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Show OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Wed. Oct 12 1921 Plans were made at the assembly T&- I for trie grame next Saturday tt § tvas decided that instead of a rally I Friday night, a dance be given by the Athletic association. Friday' and Saturday are also R. O. T. C. days at the Alhambra and all members of the unit are expected to come themselves with, at least two friends. Saturday the O. H. S. plays the fast Tooele High school team, and the second tea.m completes the double-header by plaving either the Davis or the Weber second team. Tomorrow from-11 to 12 o'clock,'the R. O. T. C. will parade down-town. The sponsors will ride on a truck at the front of the procession. The organization will be out in full force asl it is determined to make the prade a success. The purpose of the parade! is to advertise the R. O. T. C. ciays ati the Alhambra, Friday and Saturday! of this week. The picture to be shownl is "Moonlight and Honeysuckle," st&r-g ring Mary Miles Minter. In connec-l tion with the regular show a repre- sentative from the O. H. S., accom- panied by the sponsors and a .squad ofl cadets, will appear on the stage and! make a short speech, A certain perl cent of the proceeds have been guar-! anteed the R. O. T. C. by Manager! Skinner of the Alhambra theatre, and jin return the unit furnishes the ushers, takes part in the show, and helps' in numerous ways. By this plan, tne R. O. T. C. is able to get the necessary funds to carry on, without the help of the school board. The O. H. S. student body organization, is- also promised a certain pec cent if it backs the under-1 taking. At the assembly this morning, -2311-1 wood Guernsey gave a flute solo, ac-J companied by Mr. Iiineheliff's orches-1 tra. Carl McGinley delivered an ex-g temporarieous speech for the purposag of encouraging the sale of studeht body tickets, and to arouse spirit, Thei Athletic association then tooK over the assembly and gave a short and amusing program. George Whipple, "Stubby' Petersen and Assistant Coach Hatch eacn gave short speeches, and praised the Student Body on the spirit shown. Each member of the football team, was then called upon to give a short speech. Each one responded, to the delight of the other players, arid after giving his short "oration," wished! the bad luck onto the next unlttckjji star. Yell practice was held duringS the assembly. Immediately after the assembly, the! first edition of the Ogden High school Tiger, was put oil sale. After the rush! was over, many students were sub- merged in reading matter. Some have! not yet come up for air. One person! was heard to remark that all that was! wrong with the paper was the factl that it did not appear every week, in- stead of every two weeks. The paper surely bids fair to be a success, and! there is not much doubt, but that the! staff, headed by Kenneth Hess, Willi make of it a paper that Ogden High! will be proud of. The third series of tha girls' soccer! games was played Tuesday at 3:30 onl the field at Monroe and Twenty-ninth! Street. Ilia Willis' team, the "Spartans," gained one point over Liucille Mattson's team, the "Royalists." The! "Invincibles, under Blanche McKinstry, won over Elsie Milliners team, thep "Moonshiners," 2-0. The last game waJ won by Winifred Child's "Bluebirds,'fj 2-0, over LaVon Pickett's "Amazons.'fg The next series will be played Friday at 3:30, as follows: "Tommies" veil "Mules," "Ghosts" vs. "Wizards,'l "Shamrocks", ys. "Tigers," "Cubs" vs 'Pirates" vs. "Spartans." M ret Baker recently e shower for Miss Maas, who will be- f Mr. Eugene gyjfccm June 18. y were: |