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Show Now! a ae. | MEALS FAMILY STYLE ON LIMITED DAYLIGHT Pa bd DG Dd ‘NSTEAD of a la carte service in the dining car, x passengers on the Daylight Limited are now offered a fine five-course luncheon or dinner, served table d’hote or ‘‘family style.’’ Thisaffords or milk—at the popular the maximum in good service and food—soup, fish or cold meat and entree with two vegetables, salad, dessert, and tea, coffee “a Breakfast—from to Dinner—5:00 p. m. to time of arrival, p.m.; 2:15 j* 4 bud bey ) 7:45 leaving time, a.m. to 9:30 a. m.; Luncheon—12m. the Moclezlima of athousand years ao! I se eeig | 5 There will be a la carte service price of $1 a meal. Dining car in the dining car for breakfast only. meal hours: A product of the Azlecs and delight of WH Hage @ °¢ p. m. 7:45 For those who wish only light refreshments, such as sandwiches, boiled eggs, baked beans, spaghetti, tamales, fruit, beverages, the All-Day Lunch Car, cafeteria-style service, will be available at all hours of the trip. {The Daylight Limited offers the same alternative service to be found in first class modern hotels—the dining car corresponds to the main dining room and the All-Day Lunch Car to the Tea Room or Coffee Shop. 6a oa BA RG MANUFACTURED BY GEORGE DOD. CARAMEROS €L The PASO, TEXAS SALT LAKE CITY ®€00 Columbian Optical Co., S.. Main -St.. fine new show-window. Sept LI, 2 has a L759 Miss Alta Whipple, with the Riggs Optical Co., Ogden, has returned from a vacation in ‘California. | Dr. R. C. Copeland, inventor of the Copeland streak refractascope, gave a lecture, Aug. 20, at the Hotel | Bigelow, Ogden. WYOMING: GOOD By ENOUGH FOR ME. "The Cowboy Author® They talk of California; They say the climate’s grand. They sing of Old New Hampshire, -Also of “Dixie Land.” aa , I ; te SALT LAKE ee CITY Ce GEO. OO. RELF, -MANAGER 5 bie It’s good a Tee N A HO SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. E ee ees x | EA AL. ‘@) foi me. In Nebraska there’s a cyclone, In Kansas there’s a flood: While down in old Missouri They wade knee deep in mud. In Texas there’s a terror of Submersion by the sea. te yy 174 ELLIs ST., NEAR POWELL enough Ga oe: 5 PE a aA I'll sing of Old Wyoming, UP waa ok They sing of Dear Old Geargia, And Sunny Tennessee. Pp MALPAS LE: : ‘ * In Wyoming we have neither, And it’s good enough for me, The east coast has its hurricanes; The west coast has its fogs The north is full of snow and ice. The south is full of bogs. iG traveled eer Sam’s domain, And some across the sea. But Llive inold Wyoming, - It is good enough for me. Wyoming where the farmer’s crop Was never known to fail. When fruits all miss in other states, We’ve plenty here for sale. But for living in Wyoming Rey SUPER Ati Mae Sunshine, Health There’s and Happiness, Which is good enough for me |