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Show OGDEN STUDENTS COOL HEELS IN CITY BASTILE WE DO HOPE LORD ROBERT CECIL WILL UNDERSTAND POLICE AND FIREMEN END O.H.S. PRANK April 7, 1923 Boys Insist on Attending Party Given By Girls COPS ARE CALLED Then Call Is Sent for Hook and Ladder Company Seventeen boy students of the Ogden High school who last night "peeked in" upon a girl's fancy dress party from the school attic, cooled their heels in the city jail last night until rescued this morn- Ping by their parents. In each case Hthe parents were compelled to de- H posit $25 to insure the appearance of their son in court Monday to answer a charge of disturbing the H peace. . H Each year the girls' association «tagc-ri a farJty dress party where IB {ill eyes except t he feminine are jarred fronj feasting upon the mul- gf ti-e jiored garb. I>oors are locked tind barred against the ma.sculmp. Friday night the boy students apparently* could not stand th» j craving 'of curiosity and they in form. manner entered t he budding,] clliJibed to "the attic abo've the Kali, i where the party was in progress, removed the 'covering o.f an open- l ing in the ceiling and were taking in ail the sights when discovered. BOYS ONLY LAUGH Members of tne school faculty demanded that the boys leave their; point of vantage and come down. But laughter was the. only answer. Threats and tongue-iashings failed to have an effect, it was said, and finally a call was sent for the po- liC 3. Detectives George Wardlaw and L. M. Pack, with Officers Archie Gale and H. H. Butler went to the BChcol and made like demands upon the students. They also were met with refusal. The officers then ascended a lad- in an effort to get into the attic, but the boys placed heavy planks over the entrance and stood upon them. One officer was said to have yelled, "Open up or I'll ehoct," and was answered by a student, who said, "Go to h- and shoot.' FIRE DEPARTMENT CALLED Afwr several futile attempts to obtain entrance or get the boys to surrender the officers sent for the fire1 department truck With a long ladder. They planned to place the jadder on the outside of the building and capture the students by entering the attic from above. The students, apparently impressed with the fact that the officers meant to capture them if! they had to even resort to laddera i and perhaps a stream from a fire hose, finally yelled their willing- k ness to submit to arrest. They were taken to the police station and booked as follows: John Colt, 18. 3145 Washington avenue; Atwell Wolfer, 1 8, 2201 Jefferson avenue Lloyd McLean, 16, 879 Canyon road; Leland McLean, 16, 879 Canyon road; Lamont Hendershot, 19, 887 Twenty-fourth street; Alvin Johnson. 17. 824 Twenty- fourth street; Paul Watson, 18, 307 Fifteenth street; Elmore Smith, 19, 454 Twenty-sixth street; Marcus Childs, 17, 1549 Twenty-fourth street; Frank Swager, Jr., 17, 819 Twenty-fourth; Gilbert Beck, 17, 1506 Twenty-sixth street; Hassett Shuffleba.rger, 18, Virginia hotel; Gerald Corey, 18, 927 Twenty-fifth street; James Bower, 19, 1430 Twenty-third street; Max Corey, 17, 1364 Twenty-fifth street; Varcus M attson, 521 Twenty-third street, end William Allison, 16. Some of the lads were bailed out shortly after midnight, but the majority remained in jail overnight and were released upon bail this morning. They will appear in the city court Monday morning at 10 o'clock. NOTHING OFFENSIVE Investigation disclosed there was nothing Offensive in the conduct oi* the school-, boys. There has always been a tradition in the school 'that •when one class gives an exclusive s party, members of other classes shall try to make things interesting for those at the party. These girls' parties have been .given annually under the supervision ar.d chaperonage of faculty imenibers. Boy students are excluded. This usually makes themH determined to participate in oneH form or another. The boys in the Hi excitement of their adventure, Fri-11 day night somewhat forgot them- selves and went a little too far, in S the opinion of some of the faculty § members. MORE HIGH SCHOOL 'PEEKERS' LET GO April 11, 1923 Two high school boys, Lamont Hendershot and James Bower, appeared in the city court this morning, entered pleas of guilty to trespass for their alleged activities in "peeking in" on a girl's fancy d"es» party last Friday night, and were sentenced to five days in jail with the sentence Buspended. Judge Roberts gave the b6ys a severe lecturing and cautioned them against such activities in the future. Nine other boys were given the same sentence yesterday. Walter Thurston, charged with desertion of his wife, appeared this morning and his preliminary hearing was set. for April 24. He was released upon bond of $300. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS IN COURT! April 9, 1923 Each Pleads Not Guilty and Demands Separate Trial; Dates Set Mothers, sisters, brothers and friends of 10 boy students of thelSH Ogden High school, who were ar- (H rested late Friday night by police H officers after they were alleged to n have climbed to the roof of the mil building and "peeked in" upon a i girl's fancy dress party from which ra male students were barred, jpSS crammed the city courtroom this MP morning to hear the disposition of H&l the cases, C. R. Hollingsworth, local at-B torney, appeared for the lads and demanded separate jury trials in ran each case after the boys had each n entered a plea of not guilty. Judge HH D. R. Roberts set the cases for IBS trial beginning April 2 3 and con-- 9 tinuing each day until all are dis- flH posed of. Seventeen boys were arrested by the police at the school, but seven 9 of them were sent to the juve.iile HBH court for trial owing to their ages, following their arrest. They are to be tried Wednesday. Max Coray, one of the students who ap- pp& peared in the police court this &gg morning, also declared he was un- 39 der 18 years of age and his case 11 was transferred to the juvenile Sal court. «H CHARGE IS TRESPASS. fiH The charge lodged against the 1HIB lads by Assistant City Attorney raH Samuel C. Powell was trespass. It charged the lads with entering up- Mffl[ on the school property without SHI permission. The boys were alleged to have BjHffl crawled to the roof late Friday af- hShH ternoon, so they might witness the girls' party. \ They were seated Kgjgg around a skylight which had been KjjjjMi removed over the school hall 'When I1«8b they were discovered, it was said. jfippB Members of the school faculty de-lgiH manded that they come down, but jiPPijl were met with refusal, it was re- ported. The police were called and thefflsEI lads arasaid to have also ignoredffiaBg demaric of the police to comeB down. They placed heavy planksgffl over the skylight and stood uponM them, barring the police from en- Hj§8l trance, the officers reported. A. ffla crowbar in the hands of the police jjafgl failed to break through the planks. SmbeI LADS SURRENDER. H The officers finally sent for the Wem equipment of the fire department 1 and were preparing to ascend toil the roof from the outside of theK building when the lads surrend- ered. They were taken to the po- lice station where most of thernll remained during Friday night. The Kg juveniles were turned over to the lljja juvenile court while the others were charged with trespass. They each were compelled to deposit ?25 bail. Mr. Hollingsworth this morniig demanded a separate jury trial for jjjili each boy and asked that different juries act in each case. His re-11 quest was granted by Judge Roberts "PEEKERS" LET GO BY JUDGE April 10, 1923 High School Boys Warned I Not To Carry Pranks Too Far ' Seven students of the Ogden High school who yesterday entered picas I of not guilty in the city court to m charges of trespass for their alleged activities in having climbed to the I roof of the school Friday night and I to have "peeked in" upon a girls' fancy dress party, appeared retrain in the court this morning rudl changed their pleas to guilty. Judge D. R. Roberts sentenced I the lads to four days in the cityH jail and then suspended sentence. The lads who appeared todayM were Atwell Wolfer, Marcus Mattson. Gerald Coray, Harold Shufflebarger, Paul Wilson, Elmore Smith, and John Cole. Two other stu 1« 8<<id not appear and their cases ai-.-H set for trial. i§j Marcus Mattson was the spokei-l Bnan for the students when theyW j\vere asked by Assistant City Attorney Samuel Powell to tell tln irB side of the story. He explaint'dH Hthat it was an annual effort for Hboy students to witness the girls'H HafL'air from which they were barr\ d.H He. said the girls did not seem t >H fflcbiect and even made wagers v.lthB Sthc boys that they would not beH able to attend. The student.;, i.-H said, meant no harm, and did >i'i'.lrealize they had done anything se-H rious. pi Sergeant Everett Noble ofpolice department explained theH difficulty they had in getting theHboys to surrender. lf> Mr. Powell recommended len:cn-H 'mlcy on the ground that their aetionsHwere more or less pranks and <\x-B plained that no harm had becnHdone. iv?j Judge Roberts cautioned theH boys not to carry their sports to al point where disturbances were crc-H ated and then imposed the sent-H fences, later suspending the IjBtcrm. .LjJamM WM The cases were set for trim isH "M follows: Atwell Wolfer, April P Marcus Mattson, April 24; James Bower, April 25; Gerald Coray.B April 26; Harold Shuflleharger April 27; Lamont Hendershot.! H April 30; Paul Wilson, May 1; ).'!- M more Smith, May 2; John Cole,! H May 3. Each case will begin on th" dn-. Hset after 10 o'clock in the moni-H ing when the regular court calcu-H iBdar is disposed of. |