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Show STUDENTS WILL WRITE PAGEANT OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Constance Ford, Editor. Helena Case, Ogden high school physical education teach¬er, today announced all girls taking gymnasium training will write pageants to be submitted for use at the school's annual Classicalia fete in the audi¬torium. Ideas taken from the best pag¬eant will be combined with those of Mrs. Case and worked out with all the girls taking gym, who will take part in the pres¬entation. The Classicalia will be given in the early spring.—Kathryn Ellsworth. The contest between the jun¬iors and the seniors for the sale of student body tickets came to an end with the juniors winning by one half of one per-cent. The seniors will have a party for the juniors in the near future.—Virginia Fotis. Professor Thomas Giles of the University of Utah will speak be¬fore the Fine Arts guild Wednes¬day, immediately following school, in the visual education room. Ogden high school expresses deep sympathy at the death of Mrs. Ella Widdison wife of Mr. R. E. Widdison history teacher. School will be dismissed at one o'clock Tuesday so teachers and students may attend the funeral which will be held at Hooper. HIGH SCHOOL BAND ELECTS Mack Cook Named Captain Of R. O. T. C. Music Organization OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Constance Ford, Editor. The Ogden High school R. O. T. C. band today announced Mack Cook has been designated captain. He will be assisted by First Lieu¬tenants George Oxam and Richard Murdock. Paul Cowley and John Neal were named second lieuten- j ants; Eugene Brough and Keith Hawkins, master sergeants; Des¬mond Norton, first sergeant; Frank Limburg, Don Prout, and Sherman Davidson, staff sergeants; Dick Thomas, Glen Stamas, Richard Haywood, Billy Barker and Don West, sergeants. Cook has three times won first honors in trombone in state con- THANKSGIVING DANCE The next school dance, a com¬bination of the football and the Thanksgiving dance, will be held November 24. The place has not been decided.—Stomo Ochi. SCHOLARSHIPS OPEN Pomona college announces twen¬ty-two freshman scholarships on the basis of open competitive ex¬aminations. The following scholar¬ships are available for candidates for admission to the freshman class in the academic year 1938-1939, half of the stipend being available for the first semester and half for the second.—Barbara Reeve. HIGH SCHOOL BATTALION TO BE INSPECTED First Official Scrutiny of Year Will Take Place Friday OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Constance Ford, Editor, The initial inspection of the Ogden Hish school R. O. T. C. battalion this school year will be held Friday. The general in¬spection will consist of march¬ing, rifle drill and parading of platoons. The inspection will be held under direction of Carl Yarring- ton, cadet lieutenant colonel, and the R. O. T. C. staff offi¬cers.—George Jensen CAMERA FANS MEET Members of the Ogden High school Camera Clickers club at¬tended a meeting as guests of the Ogden Camera club in the visual education room Monday evening. Motion picture films taken in Australia, Mexico and through¬out Utah were shown. The prize winning motion picture film of Utah for the year 1937 was also shown. Riley Hess, Ogden pho¬tographer, leCt a round table dis¬cussion as the concluding event. —George Jensen. GUILD BEGINS WORK The Writers guild has started the task of bringing the Ogden High school history up to date. W. R. Thornley, advisor of the guild, stated: "The membership drive is still on. Those interest¬ed should contact one of the members or me". Members of the guild are: June Spong, Ruth Myers, Stomo Ochi, Louise De Witt, Marian Mikkelson, Delia Marriott, Ida Rose Langford, Earl Jenkens, Don Purkey.—Margaret Hock¬ing. BEST SCRAPBOOKS Winning scrapbooks from the gym classes are: Second pericT: Dorothy Wessler, Mildred Trask, Beth Han¬sen, Elaine Williamson, Eiko Tsukamoto, Joyce Hansen, Melva. Harris, Marion Sims, Mar¬garet Kanelo, Wanda Christian- son, and Margorie Jacobson. Fourth period: Margaret Jorgenson, Darlene Reynolds, Kath¬ryn Ellsworth, Vera Miller, Gloria Cooney, Betty Calvert, Ruth Packer, Muriel Shelmn, Alice Roberts and Phyllis Brophy. Sixth period: Edna Kunz, Beth Caul, Salina Cascio, Lorene Stephens, Florence Brinton, Melba Hales, Joan Gabey, Alva Lambson, Margery Andelin, Ro- sella Larkin, Betty Smalley, Dorothy Lichfield, Josephine Palmer and Helen Brown. —Kathryn Ellsworth. COMMITTEE NAMED At an Art Guild meeting Mon¬day a committee of Marion Lund chairman, Marjory Andelin, Clara May Patterson and Clar¬ence Byrne was chosen to be in charge of the program at the next meeting. — Kathryn Ells¬worth The Sport-ettes club of O. H. S. will hold a meeting Wednesday noon in room 103.—Gordon Cole ASSEMBLY WILL HAVE THEME OF THANKSGIVING School Prepares Program For Wednesday Morn¬ing Event OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Constance Ford, Editor. Jennie Bekker, chairman of the Ogden High school assembly committee, today announced the program for the Thanksgiving assembly Wednesday at eight- forty o'clock. The Rev. John Edward Carver will be the speaker. There will be a story by Joyce Gregory from Miss Mary Woolley's dramatic department and com¬munity singing under direction of Glenn L. Hanson, with Grant Hinchcliff as soloist. Mack and Joy Cook will play a horn duet. Darrell Anderson and Grant Hinchcliff will sing a duet. — Gordon Cole. FOOTBALL DANCE Tomorrow night is the big football dance of the year, to honor our championship team. Jennie Bekker, vice president of the school, urges, "We have made so many arrangements for this dance, if everyone will come out and support us, it will be a big success." Ray Stewart, president, prom- 1 ises a novel intermission. "An autographed football will be awarded to a guest. Both the gyms will be used, and a special 1 platform is being built for the best orchestra in the city. Let's see everyone there."—Jeanne Johnson. GUILD OFFICERS Reed Anderson, president oi the Stagecraft guild, today an¬nounced the other officers. They are: Glenn Jensen, vice presi¬dent; Jim Summers, secretary, and Pete Mandlin, treasurer. Ernest Wangsgard is advisor.— Gordon Cole. Because the noon period has been shortened there will be no noon dances or other programs. —Jeanne Johnson. Seniors who have not had their pictures taken should report to Mr. Robbins Wednesday morn¬ing before school. The proofs of the pictures taken last week are in room 118. All proofs must be returned promptly.—Jeanne Johnson. j Keith Wilcox, John Daniels, Earl Tanner and Reed Corey have been made members of Forum, the boys' debating club. —Virginia Fotis. There is to be a selection of senior class rings on display in , the near future.—Virginia Tate. The Girls' Association is spon¬soring a matinee movie to be held Wednesday after school. The admission is five cents. Pro¬ceeds will be used by the as¬sociation.—Kathryn Ellsworth Prof. Thomas Giles of the University of Utah will, review an opera at the meeting of the Fine Arts club Wednesday. In his discussion he will use sound equipment.—Gordon Cole. GLASSES WILL WIDEN EFFORTS IN FIELDOF ART Complete Preliminary Tasks In Ogden High School Studies OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL, NOTES Constance Ford, Editor. "Ogden High school art classes are all together now and I plan to start immediately with the phases in which the students are interested," states Le Conte Stewart, instructor. The classes have completed color wheels, masks, and charts. The subjects, such as costume design, modern advertising, creative design, and commercial poster work, will be started up¬on soon.—Jeanne Johnson. CAMERA CLUB BEGUN The Camera Clickers club formed a, constitution at a meet¬ing Tuesday evening under di¬rection of W. W. Taggart. The constitution was explained by the temporary chairman, Lee Saunders. "The object of the newly formed club is to create ef¬ficiency and skill in the art of photograph," said Saunders. A board of directors consisting of five members will be chosen to govern the standards of the or¬ganization.—George Jensen. Students of the auto me¬chanics department have been studying theory and have now started on their shop work. — Florence Cashmore. NEWS PLACES OPEN Positions are open on the news notes staff for one senior boy and two juniors. Students inter¬ested may see W. R. Thornley j or Constance Ford, editor. Mar¬garet Hocking, Florence Cash- more, George Jensen, Stomo Ochi have been made members of the O. H. S. news notes. — Editor. A contest is being held in the band and orchestra for place¬ment of chairs. Constance Ford, concert mistress of the orches¬tra, is the only member of either organization who has her place. The placement consists of solos, sight-reading, scales, and trans¬posing.—Margaret Hocking. SCRAPBOOK VENTURE Today in each gym class every girl was to bring a scrap- book. Helena Case explained, "I think this is a good way for the girls to become better ac¬quainted with each other. The girls can tell what each other likes by what they find in the scrapbooks. Poems, pictures, and school clippings are some of the things found. Books of the Dionne quintuplets are the ideals of some of the girls." — Margaret Hocking. O. H. S. football dance is to¬night at nine o'clock at the school gym. All football boys will be admitted on their stu- dentbody cards.—Arnold Roe. |