTHER ABBESS | o f ee hallway in the Trapp vi Scene ve the next OF eae villa, that Trapp villa, that evenin. g Maria's c ote . cene 11. Ky : = NO | eat ice of the Mothe aaraine ® scene sae en i diatnstee near the ie The off Senne z 2:00p.m. a postulant at Non nberg Abbey , - SUE HOPKIN SISTER BERTHE , Mistress of Vovices (understudy, Lynnette Shaw) ee sdes Feb ae. MARILY N TAYLOR (understudy, Pam SISTER MARGARETT Van Brock lin) A, Mistre inin 1938) | it at MARIA RAINER, SYNOPSIS 3 is laid in Austria early tory (The sto 19 Matinee s ee a bac bee | | , |. 7 |