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Show CLASSES FILL FOOD BASKETS AS YULE GIFTS Each Advisory Unit Lend¬ing Help to Children's Aid Society OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor. Each advisory class at Ogden High school is filling a basket with food for a Christmas din¬ner. Some baskets not only have Christmas "fixings" but also canned vegetables, fruit or milk. Many baskets have roasts of meat, but others a turkey. Ev¬ery class knows the number and often the age of the children, but never the name of the fam¬ily. Mrs. Ada Griswold of the Children's Aid society is in charge of these baskets.—Mar¬garet Hocking. SOLOIST CHOSEN Aileen Reynolds has been chos¬en as the soprano soloist to sing ! at the Christmas musicale at j Ogden High, Dec. 16. She will I sing "Beneath a Southern Sky" written by Gladys Rich, an Og¬den girl and daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ezra C. Rich. Miss Rey¬nolds will be accompanied by the school orchestra.—Florence Cashmore. SEATS ASSIGNED It has been decided by coun¬cil that from now on in all as¬semblies in the auditorium, the seniors will sit in the middle sec¬tion. The juniors will sit in the two sections on either side of the middle section. It was announced that the doors will be closed and locked when the assemblies are called to order. Also, that the Pep club will be given the first two rows of the side sections at the assemblies. There will be a Christmas tree in the main hall during the com¬ing week. The students are asked to bring decorations to the council member of their class by the end of this week.—Ar¬nold Roe. HONORS AWARDED As a reward for winning a company inspection conducted Dec. 3 by staff officers, Com-1 pany C of the R. O. T. C. will be the first company this year to wear block O's on their coat sleeves. Thursday, Dec. 9, will be a big day for the cadets; since it is on that day that the exhibition company is chosen to drill at the annual cadet hop. From the eight platoons, the one drilling the best will be taken over by Sergeant Halloway and will be under his special instruction in the gymnasium throughout the winter months.—First Lieuten¬ant Whitney. P.T.A. Meeting will be held tonight at eight-fifteen in the music room. The juniors and seniors will have a contest and the class with the least parents at the meeting may treat the j class that has the most. FALSE SCHOOL STANDARD SET, CHARGES DIXON Tells Parents All Trained Cannot Find White- Collar Work OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor. Utah schools are setting a false standard in training chil¬dren for white collar jobs, Pres¬ident H. A. Dixon of Weber col¬lege told a Parent-Teachers meeting at the Ogden high school Wednesday. "Of 39 per cent of Utah stu¬dents preparing for professions, only eight per cent can enter them," Dixon said. ELECTION SET Glen G. Eye, vice principal of the school, was the other speak¬er, Constance Ford played a vio¬lin solo, and Mrs. Eye sang a vocal solo. Three educational - films were shown. New officers of the high school parent-teachers organization will be elected January 19, President Stanley Robbins an¬nounced.—Stomo Ochi. Eight books named "Behave Yourself" have been sent to th« high school library from the su-perintendent's office. Several copies are on the library read¬ing desk. At least a dozen copies of the Readers Digest will be placed on the reading desk soon.—Virginia Fotis. Miss Fern Marquart will speak tonight on what she saw in the orient at the Carnegie public library at eight p.m. —Stomo Ochi. Marian Rubin has been ap¬pointed staff typist for the News Notes by student council. BLIND SCHOOL Melba Martin, a student of the ' business principles class, ex-! plained the purpose of the state school for the deaf and blind in a room discussion Wednesday. Braille reading books were shown.—George Jensen. The Art Guild is making the stage decorations to be used in the Christmas musicale December 15.—Kathryn Ellsworth. A matinee motion picture was held Wednesday sponsored by the Girl's association.—Kathryn Ellsworth. At an election of officers of the Spanish class, constitutions pertaining to clubs were discuss¬ed. TO GET MOVIES Moving picture films and speakers will be secured for the future Spanish programs, it was announced. Officers elected are: presi¬dent, Eugene Brunetti; vice president, Harold Driver; secre¬tary, Vivien Stromberg.—George Jensen. HIGH SCHOOL'S YULE MUSICALE TO BE DEC. 16TH Eighth Annual Event to Be Heard In Auditorium; Program Announced OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor The Ogden high school music department will present its eighth annual Christmas musi¬cale in the school auditorium the evening of Dec. 16. Director Glenn L. Hanson an- i nounces the following program: I "Voix Celestes," Gilbert A. Alcock, by the a cappella choir; "Break .Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light" from "The Christmas Orations," Bach, by the a cappella choir; "Beneath A Southern Sky," Gladys Rich, j by Ailein Reynolds, soprano j soloist, accompanied by the school orchestra; "Kamenois Ostro," (Cloister Scene) Rubenstein, by the school orchestra. The school quartet, Hendrina Evertson, Joyce Wilson, Mack Cook, and Eugene Brough, will sing a group of Christmas carols: "Joy to the World," "O Little Town of Bethlehem." Bride of the King," F. Melvins Christiansen, by a cappella Choir; "A Christmas Choralogue," W. Bo. Olds, by Soloist Florence Cashmore and narra¬tor Ross Ekins; words from the scripture—Episode I: the An¬nunciation, Episode II: the Vi¬sion of the Shepherds, Episode III: the Visit of the Magi, a capella choir. This program will be free to the public.—Gordon Cole. SEXES SEPARATED "Girls will sit on the north and the boys will sit on the south side of the gym," Glen G. Eye, vice principal, decreed in as¬sembly today. "The purpose, he said, "is to determine who is responsible for littering up the gym during the noon recess."— Stomo Ochi. The pep assembly today was opened with the song, "We are With You Boys," a short skit advertising the Holly Hop, December 17, was presented. The remainder of the assembly was, devoted to pep yells and the learning of new school songs.— Kathryn Ellsworth. GIRLS MEETING The joint meeting of the Utah State Deans' Association and the Utah State Girls' As-sociation will be held in Salt Lake City at the Lion house Sat¬urday, December 11. At eleven o'clock a session will be held for girls. Zelta Ballinger, dean of wo¬men, Margaret Smith, president of the girls association; and Joyce Poulter will attend from Ogden high school.—Margaret Hocking. MUSICALE TO BE TONlGHT Ogden High School Audi¬torium Scene of Program At Eight O'Clock OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor The Ogden high school music department will present its Christmas musicale tonight at eight-fifteen in the school audi¬torium. On the program will be solos, quartets, the high school symphony orchestra and a cap¬pella choir. The performance is free and the public is invited. Experiments concerning a chemical picture show were made recently by Chem-Bits in Ed Smith's room.. Many inter¬esting facts were established. Persons desiring to learn more about chemistry are welcome to attend future Chem-Bits meet¬ings. NO BRIGHTER T. O. Snith in faculty meeting gave a review on "We're Getting No Brighter" by Dr. Hutchins. The article was in the Saturday Evening Post. Dr. Hutchins' the¬sis was that teachers are cod¬dling the students too much and not teaching them to think. Smith explained, "Educators are doing a splendid piece of work, however, in that they are successfully arranging school work to meet ever changing con¬ditions.—Margaret Hocking. Visitors Wednesday were Miss Virginia Loveland, former girls' association president, who has been attending Los Angeles jun¬ior college and Miss Mary Fister, former vice-president of the student body, who has been at¬tending Mills College. The Lyceum, a traveling pro¬gram today announced a new program for the next year as follows: Science on Parade, Dr. Arthur L. Sillet, Foxwell and company, magicians; Astound¬ing Facts of Radium; Arthur Santell, America's strongest man; Original Swiss yodel; Studes brothers. Dates were not given. Student body tickets will be good for these perform¬ances.—Stomo Ochi. STUDY R. O. T. C. The following boys were going to Salt Lake City today to visit West high school's R. O. T. C. unit: Carl Yarrington, Jack Peterson, Don McClanahan, Sherman French, Sherman Smith, Ray Pierson and Alan Bader. Tryouts for the debating team will be held the last week in January. The subject will be "Resolved: That the states should adopt a unicameral legis¬lative system."—Blair Burton |