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Show B.Y.U. SPONSORS TYPING CONTEST O. H. S. Girls Prepare For Annual Oratorical Meet In March OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor Fourteenth annual intermoun-: tain commercial typing contest j will be held April 15 at Brigham ; Young University. Last year! more than 70 high schools enter- \ ed the contest, said A. F. Farnsworth, typing instructor. — | George Jensen. TO AWARD MEDALS An annual oratorical contest, open to all Ogden high school girls is being sponsored by the Daughters of the American Rev¬olution. Subject of orations must be patriotic and not longer than seven minutes. The contest will be held in J March at the Utah Power and Light company. Medals will be awarded on Honor day.—Kathryn Ellsworth. 1 Jack Peterson, second lieuten¬ant of Company A, presened an illustrated lecture on "First Aid on the Front Line" to companies A and B.—George Jensen. PRACTICE PAGEANT Under direction of Mrs. Helena Case, physical education director, girls' gym classes to¬day began practicing dances for the spring Classicalia pageant. Weldon Taggart, Classicalia committee chairman, is judging pageants which were submitted j by girls' gym classes. Kathryn Ellsworth. | At an art guild meeting Mon¬day afternoon work on clay plaques was started by mem¬bers. Next art guild meeting will be January 31. The music guild will meet Thursday January 20 at three- twenty p.m. in the Choral room- The Chemistry club meets Thursday at three-twenty in i room 202. ! The Ogden high school pep j club has initiated Annette Nicholas. 'MOUNTY' TALKS TO STUDENTS O. H. S. A Capella Choir To Sing At Morgan January 24 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor "Business men want young men who don't drink or gam¬ble," stated Major G. H. Schoof, j mounted constable of British ' Columbia, in an address before : the O. H. S. assembly today. The colonel told of his life travels and experiences and showed his various war trophies. —Somo Ochi. MEETING TAKES PLACE TONIGHT Musical Numbers Will Be Presented and Election Conducted OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor Officers will be elected tonight at a Parent-Teacher association meeting in Ogden high school. I The following program will be i offered: Cornet trio, Paul Cawley, Don Prout, Desmond Nor¬ton; violin trio, Rex Firth, Constance Ford, Florence Cashmore; saxaphone duet, Richard Murdock and Jay Cook; trombone solo, Mack Cook, accom¬panied by Joy Berry. — Stomo Ochi OLD CLOTHES WEEK Old clothing is to be worn dur¬ing the week of Feb. 18, it was declared in council Tuesday. All cadets should have their uni- j forms cleaned and pressed dur¬ing the week for the Cadet hop, it was stated. — Stomo Ochi "Interschool basketball con¬test will start immediately after the Golden Gloves tournament," Glen G. Eye stated today. Con- ! tests in baseball, tennis, field and track, ping pong, boxing and wrestling will be held. The pur¬pose is to arouse students to ac¬tivities in school. Members of school teams cannot compete in these contests. — Stomo Ochi MOVIE SSHOWN All typing classes were shown a moving picture in the visual education room Tuesday. Ways to cut down on excess motion and correct position for body and table during the process of' typing were explained. Sewing and zoology classes were shown two movies Tues¬day, one of which told the story of cotton and the other the hab¬its of birds. — Margaret Hock¬ing. Tests on mental hygiene and first aid will be given to R. O. T. C. cadets early next week. Questions on close order drill will also be given. — George Jensen. All students living less than two and a half miles from school by way of Monroe boule¬vard will not have any more free transportation. Raymond Poulter was an¬nounced as advisor for the Writ- | ers' guild today. The O. H. S. a cappella choir will present a recital Monday, Jan. 24, in the Morgan high school auditorium. — George Jensen. Practice work began today in girls' gymnasium classes for the grand march to be given during intermission at the Accolade Friday at the White City. —Gor¬don Cole. The next meeting of the Og¬den high school Fine Arts so¬ciety will be held Wednesday evening at eight o'clock in the visual education room of the high school. MUSIC DIVISION WILL PRESENT OPERA MAR. 18 Attractive Melodies Will Be Heard, Declares Director OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor The music department of Og¬den high school will present the opera, "The Beggar Student" by Earl Millocher, March 18 in the school auditorium. States Glenn L. Hanson, j music director, in charge of J production, "This is the type of j opera that everyone enjoys. Audiences go away humming the melodies."—Kathryn Ells¬worth. GIRLS ACCEPTED The girls who have qualified and been accepted by Sportettes are: Geneva Auguire, Betty Blackington, Florence Cashmore, Helen Crosbie, Lorraine Ekstrom, Donna Jenkins, Phyl¬lis Maddock, Margaret O'Neil, Joyce Poulter, June Spong, and Joyce Wilson. All students are requested to keep their pockets "filled with tokens" as they will be charged on everything sold at Ogden high.—Kathryn Ellsworth. In the business principles class, a "Professor Quiz" was given. The quiz consisted of mathematical problems, and simple social questions. Dan Bailey conducted the quiz. A. M. Merrill, principal, attended as guest of the class.—George Jensen. PEACE SPEAKER Dr. E. Guy Talbott a peace speaker, will address the gener¬al teachers meeting Wednesday. Friday morning at assembly he will also talk. He is from San Francisco. i j This Wednesday at eight-fifteen p.m. P.T.A. meeting will be held. Speakers are Ed Smith and Mrs. Cleone Rich Eccles. Mrs. Mary Goodell is a new j custodian, commencing today.' Ernest Wangsgard, teacher of ; physics was back to school to day.—Margaret Hocking. POETRY READER George Stevens will read poetry written by Ogden high school students tonight on "Tig¬er Flashes". He will be accom¬panied by Joy Berry at the piano. "Tiger Flashes" is on KLO at five-fifteen every Mon-day.—Gordon Cole, Joe Cook, magician from Brigham City, will be guest ar¬tist.—Kathryn Ellsworth. At the recent faculty meet¬ing, members of the Ogden city school board laid down rulings against students performing in extra-curricular activities with¬out the use of activity cards. "More interest will be taken by the students in regard to out¬side activities because of this decision," said Principal A. M. Merrill. NELLIE C. NEAL ELECTED HEAD OF P.T. A. UNIT Social Efficiency Should Be Foremost, Speaker Declares OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor Mrs. Nellie C. Neal was elect- j ed president of the Ogden high school Parent-Teacher associa¬tion at a meeting Wednesday night in the school hall. Pauline Waterfall and A. M. Merrill were made vice presidents, and Miss Helen Ford, secretary. A musical program under the di¬rection of Glenn L. Hanson was presented. Dan Bailey present- •ed "Professor Quiz." Refresh¬ments were served. "The world is demanding so¬cial efficiency rather than grades," Ed Smith stated. "The I world wants to know whether you have personality; whether you are a leader or a follower." Mrs. Cleone Eccles, speaking on the social side of school life, said in regard to corsages, "I think the ones who can afford it should be considerate enough to abide by the decsion of the ma¬jority."—Stomi Ochi. Winners of the recent D. A. R. contest in the high school are: Jennie Bekker, first; Beth Clark, first alternate; Joyce Poulter, second alternate. The winners of all high schools will go to Salt Lake City on the first of March and the winner of the | state contest will go to Washing¬ton D. C. with all expenses paid later in March, to compete with j girls from all other states. — < Gordon Cole. FOR SCHOOL OPERA Music for the school's opera, "Beggar Student" by Carl Mil¬locher will arrive this week. The opera, laid in Cracow, Po¬land, in 1704, is the story of a young Polish girl, who falls in love with a beggar student dis¬guised as a nobleman.—Kathryn Ellsworth. Stomo Ochi was elected editor of the proposed Writers' Guild bulletin Tuesday. He also be¬came a member of the Drama¬tics Guild.—Gordon Cole. A new method of decorating will be initiated at the R.O.T.C. Cadet hop, Feb. 18, it was an¬nounced today. "Machine guns, mounted can¬nons, and hand grenades, will be a part of the decorating scheme," said Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Carl Yarrington. "This is the first time in the history of Ogden high's military dance that such effects will have been pro¬duced." |