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Show FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH CONCOCTING FUN FOR CLASSICALIA High School Students to Offer Unique Entertainment March 19 March 11, 1921 9 Unusual entertainment will be m m store for those who attend the annual H "Classicalia" which will be held at the il Ogden high school March 19, accord- H ing to those who have charge of the n arrangements. "Devil Vamps," six of H the prettiest girls in the school, will jl be featured in one Of six side shows, H which give promise of outshining M headliners on any vaudeville circuit, H according to Ralph Nve, chairman of the committees. THOSE RESPONSIBLE in The entire program will be handled j Wb by the representatives of the Classicum staff of the Ogden High school.! gThe following students of the Classicum staff have been named to assist! i in perfecting the program: Ralph Nye, Betty Hurst, Kate Fenton, Phil Ring, Paul Roest, Marie Willis, Blanche Barton, George Whipple, J Ruth Brown, Herbert McArthur, Vern Mattson, Helen Prout and Ellis Chandler. One of the big features .of the pro-1 gram will be a carnival dance. Masks Will not be permitted. A contest will be conducted to determine' the best dancers, prizes to be awarded the couple winning the honors. TO CROWN QUEEN. Ruth Pingree, who was recently elected by popular vote as the "queen" ok the Classicalia, will be crowned and will have a number of flower girls, who • will assist her in her work on the program- "Anything and everything will be featured on the program," said Miss Carrie Knapp today. "We are making extensive preparations for the coming celebration- HARD AT WORK. "Students of the school are working hard in their efforts to have ev-j cry thing in perfect style when the do*' ings opens and from all indication the "Classicalia of 1921" will be al huge success. An additional feature of the celebration will be the booth conducted by students of the school, entitled, "Round Trip to Hell and Back." A miniature Coney Island and many other features will also be mapped out for the coming celebration during! the present week. _J RUTH PINGREE WINS CONTEST FOR QUEEN Contesting against Miss Sherma Hendershot, Miss Ruth Pingree woil the majority of votes in the Queen's popularity contest held during the! past week at the Ogden High school.1 Final announcements of the contests! were given out last evening when Miss Pingree was given a vote of more than two hundred. At the beginning of the contest, six! girls contested for the honors, includ-l ing the following: Miss Madge Turner, Miss Mayme Wright, Miss Hope Fox, Miss Louise Fisher, Miss Sherma Hendershot and Miss Ruth Pingree. 1 1 Miss Pingree is a member of the Senior class of 1 the Ogden High school! land will rule at the Classicalia to held soon at the school. -«- i Nov. 25th SENIOR Geo. Whipple Falls; Right Wrist Broken I Falling on a slippery surface at > g Washington avenue and Twenty- seventh street at noon today, George Whipple, 62, of 552 Thirtieth street, suffered a broken right wrist. I He was taken to the police station, I 1 where medical aid was given. Mr. Whipple is a community service I - worker for the city. |